View Full Version : [As a bisexual].....How Do You Date?

Mar 29, 2007, 11:18 PM
I have yet to be with a woman...[too damn shy]. Yet i know how to date a man... You two meet and chit-chat for a few minutes, ex-change numbers and get together for the first date. You date the guy for at least a good three months before deciding to make it official...right?

Well I do!!!

Now as a woman i know this goes the same way correct?! How do you date as a bisexual woman/man?


Mar 29, 2007, 11:26 PM
i was very shy too when i 1st started dating women. i met all of my dates through craigslist and i've had only good experiences. i have met lots of women through it and have had 3 girlfriends. my trick is to talk to people for quite a long time before meeting them and by that time, the people who are crazy or not serious give up. :flag4:

Mar 29, 2007, 11:35 PM
That is an interesting question and I guess that the answer would depend on what kind of same-sex relationship that you are looking for.

For the most part, I guess it would be just like dating someone of the opposite sex for the type of relationship that you are looking for.

Just treat both genders the same and everything should work out.

In my case, my same-sex relationships have been good friends with benefits, for the most part. I have had my share of "booty call" friends of both genders, but mostly, it has been a "hetero style" relationship with women and a "friends with benefits" relationship with men. Most of that has been due to my situation at the time (military prior to the Don't ask, Don't tell era).

Since getting out, It has been different, but really, when you are close friends with someone and have a good sexual relationship with them as well, isn't that just like, or at least similar to, being in a relationship with them?
Really. not to sound cliche' but my wife really is my best friend and I love sex with her, but she also knows that since men turn me on as well, then we include that into our sex life. She seems to enjoy the fringe benefits. :three: :bigrin:

Mar 30, 2007, 6:46 AM
If interested my body language tells I am available.. if on the prowl, the prey's body language does.. if the language is all wrong..its time for plan B. To tease the body language from the negative to the positive... dead easy with most guys, less so with most women, but then the challenge is soooo much more worth it! And the resulting pash so much more!

Lisa (va)
Mar 30, 2007, 1:04 PM
A lot would depend on how you feel about what others may think, but basically there is little difference in dating a woman as opposed to dating a man: admittedly as a woman you are more likely to be approached by more men than women. There may be places you can frequent that might be a little more bi / gay friendly, so it helps to be put in such an environment if you are wishing for a same sex relationship.

When dating you pretty much do all the same things, you go out to eat, go dancing, movies; although women are more likely to shop together :).

Think about it in the terms of dating the person, not a man or woman.


hugs n kisses

Mar 30, 2007, 6:44 PM
I agree with the other writers - there is no magic secret to initiating that special contact with another woman.
Its the same rules, the same "games" as with dating anyone.

The only so-called hitch is determining if the woman you'd like to date is agreeable. But believe me, women do get to know each other amazingly well in a very short time.
And very few women are offended if when you ask about a date if its not in their persona. Most take it asa compliment.

But really, just make friends and behave as you have always done.