View Full Version : Have you ever.....

Mar 25, 2007, 8:34 PM
HAVE YOU EVER BEEN TOLD BY A GAY PERSON THAT BEING BISEXUAL WAS NASTY OR JUST PLAIN DISAGREE WITH IT? remember it's ok to have and show pride here. Your lesbian or gay male friends aren't going to read it :male: :female:

Mar 25, 2007, 10:16 PM
Yes, and by straight people...

Mar 25, 2007, 10:21 PM
Yes, and by straight people...

And what sucks is that i'm from chicago and there are only lesbian bars there are no biexual bars....i think it would be alot easier for dating and mingling with new friends. Makes no sense to go to a lesbian bar in hopes of finding bisexuals there... :female:

Mar 25, 2007, 10:59 PM
My mom says:

"Theres NO SUCH THING as Bisexuals... its just very confused people. You're either in love with a man or a woman"

But we have a agreement..... we agreed to disagree and don't talk about bisexually anymore.

Me - I believe it just means your open to both genders and have no limit (not limitting yourself to just women or men)

Mar 25, 2007, 11:21 PM
My mom says:

"Theres NO SUCH THING as Bisexuals... its just very confused people. You're either in love with a man or a woman"

But we have a agreement..... we agreed to disagree and don't talk about bisexually anymore.

Me - I believe it just means your open to both genders and have no limit (not limitting yourself to just women or men)

I have yet to tell my mother i like women. Me and her bond is nothing to be messed with. I always told myself to come out when i either have a girlfriend or apartment to live in peace in. If i come out now, well let's just say i won't until im finacially secured. Why dont they have documentaries on bisexuaulity? I have yet to understand why not? :flag2:

Mar 25, 2007, 11:29 PM
I don't think there's a willing audience. Nobody really wants to hear about gay rights either (at least in the US), it's a sad about our society that people don't care about what doesn't effect their life and the media's only responsibility is to find big audiences for money.... People only feel a responsibility to have good strong opinions on things that directly affect their life, and until somebody comes out in their life they won't think about it their biases or opinions too much. Even when they start thinking, it's an uphill battle because they think they're the ones that need to be proven wrong first before they open themselves up to new ideas.. and irregardless, they always feel comfortable with the negative stereotypes society seems to encourage...

End rant.

I had a straight girl break up with me over it, and a gay guy lose interest... people are funny with their opinions.

Mar 26, 2007, 1:03 AM
To the gay community, I am in the closet or confused...To the str8 world, I am a fag... :paw: :paw:

Mar 26, 2007, 1:19 AM
i've been lucky so far. every gay/lesbian friend i have are totally open and accepting of the concept of bisexuality. however, most wanted to learn more and most immediately wanted to question me about sexual activities. the sad stereotypes out there are that bisexuals apparently are very promiscuous and are apparently all polygamous.. once i set them straight, they seemed very accepting of my bisexuality.

as far as why no bisexual bars? i guess it's all about supply and demand.

Mar 26, 2007, 1:21 AM
I have yet to tell my mother i like women. Me and her bond is nothing to be messed with. I always told myself to come out when i either have a girlfriend or apartment to live in peace in. If i come out now, well let's just say i won't until im finacially secured. Why dont they have documentaries on bisexuaulity? I have yet to understand why not? :flag2:

there is precious little mainstream information about bisexuality. i guess society is still coming to terms with accepting gays and lesbians, so digging further into issues such as bisexualism and transsexualism just doesn't seem to be something they are ready for.

good for you on your plan regarding coming out. i strongly believe that coming out shouldn't be an obligation, but should only be done when the individual feels it is to their advantage to do so..

Mar 26, 2007, 7:04 AM
My Lesbian friends refused to believe im now a lesbian lol. Probably because they've only seen me with boyfriends. The one in particular Lesbian Ive had a crush on for 2 years says im not gay and that im bisexual. First off, im unclear as to how she would know for sure. Im certainly not trying to really convince her, only sharing my thoughts. My other Lesbian friend for some reason while in company of others has made statements that im straight as a board knowing good and well we've had many many many conversations about my attraction to our other lesbian friend lol AM I a true Lesbian, probably not but if i want to call myself one,and only date women, no one should freakin debate it with me lol I mean come on !!!!!!!!!!!! :color: