View Full Version : Psychics and Fortune Tellers Are they Gender Honest??

Mar 25, 2007, 7:41 PM
We all know some are real but majorly of them are fake and just want money.

I wanted to ask if you felt one was real, you don't sense anything fishy and barely said anything about yourself.
They are right on the spot about certain things in your life so you figure she/he must be for real.

They tell you about the person you'll meet, your future love.

But do you think they are honest about the gender???

I mean if they don't like or believe in gays/lesbians.... would they even be honest like telling a girl she'll meet a man when its a woman she saw in her vision... same with a guy, telling him he'll meet a woman when its a guy she saw ??

Or would they honestly tell you the gender of your love ??
Or might they skip it and just say the basic like hair color and avoid using she / he ??

I asked cause I went to a psychic for fun recently who seemed to struggle about the gender... carefully avoiding he and she calling the person "Person" and "lover"
When I asked the gender, she didn't know. lol lucky I only paid her 25.00 for a reading.. nothing much :)


Mar 25, 2007, 7:42 PM
if u believe in psychics and fortune tellers u deserve to get ur cash taken away since its fake.

that being said i think that alots of them would say that a person is heterosexual since thats what most ppl are.

Mar 25, 2007, 7:48 PM
if u believe in psychics and fortune tellers u deserve to get ur cash taken away since its fake.

that being said i think that alots of them would say that a person is heterosexual since thats what most ppl are.

Excuse me, not ALL are fake and psychics DO EXIST.
Fortune Tellers are fun. 25.00 is nothing. Its not like Im forking over hundreds. yikes no way.

There is nothing to get rude about this thread is just for fun......

Mar 25, 2007, 7:54 PM
Tasha, how do you know?

Mar 25, 2007, 8:00 PM
*sighs* I was just asking a question.... if you don't believe then don't reply.... everyone is allowed to believe and not believe in things.

Sooooo Im ignoring all the non-believers :tong:

And why would I say they are real if I didn't know? :) Ive been to some real ones and they were always proven correct....
I know the differences between a fake and a real one.

Fire Lotus
Mar 25, 2007, 8:14 PM
Nver mind the nay sayers. I believe there are some real psychics out there. In fact, most of us has a little bit of that ability. Ever had when your phone rings and you just know who it is and it is them? That's one example.

As for the gender question, that's a good one. I think it id their duty to be honest and I would think *most* of them are.

Mar 25, 2007, 8:27 PM
Nver mind the nay sayers. I believe there are some real psychics out there. In fact, most of us has a little bit of that ability. Ever had when your phone rings and you just know who it is and it is them? That's one example.

As for the gender question, that's a good one. I think it id their duty to be honest and I would think *most* of them are.

*hugs Fire Lotus* Thanks for answering!! lol

I KNOW thats so odd when the phone rings or someones at the door you go "Oh I bet thats (name)" Ta da, you're correct!! Even tho you had no idea they were gonna call / show up.
I do that all the time...

Or what about if your thinking of someone you haven't spoken to for awhile, you're soon wondering how they are, are they thinking of you or not.
Suddenly you get a call or a email from them (or letter).

Or what about when you just know whats someones reply is going to be..... You ask them something and you know the answer before they reply. Or ever had someone talking and suddenly they are stuck as if figuring out what they were gonna say... you say it and they are like "How did you know??" and you just go "I didn't, I guessed!!" lol Even works on people you don't know that well hehe

As for the gender thing, yes its thier duty to be honest but if its something they are strongly against, I don't think they would be honest. But they should be but aren't always.

Mar 25, 2007, 8:32 PM
So why is it that all the psychics' advertising says, "By Appointment Only"?

You'd think if they were really psychics, they'd know when you were coming...

Mar 25, 2007, 8:52 PM
So why is it that all the psychics' advertising says, "By Appointment Only"?

You'd think if they were really psychics, they'd know when you were coming...

Cause some are private... maybe they have a spot in thier home just for readings.... they don't want you coming over if its dinner time or 12 at night.
Or they want to make sure no one has to wait so 1 a time appts.

They do the "by appt only" thing to control when you can come or not.
Especially if thier "Reading room" is part of thier house.

Mar 25, 2007, 8:55 PM
In an attempt to lighten the tone (though bi-robin beat me to it), there was a psychic's fair here in Toronto a few years back for which a very effective poster was designed, ending with the words "We just KNOW you'll be there...."

Mar 25, 2007, 9:23 PM
i've never visited a psychic nor has it ever really been something i had considered, but i do read the newspaper horoscopes now and then.. and these too tend to quote predictions that do not specify gender. comments like "romance will be in the air" but they won't state gender.

as far as Fried Duck's comments, well, what can i say? i hope the moderators are satisfied and happy. why get rid of a bad apple when you can keep it around to spoil the entire site??

Mar 25, 2007, 9:48 PM
Well I would think that most psychics are quite liberal as they seem open-minded and believe in things outside of the norm. Therefore I would assume that they wouldn't have a problem discussing controversial things as they lead a somewhat out of the ordinary lifestyle themselves. I know, that's a stereotype, but that's just the first thing that came to mind.

I have had several people read my cards (tarot) and usually if it is someone who cares about you, they will be honest with you about what they see.

meteast chick
Mar 25, 2007, 10:13 PM
In an attempt to lighten the tone (though bi-robin beat me to it), there was a psychic's fair here in Toronto a few years back for which a very effective poster was designed, ending with the words "We just KNOW you'll be there...."

LMAO!!! I can't say that I believe that all seers or fortune tellers are fake, but there sure are a helluvem out there. Just the same, many are real. If they are being true to their gift, then gender would be specified to the person or just remian an ignonamous thing. To me it's like going to see a movie, maybe you'll enjoy it, maybe you'll take something away from it, but either way, you had fun(hopefully), and didn't spend a fortune!

luv and kisses,

Mar 25, 2007, 10:26 PM
If they are true psychics, they should pick up that you are bi or gay, so it should matter to them. I believe the real ones will tell you the truth.

Mar 25, 2007, 10:57 PM
Ya, there are a lot of good ones who will be honest... especially if they want you to come back or refer them to other people.

They may not like what they see but they ARE being paid to tell you what they see whenever they like/believe in it or not.

Fire Lotus
Mar 25, 2007, 11:22 PM
*hugs Fire Lotus* Thanks for answering!! lol
*Hugs Tasha* Certainly m'lady! My pleasure :bigrin:

Mar 25, 2007, 11:45 PM
A couple of hundred years ago Dr. Samuel Johnson (one of my all-time heroes) was asked whether he believed in ghosts, and he answered "all reason is against it, but all belief is for it". I'm skeptical by nature, but it's interesting that police departments have hired psychics on occasion, with what results I don't know. If they're all fake, then it doesn't matter whether they're 'gender honest' or not. If some of them are real, they'll presumably do their best for you, as others above have already noted. Meteast's advice struck me as particularly good, not least on the financial aspect.

Mar 25, 2007, 11:47 PM
There was a large outdoor Psychic Fair a couple of years ago here in the South that got cancelled due to bad weather. I got quite a laugh about that. You'd have thought they'd have known which weekend to pick for good weather. ;)

But I have lived long enough to see and be part of some truly unexplainable events. I have always believed-

"There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy."

Mar 26, 2007, 12:46 AM
I think most "Psychics" are actually pop-psychologists. They read you from all the outward signals you provide them... are your nails manicured...or do you have callused hands from hard labor. They can guess the answer you want from your question. They give you vague answers that could fit anyones situation. The good ones add in a little bit of sound advice.

I'm thinking that you can't find a real one at a Psychic Fair. I could be wrong, but that's what i think.

If i knew of a real one i would go get a general reading.

Mar 26, 2007, 5:42 AM
I know it's not exactly what was being asked in the original question, but I just have to say. I DEFINITELY believe in psychics, because I'm a little psychic myself...

I can't do anything really big, and most of the stuff I can do is random premonition that's VERY vague, like I got a REALLY bad feeling the morning of September 11, 2001. I was extremely paranoid on the school bus, thinking something bad was gonna happen to the bus. I even got a kinda blurry, black and white mental image, but mistook the tower for the bus, got the scale and angle wrong...

The one thing I can do fairly well and control it is kinda useful.

I can read the auras of objects. You got a deck of cards spread out and laying face down and ask me to pick out a certain card. I'll go through the deck not even touching the cards but with my hand about an inch and a half above them and I'll point out certain cards. Then those get set aside into a smaller pile and I go again, and then again, slowly weeding out cards. And every single time the card you asked for will be in my final five, but rarely do I ever get it spot on. But if you look at the cards I separate out, they're almost all of the suit or of the same kind as the one you asked me to find, and the final five ALWAYS of the same suit or kind...

Put down 3 cards in a stereotypical "find the queen" game, and I'll get it about 90% of the time.

It's not just cards either, I can read the auras of just about anything. One time I was laying in the dark in the back of our van on the way home from somewhere, I wanted a drink and there was a bunch of soda lying within reach, but it was too dark to see what was what and about 10 kinds of pop right there, I wanna say we were coming back from a party with all the extra drinks. I thought of the drink I wanted, Coke, and started moving my hand over the boxes, when I felt a positive response I grabbed a can, and when I opened it, sure enough I'd grabbed a Coke.

I can also sometimes do something like reading peoples' minds, but mostly only my own family so that might just be normal intuition...

Sorry, kinda rambled, but I love the topic of psychics...

Mar 26, 2007, 6:05 AM
there are psychics in the world, beyond a shadow of a doubt. there are those who are tuned into the sixth sense or whatever you choose to call it, just as certainly as there are those who are not. personally i believe that this a skill that we all possess to some degree or another.

there were many premonitions and bad feelings on the morning of 9/11 right before the attacks, and worldwide. it was powerful.

the power of our thoughts can change the crystals of water. it's being proven over an over how our attitudes affect everything about us.

so for me to believe that there are psychics is sort of a well duh statement lol. no offense meant to those who disagree, but the evidence of psychic ability is simply too strong to be dismissed.

having said that, there are alot out there who are simply out to take someone's money, so there's alot of caution to be used when delving into this arena of life lol.

Mar 26, 2007, 7:25 AM
Dion and Friends worked for me !!!!!!!!!!! NOT lol

Mar 26, 2007, 7:43 AM
oh sure, laugh all ya like gel... i'm seeing into your future that you're going to be rich... so there! :tong:

Mar 26, 2007, 1:39 PM

Mar 26, 2007, 3:27 PM
I dont know for certain that psychics or psychic phenomena exist. I do know that inside us all are ancient and primitive instincts which we have for one reason or other suppressed, or because of our modern way of living just forgotten how to use. I do agree that most of the psychics and faith healers we see doing the circuit are charlatans, but that does not mean that such power does not exist. There seems just too much circumstantial evidence, and probably more concrete evidence for such abilities of which we are not aware, and will not be allowed to be.

How many times have we had feelings that something is wrong or no sooner do we think of someone than we bump into them on the street or they turn up on our doorstep? Or the hairs on the back of our neck standing up just knowing something or someone is behind us we may or may not like. It has happened to me many times and I think probably because of these ancient abilities, most of which were probably tools which our ancestors used for their survival, and became trained instincts inherited from our pre-sententient forebears. Equally I am convinced that some people have them to a much greater degree than the rest of us, and that however much psychic ability we have it can be honed and made more powerful by knowledge and acceptance of it and training ourselves to use it.

I know insufficient about it to prove or relate any evidence except feeling, awareness, the little I have read on the subject and my own observation and experience. But one thing I would not do is cough up money to any who claims such powers. Its one thing relying on my own instincts, quite another on the instincts of a money-grabbing stranger plying his "skills" on the misery, unhappiness and grief of ordinary people!

Mar 26, 2007, 8:05 PM
I can read the auras of objects. You got a deck of cards spread out and laying face down and ask me to pick out a certain card. I'll go through the deck not even touching the cards but with my hand about an inch and a half above them and I'll point out certain cards.

you could make money on that, you know! people love magic tricks. They'ld never believe you were actually psychic, but for a magician to pull that off without ever touching the cards! :tong:

Mar 27, 2007, 1:52 AM
ok, i'm going to go see a psychic.... anyone have any good references for close to Abbotsford?

Mar 27, 2007, 2:37 AM
My psychic prediction is that, Fried Duck= Daisy.

Mar 27, 2007, 2:40 AM
My psychic prediction is that, Fried Duck= Daisy.

I think so too

Mar 27, 2007, 2:42 AM
I think so too

Funny that. and you don't have to even be psychic to work it out. :bigrin:

Mar 27, 2007, 4:49 AM
sadly, i think that daisy or fried duck or whoever are a dime a dozen.... people with attitudes that just wanna come in here an take a big dump on everyone.

i think there's a world full of people like that, so i'm kinda countin' me blessings that there's not a bigger problem with them here than there is.

and truth is i just love to laugh at them... maybe is a downfall of mine, but i am only a man after all heheheee! :bigrin: :bigrin: