View Full Version : Anyone else beginning to feel uncomfortable here?

Mar 29, 2007, 10:01 AM
when i first joined this site and posted and ad (yes its refered to here as an ad!)
with pics, i did so because this seemed like a friendly site.

I am now reconsidering that assessment.

It seems i am lame because i'm a swinger. I'm untruthful and self gratifying because i shared an erotic incident from my past. I'm undesirable because I'm older and not thin. I'm confused about my sexual identity because i'm not "out". I'm a war monger because i'm a proud american and i support our troops. And i'm shallow because i posted a penis pic ....
Frankly i'm surprised that i wasn't called a menace to the public safety because i have owned rottweilers and pitbulls...

I for one am not interested in your work uniform, your new hairstyle, or whether you like cream or milk in your morning coffee.... I came here looking for bisexual sex, ( thats why i posted an "AD" ) and if you don't like that fact, or the fact that i put up a pic of my cock, then i'd suggest that you go to one of the many online "G" rated bisexual support groups or forums.

I'm bisexual and i like pictures of cocks, pussies, tits, asses, and people having sex... if you don't then go elsewhere.... because as long as the place where i posted my pics is still called an "AD" (which means that i am looking for something, in this case sex) I will post the kind of pics that i would want to see myself.

At least they are honest pics of me, and not a collection of avitars, or pictures of other people that i have gotten of the internet.

In past posts i have tried to not cause any trouble, but since some of you will not extend to me the same considerations, then my response to you is... GO SUCK A WET ROPE!!

If you want to judge people, or is someway belittle them, then to you this must be as much fun as shooting fish in a barrel.... God knows there are plenty of unsuspecting targets here.

But beware.... i for one am tired of your cheap shots and from now on I'll fight back!! If it gets me banned, so be it....

Oh and just for the record, I am a proud gun owner, member of the NRA, avid hunter, member of the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, a conservationist, an environmentalist, a patriot, and a liberal Republican....

In other words, a prefect target for a lot of you here....

To quote one of my favorite movies "Hey Johnny Ringo, I'll be your huckelberry."

Mar 29, 2007, 10:47 AM
While I do agree with some of the things you say, This is a friendly site, and along with that, there will be all the posts about non-sexual subjects, just like most people, do not always talk sexual with their friends. Just because sex is in the title, doesn't mean it has to be all about how its done, where it goes, is it shaved. Just about any form I ever filled out asked me for my sex, I didn't tell them my favorite positions or if I took it in the ass or not, or how much I would charge, I simply put female and went about the rest of my business.

People tend to take things too personally these days, Not just here but all over. When the internet is involved, its only as personal as you make it out to be.

Some one will always be offended. There will always be people who make judgements, but don't like to recieve any, there will always be assholes and bitches. There will always be the shy ones, the quite ones, the gay ones, the straight ones. This site is world wide, Everything here and there and inbetween will exist here. A melting pot of a sexual community. It should be embraced, nurtured and contributed to.

Words are just words, and only as powerful as people make them to be. PC (politically correctness) to the extreme will not make things better, due to the fact one will have to surpress their ideas and mindset as to tiptoe around those few who will be offended. Some people say the things that they do, because thats their filter, their way of processing a matter. Not to offend.

Ya take the good, ya take the bad, ya take em both and there ya have, the facts of life.

Mar 29, 2007, 10:51 AM
Personally, I joined this site for the forums more than anything else. Despite the recent spate of trolling [eg; in the infamous 'fat women' thread] I still view it as one of the best forums/communities on the internet. As for the whole 'looking for sex' thing, I don;'t know how useful this site is for that [as I tend to use a different dating/social/cruising website for that sort of thing].

Some of your points are quite interesting, especially the one about cock/pussy/breasts/sex pictures on profiles. I have to agree with you there. Yeah, I mean we're all adults here and I have no problem with people posting pics of their genitals/breasts/ or of themselves having sex - Personally, I wouldn;t put that sort of pic on my profile but I don't see what the problem is with other people posting nude/sex pics.

I mean this whole community is based around sex,relationships and sexualities so its not surprising or shocking that there are nude/sex pics here. I mean, it is kind of hypocritical when some people talk about sex in frank terms on various threads but still object to photos in people's profiles lol.

As for your other points, I guess you've got to remeber that this is just like any other community. People will have all sorts of differnent views and its up to you to decide who you take seriously and who you don't.

It seems i am lame because i'm a swinger

I think I can guess which thread you're referring to here and there was a hell of a lot of trolling/flaming in that thread. The person who started it was, how shall I put it.... very opinionated. Just remeber that there were a lot of people in that thread who stood up for swinging and argued against any claims about it being 'lame'.

As for the 'war monger' comment, that does sound a bit harsh. I mean, there is a huge diffence between supporting the troops and actually supporting the war itself. I mean, I support the troops but generally oppose the war that they were sent into.

Stay around on the forums and you'll find that they can actually be quite a friendly and interesting place.

Just my :2cents:

Izzfan :flag3:

Mar 29, 2007, 11:37 AM
There are going to be as many different views and opinions expressed on this web site as there in th world at large. The last I checked, "tolerant," "non-juegemental," "open-minded," and "accepting" were not included in the dictionary entry for "bisexual."

We're all human here, and we all have our own views. It took me a while to grow a thivker skin, but I did. That helps considerably. That, and the "Ignore User" and "Add User to Your Ignore List" buttons....

As the old bumper-sticker says, "I used to get disgusted; now I'm just amused."

Mar 29, 2007, 11:56 AM
I came here when I was confused about my sexually cause I saw a lot of posts asking the same kind of questions and liked the reponses they got.

Now I have made a lot of friends on here.

My posts are just like how I am in real life, I DON'T talk sexually every single day to anyone. You would have to know me VERY well to know my more sexually side cause Im a shy and quiet person in real life.
Sure I make flirty comments but thats as far as I feel comfortable going online.

You made references to several of my posts, where in the rules did it say I have to only talk about sex?? No where.

This forum is not just for sex talk, its for other chatter as well and people looking for help or advice. Its meant to be fun.
If this was a sex only site then I wouldn't be here unless seeking advice.

I think a lot of people post posts that has to do with everyday life (Work, Homelife, whats going on....etc) cause thats how we talk in real life.


Mar 29, 2007, 12:01 PM
Wow! I don't know who you've been talking to but it certainly wasn't me.

As for not caring about shirts or hairstyles, it's kind of like the TV. If you don't like what's on, change the channel. Or, in this case, simply ignore the posts that you find superfluous.

Personally, I *like* the hair and shirt type posts. I get bored talking about deep bisexual issues all the time. As for looking for bi sex, the chat rooms are a great place for that. Just be sure to be polite in your inquiry :)

This is my home. It's been a refuge for me from the very beginning. Where people on another site told me I wasn't Bi because I hadn't slept with a woman, these people accepted me for who I am.

It just stuns me when you say you haven't been welcomed and accepted for who you are. Now I'll admit that recently we've had a couple Trolls, but that's no reason to give up on the entire site. Would you throw away an entire bag of apples just because there were one or two bad ones in the batch would you?

BTW, after looking at your pics, I just wanted to add, 'You are HOT!'

Mar 29, 2007, 12:05 PM
I get bored talking about deep bisexual issues all the time.

Years ago a friend once told me, "Well, Bob Dylan is great and all that, but nobody wants to have to worry about saving the world all the time."

Kind of put it in perspective for me.

Mar 29, 2007, 12:12 PM
I would like to add that I FEEL VERY VERY COMFORTABLE HERE :)

If you don't like my non-sex posts then don't read them :)

I have actually made a lot of friends and close friends on here.

And like Herbwoman says, bordom happens, its nice to read something different for a change.

Mar 29, 2007, 12:15 PM
I came here when I was confused about my sexually cause I saw a lot of posts asking the same kind of questions and liked the reponses they got.

Now I have made a lot of friends on here.

My posts are just like how I am in real life, I DON'T talk sexually every single day to anyone. You would have to know me VERY well to know my more sexually side cause Im a shy and quiet person in real life.
Sure I make flirty comments but thats as far as I feel comfortable going online.

You made references to several of my posts, where in the rules did it say I have to only talk about sex?? No where.

This forum is not just for sex talk, its for other chatter as well and people looking for help or advice. Its meant to be fun.
If this was a sex only site then I wouldn't be here unless seeking advice.

I think a lot of people post posts that has to do with everyday life (Work, Homelife, whats going on....etc) cause thats how we talk in real life.


I just want to say way to go Tasha, you said it before i did.

As for the threads on the forum, if you do not want to talk or read about a misfitting Uniform then dont read the thread it is that easy. There are several that I just dont want to know about so i dont read them. And if the conversation gets to odd when i am in the chat room i just leave, Why because that is what the close button is for.

That is my 2 cents


Mar 29, 2007, 12:19 PM
I think a lot of the negative things you've seen are the result of the trolling problem we've had here of late. But that's been pretty much taken care of for now. As to the fluff, yeah, there's sometimes a lot of it, but we're a diverse group and topics tend to run the spectrum.
I think we have a good group of people here. I kinda stay under the radar myself, but try and read the forums at least once a day. The support here is exceptional. Sure, like in any family, you're gonna have the idiots and the loud mouths, but we ARE family, in more way than one.

I hope you stick around and get to know the folks here better. Buy the way, that ring pic in your profile...niiceee. :tong:

Mar 29, 2007, 12:34 PM
I would hate to see you go. I agree with all the posts. Diversity is what makes the world go round. I don't agree with all your positions, but if you like thihs site and want to stay you have the right to be who you are and I'll support your right to express your opinion.

I also think being uncomfortable is not necessarily a bad thing. As Americans we think we have the right and the need to be comfortable all the time. Being uncomfortable allows us to grow, to develop, to change, to become better people.

AND I have to say, I really liked your pics in your profile. Too bad Colorado and CT are so far apart.


Mar 29, 2007, 1:20 PM
Never let someone else opinion influence the way to think. I don't agree with you politics... so what.. if there were no opposing opinions this would be a boring world. I have two sons that served in Iraq, I don't believe in the politics that got them there, but I suppost them in every way. They are patriots of the highest order.

if you want to post photos.. post them.. if I don't like them I won't look. My opinion of you doesn't count... Yours does..

Keep the faith

Lisa (va)
Mar 29, 2007, 1:37 PM
First let me say welcome to the site. I'm sorry you feel uncomfortable with the folks around here, but overall there are many more good people than not visiting here.

As far as I know only the one (banned) person said swingers were lame, said derogartory things about becomeong older or being overweight. And as mentioned earlier many folks took offense to her saying that. My husband is older and not thin, therefore not all folks share her opinion.

I'm not one to check profiles as I (personally) think a person is more than their appearance, but that is just me. At the same time I understand that this community is a very diverse group of people, some may prefer one type of picture while others prefer a different type: if we all were the same and thought alike there would not be a need for sites like this, no one would have any problems with anyone since we'd all be the same.

When I check out the forum section, it's only my decision as to whether or not to read or make a reply to them. I differ in your opinion that all posts should or must be of a sexual nature as I firmly believe that being bisexual is more a way o thinking than the physical act of being with a man or a woman.
Being a member here for quite some time I have found that folks are more than just a collection of their body parts, they are all individuals, and if you give them a chance I'm sure you will find that out for yourself. If all you are interested in is sex then so be it, there are those here for that one purpose only and I will support anybodies decision / opinion as long as it does not infringe upon others.

As far as being 'out', some folks are and some folks aren't for their own personal reasons, reasons which I or anyone has to understand as it is your life. Myself in am not 'out' in the sense that I banter for 'bi pride' but merely open in that I do not deny it when asked.

Once again let me say welcome to a very diverse community.


hugs n kisses

Mar 29, 2007, 1:45 PM
No. I love this site and its diversity of opinion I love as much as anything. I dont mind being citicised however badly for I can take care of myself and love a good old fashioned row. We are a group of people who have opinions..we should share them, argue, laugh and cry with each other. Some people I know cant take it and I am sad for that, but we must never stop being a group with opinions views and values we hold dear and must be allowed to express them. As long as it is done with reason, compassion and care, no one should be offended. I know there will always be someone who takes offence at something we write, and at times I can be as much irked as anyone. But I would not wish that freedom of expression to change or be more restricted than it already is. I can fight my corner and will when the occasion arises, and like anone else will get a little stroppy on occasion for doing so. But thats real life!

Mar 29, 2007, 2:21 PM
Something that all of you need to remember this site belongs to Drew and he could shut it down anytime he wanted!!! alot of you complain about each other or something that needs to be changed well thats when you need to speak up here in the FORUMS but don't start alot of drama over it.

everybody is free to post what they want when they want so if you don't like it then don't look at it cause thats where the drama starts and if it offends then send an email to Drew about it and he will decide what to do.

Mar 29, 2007, 3:05 PM
Taz, he's perfectly welcome to post his opinions and feelings here. *I* do it on a regular basis and I encourage others to do the same.

*I* have not seen anyone bashing him, but that doesn't mean it didn't happen.

I'm sorry that there's been such misunderstandings and hurt feelings. It saddens me when that happens. If I, personally, was harsh in any way, I apologize. It was not my intention to exacerbate the situation, only soothe jangled nerves and offer some advice.

The issue here is that we can't always get the gist of what someone is saying because these are words on a screen. Words are only about 7% of communication. The rest is tone and body language. So sometimes communication breaks down even when we're trying our best to be kind and gentle. We just have to do our best to be tolerant and accepting of differences and differing points of view.

Mar 29, 2007, 3:33 PM
Good Lord...you folks must have a lot of time on your hands to respond to this stuff. Most things people say don't require a response. I wont post again by this one amused me to no end.

Ever watched the movie Casablanca? Remember the scene where Rick tells Louise that there was gambling in his bar? Louise says 'Shocking! Simply shocking"!

Picture of cocks and tits on a sex site?


Mar 29, 2007, 4:07 PM
[QUOTE=Herbwoman39]Taz, he's perfectly welcome to post his opinions and feelings here. *I* do it on a regular basis and I encourage others to do the same.

I agree everyone can post their opinions and if you though I said they couldn't then your wrong or some how misunderstood my last post we all should speak up about things. I'm only here to try and help people plus understand the bisexual comunity in whole. We have seen before when somebody had a post about all the pics that they didn't like and I don't know if they every understood from all the replies but we are all free to post what we want their is only one person who says what we can't post in profiles cause thats information about each of us so honestly who cares if somebody has pics of nothing but their genitles.

Mar 29, 2007, 4:20 PM
I agree everyone can post their opinions and if you though I said they couldn't then your wrong or some how misunderstood my last post we all should speak up about things. I'm only here to try and help people plus understand the bisexual comunity in whole.

We're sailing in the same boat hon. I just want to help out, too. I didn't mean for my post to yours to sound like you meant that people shouldn't post their opinions. Quite the contrary. I meant that we are all free to have an opinion and share it here. Basically I was reiterating your point. I do that and repeat myself far more often than you might imagine :)

No Harm. No Foul :)

Mar 29, 2007, 4:37 PM
OMG...will everyone please relax??? Talk about over reactions and knee jerk responses!!!

No one is saying anyone is wrong in this thread...and if you don't like what is being said...and if it upsets you endlessly...then don't read it!!! And certainly, if you are too sensitive to have someone not agree with you, then don't bother to post. We are all wearing our feelings on our sleeves these days! Isn't it time we move past the jumbled emotions brought on by our trolls and reunite as a group??? Isn't it time we remember what we are here for and not look to get in the almighty last word???

Don't let the workings of a few trolls continue to fragment us...let's end it here...let's agree to disagree...it's a normal way to be and no one has to be right!!! That's what makes us all so unique!!


Mar 29, 2007, 5:33 PM
There are many things, viewpoints, beliefs, etc., in life that I dont like or disagree with. Sometimes its because I feel "threatened" by them, or I find it hard to understand the motivation or rewards behind such actions/beliefs.

I have friends who are religious, and even though I dont believe in religion myself, I wouldnt ban it, and the same goes for many other things. I'm sure that many people would be offended by some of the things I believe in.

Its impossible to go through life and not be judged and never be judgemental ... Its part of the human spirit. I know, it sucks, but thats how life is at times. I wish I could say something on a more upbeat philosophical note, but hopefully someone else can

Mar 29, 2007, 5:46 PM
it's kind of like the TV. If you don't like what's on, change the channel. Or, in this case, simply ignore the posts that you find superfluous.

I think this really sums it up for me. While I (the wife and I) and bi swingers, we do have naughty pics, I do however just enjoy talking about nonsense as well. I came here looking for the possibility of meeting like minded people and possibly meeting for them for more.

I think really this site is about what you make of it, not what you wish it was. However, like any social site, it's nature is constantly changing. Threads like this are the life blood - you don't like the channel, change it, if all the channels suck, look for another cable provider - all the cable providers suck? Start you own!

My point is, debate is important, especially with the bisex lifestyle, we all need someone to talk to, whether it's personal battles, you're horny, or just because you're bored.

Mar 29, 2007, 6:13 PM
when i first joined this site and posted and ad (yes its refered to here as an ad!)
with pics, i did so because this seemed like a friendly site.

I am now reconsidering that assessment.

It seems i am lame because i'm a swinger. I'm untruthful and self gratifying because i shared an erotic incident from my past. I'm undesirable because I'm older and not thin. I'm confused about my sexual identity because i'm not "out". I'm a war monger because i'm a proud american and i support our troops. And i'm shallow because i posted a penis pic ....
Frankly i'm surprised that i wasn't called a menace to the public safety because i have owned rottweilers and pitbulls...

I for one am not interested in your work uniform, your new hairstyle, or whether you like cream or milk in your morning coffee.... I came here looking for bisexual sex, ( thats why i posted an "AD" ) and if you don't like that fact, or the fact that i put up a pic of my cock, then i'd suggest that you go to one of the many online "G" rated bisexual support groups or forums.

I'm bisexual and i like pictures of cocks, pussies, tits, asses, and people having sex... if you don't then go elsewhere.... because as long as the place where i posted my pics is still called an "AD" (which means that i am looking for something, in this case sex) I will post the kind of pics that i would want to see myself.

At least they are honest pics of me, and not a collection of avitars, or pictures of other people that i have gotten of the internet.

In past posts i have tried to not cause any trouble, but since some of you will not extend to me the same considerations, then my response to you is... GO SUCK A WET ROPE!!

If you want to judge people, or is someway belittle them, then to you this must be as much fun as shooting fish in a barrel.... God knows there are plenty of unsuspecting targets here.

But beware.... i for one am tired of your cheap shots and from now on I'll fight back!! If it gets me banned, so be it....

Oh and just for the record, I am a proud gun owner, member of the NRA, avid hunter, member of the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, a conservationist, an environmentalist, a patriot, and a liberal Republican....

In other words, a prefect target for a lot of you here....

To quote one of my favorite movies "Hey Johnny Ringo, I'll be your huckelberry."

Hey gjmw,

i'm sad to read that you have had some unwelcome experiences regards your profile and your belief system and values ):

i, for one, really valued your input when you and i corresponded on the mental illness thread... and i certainly have no opinion on how you explore and express your sexuality... why would i? i dont expect you to have an opinion on my personal life so why should it be any different for you?

i do love this site though and how we do get to nudge the boundaries.. i have gained so much from these forums despite getting the occasional 'flaming' for my views from time to time...

i do hope you stay and brazen this out gjmw... and please don't let the odd few judgemental members get under your skin, most of us are quite nice really and would be sad to see you leave under such a negative cloud.

...here's to you continuing your awfully big adventure and voyage of discovery dear gjmw..

love julie xxx

Mar 30, 2007, 12:07 AM
I guess I do have to make a mea culpa as far as making assumptions is concerned--when I came to this site initially--I just got it in my head that if someone was gay or bisexual or did not otherwise fall neatly and fully into the category of "straight" they most likely would fall into the political/ideological spectrum as being "liberal."

Obvously I was profoundly incorrect on such an assumption and you know the old saying about making assumptions I am sure........

So--in that regard I was an "a-hole" to think that most folks who are bisexual, bisexual curious, etc. would not be pretty much a liberal--it sure as hell did knock me on the side of my head to find out that we not only had folks who were not "liberal" but who were very much in the "conservative" mode----

So--learning that my preconceived notion was incorrect on that point along with getting my eyes opened in other area--the time spent here has been quite an education----

I do love this site--it does bug me that we have had this bit of negative vibes going on of late-----as CSRAKate and others have said--I do wish we could get back on a more normal keel and get along better and learn to respect the varying perspectives expressed by our membership on many aspects of not just sexuality--but life issues in general that get discusssed here.....

Mar 30, 2007, 1:05 AM
For one. you don't have to read the posts it's your opinion.. no one bends your arm behind your back and force you.. Everyone has a right to an opinion or comment. Some needs answers to what there becoming and afraid. Just because the word has sex in it doesn't mean this site it just about sex. If you don't like how someones uniform is don't read it, pick out the right forum for you and mostly forums is for advice or something entertaining or something new not for ads, so why are you worried about uniforms and hair and others who posts forums on here.. It's not your place to decide for everyone. Everyone is different with different veiws and opinions sorry if that offends you. I came to this site trying to find myself wanting to know things and was terrified because i didn't know much about bisexuality and thought that people involved in that are always talking about sex and perved... but found out fast that they/we have feelings to and have real lives and formost a human being. And human beings will talk about things and need help not just talk about when you got pounded last.. I hope you don't go there is alot of nice and caring people here just give them time.

Love tiff :female:

Mar 30, 2007, 1:25 AM
OMG...will everyone please relax??? Talk about over reactions and knee jerk responses!!!

No one is saying anyone is wrong in this thread...and if you don't like what is being said...and if it upsets you endlessly...then don't read it!!! And certainly, if you are too sensitive to have someone not agree with you, then don't bother to post. We are all wearing our feelings on our sleeves these days! Isn't it time we move past the jumbled emotions brought on by our trolls and reunite as a group??? Isn't it time we remember what we are here for and not look to get in the almighty last word???

Don't let the workings of a few trolls continue to fragment us...let's end it here...let's agree to disagree...it's a normal way to be and no one has to be right!!! That's what makes us all so unique!!


Enuf said...Thanks Kate...If I wear my feelings on my sleeve, I won't have a place to wipe my nose... :) :paw: :paw:

Mar 30, 2007, 5:19 AM
Well.... I have to put my 2 cents in also :tongue:

SO much anger and tension comin from you!

Personally I dont understand why people put nude pics as their icons, I think its ok for the profile although I still dont understand that either. With all the porn sites and dating sites you can go to for that sort of thing, it doesnt make sense to me. BUT, thats just me.

Only Drew could say what he intended this site to be used for. When I see the word bisexual, sex isnt the first thing that enters my mind. When I did that google search and www.bisexual.com came up, I didnt think 'oh now I can look at nudie pics and maybe get laid'. I guess for me, being bisexual is who I am not what I am and I dont think its purely sexual. Its so much more.

I feel extremely comfy here. This has become my home as well. I love all the threads. People have very intresting ideals, comments and questions here. I dont view it as a pick up site but more as a place to meet friends not sex partners although my husband and I are looking to add someone into our lives.

I enjoy the silly things in life, like the thread about what type of undies do you have on. Im weaing my pink and grey striped bikinis right now! lol I also enjoy reading what people have to say about their own sexuality because I learn from what others have to say. Maybe some of you out there are experts on being bi. Im certainly not one of them and even though I know exactly what I like I still have moments of mass confusion.

I believe this site is for everyone. For those who are curious, those who are gay, those who are straight, those who are single, those who are married, those like me who just enjoy life and those like you who are frustrated. Its for all of us. Take us as you will. Release the anger and accept everyone as you wish to be accepted.

Sorry if I offended anyone, its just how I feel.

Mar 30, 2007, 6:16 AM
OMG...will everyone please relax??? Talk about over reactions and knee jerk responses!!!

No one is saying anyone is wrong in this thread...and if you don't like what is being said...and if it upsets you endlessly...then don't read it!!! And certainly, if you are too sensitive to have someone not agree with you, then don't bother to post. We are all wearing our feelings on our sleeves these days! Isn't it time we move past the jumbled emotions brought on by our trolls and reunite as a group??? Isn't it time we remember what we are here for and not look to get in the almighty last word???

Don't let the workings of a few trolls continue to fragment us...let's end it here...let's agree to disagree...it's a normal way to be and no one has to be right!!! That's what makes us all so unique!!

KateYas rite mumsy.. but threads is like a snatch of real life..intense, funny, cruel, compassionate, tearful, serious, light, boring, rude, obnoxious, silly, insane and any other human trait we wish to name. And I wouldnt have it any other way!

Besides...dus luff a gud barney wen sum1 talks crap, or even betta..wen sum 1 tells me I am! :bigrin:

Mar 30, 2007, 7:32 AM
This is what we have Drew for.... he weeds the garden for us well enough. If we have a problem then it is up to US!! to get that person warned/banned/what ever... someone presented the idea of probation and things of the such.. i think that could help alot in the cases of the people that have ONLY been linked to this site when threepillows.com became a sponsor....

People go to porn site... see link for bi.com
people go to bi.com thinking they can get something that this community isnt really for.... for the most part anyways (that bit is put in there for all you hornbags who know how to get what you want APPROPRIATLY!)

thats how i see it. Before the threepillows this was a happy lil bi community. BUT!! that being said... i dont know that it would be here without the help of that particular site.. so nothing we can really do about it i suppose.

I think that we all need to take what the assholes say with a grain of salt and just pretent they arent here.. they will all die off again... this has happened before and it will happen again.. when you have been on this site long enough shit like this happens.. just remember why we love this site.. and the GOOD :wiggle2: people left! :color:
there's my :2cents:

Mar 30, 2007, 8:39 AM
just to clarify....

some of the "affronts' i mentioned have come from remarks in various threads in this forum, others from either chat room conversation or pm's while i have been in chat.

although what i'm here for may not be what some of you are here for, the fact is what i am here for is a legitimate use of this site... again i will emphasize the "ad " issue.

personally i don't read forum threads that i find uninteresting..... and that is my point! I chose not to..... that isn't to say that i'd ever imply to any of you that you shouldn't talk about your work uniforms or morning routines....

Consequentiality you also have the right and the will to practice self censorship, in what you read, but just as importantly, the manner in which you respond to what you read.

I personally always try my best to be polite and kind, both in my real life and online.... It seems that unanimity of being online allows some people to behave in ways on sites like this in way that they probably wouldn't in "real life". So be it. But as i mentioned when i started this thread, from here on out I am not going to sit back and let you make flippant remarks about my or any other people's personalities or self worth.... I will fight back!

And honestly.... this is an adult site, and one of it purposes, albeit not the only purpose, is to provide a means for people like myself to find other people of similar sexual persuasions to make a connection with, and possibly arrange some real life sexual fun. If some of you are offended by that then again, you too can exercise your freedom of self censorship.

But most importantly you had better just except the fact that there will be x-rated content here including the dreaded cock pics. And if that offends some of you , please do the majority of us a favor and find a "G" rated bisexual site to hang out in.

Mar 30, 2007, 12:15 PM
I do visit threepillows sometimes myself thanks to someone letting me share his password--on there--they now direct chat from that site to this one but I kinda wish they wouldn't because threepillows is more orientated to porn/erotica and real world "hooking up"

What you basically have with those who use threepillows are those who seem to be more focused on the pure sexual nature of this subject while those who come to bisexual.com are more interested in learning about their bisexual side--hence I think that the term many use to describe themselves here as "bicurious" is very accurate---and people here are more often lookng for community--people who use threepillows seem to be more focused on "getting off" and don't want to waste time on things like "how was your day today" or "sorry your favorite granny died" .....

They really should reinstitute a chat function on that site that is basically from the git go for those who are like---"hey--I am horny--who wants to do it either via cyber, phone, cam or for real" right off the bat.....and they don't care about how you are feeling--just that you have the appropriate body part or parts they are interested in or that you are interested doing something to their favorite body part and also about whether or not you are "hot"-because God knows--we don't want any fat, ugly unattractive pig to even do cyber with!!!!!!

Mar 30, 2007, 12:35 PM
I'm one of those who find the cock pics a little distasteful, but it's not a big deal really and I'll stay right here, thanks -- hope you will too. :)

Mar 30, 2007, 7:27 PM
Cant we all just get along!!! LOL... :) :flag3:

Mar 30, 2007, 9:17 PM
Hey Drew.............You own it...........Time to take over........FIX IT....It's starting to SUCK

Mar 30, 2007, 11:36 PM
gjm. . . I understand your need to vent. It happens . . .


Here's a hug. . .

And I didn't call myself an "All-American Bi Girl" for nothing. ;)
