View Full Version : whipping

Mar 25, 2007, 2:01 AM
I love being whipped by woman until i scream and get wet from it.

yes u read that right i luv it that much.

I like it done so hard that i cant sit and my ass is red for the next few days and
it feels like my ass is on fire!

i also like to whip others like this, especially "bad" girl. this is not abuse it all consensual and we use safe word.

anyone here love being whipped like i do?

Mar 25, 2007, 3:03 AM
I like to be whipped but not to the point that i can't sit the next day ouch.

Tink :tongue:

Mar 25, 2007, 1:23 PM
I to like to be whip. I like the way it makes my pussy feel :tong: Did i just say that.L.O.L.(((Always be true to yourself))) :bipride:

Mar 25, 2007, 3:35 PM
Isnt it amazing just how different our likes are? I love a good whipping...the cream variety with a lovely tongue is as much of a licking I am prepared to give or take :bigrin: ...the painful kind just doesnt do it for me I am afraid.. Not only do I have no intention of geting a whip on me arse..I have no inclination whatever of doing it to another. :eek:

This of course excludes Rana smackin me arse for the hell of it, an Mumsy paddlin' it wiv the big paddle for me gettin outa hand! Don hav much choice in the matta ther!!!!:tongue:

Mar 25, 2007, 4:06 PM
Pussy Whip: Non-Dairy Topping For Your Cat!

Fire Lotus
Mar 25, 2007, 4:28 PM
Isnt it amazing just how different our likes are? I love a good whipping...the cream variety with a lovely tongue is as much of a licking I am prepared to give or take :bigrin:

Now this is my kind of whipping ;)

Mar 25, 2007, 5:52 PM
There's a really good Far Side cartoon image of the "Dark Side of Whipped Cream", but can't find it on the web. Anyone know the one I mean? ;)

Mar 25, 2007, 6:06 PM
Omni, yes! The cow in the torture-chamber!

Mar 25, 2007, 6:10 PM
Omni, yes! The cow in the torture-chamber!

That's the one, can't find it anywhere to link to it! First time ever, Google has failed me

For those who haven't seen it, it depicts a cow chained to a wall like a human in a bdsm dungeon, udders exposed with a man whipping the udders to produce whipped cream. Titled "the dark side of whipped cream" :eek:

Mar 25, 2007, 6:50 PM
That's the one, can't find it anywhere to link to it! First time ever, Google has failed me

For those who haven't seen it, it depicts a cow chained to a wall like a human in a bdsm dungeon, udders exposed with a man whipping the udders to produce whipped cream. Titled "the dark side of whipped cream" :eek:

Umm didn't Flex or someone post that image in the humor thread?? I know what your talking about but I remember seeing a cartoon somewhere.

Mar 26, 2007, 1:22 AM
Pussy Whip: Non-Dairy Topping For Your Cat!

When did we start putting non-dairy topping on cats?????


Mar 26, 2007, 2:13 AM
i've never desired to be whipped or physically punished in any way. i honestly don't understand how this could be appealing at all, especially sexually appealing and arrousing.. oh well, as long as you enjoy it, that's all that really matters.

Mar 26, 2007, 4:40 AM
That's the one, can't find it anywhere to link to it! First time ever, Google has failed me
Because you searched for the wrong thing. You should have searched for "The horrible truth behind whipped cream."


Mar 26, 2007, 9:52 AM
Maybe it's just coincidental but I'd bet you that Resurrection, Daisy999 and Fried Duck would get along like flies on .......

Try yellow1098 as your next incarnation from LaGuna Seca.

Mar 26, 2007, 10:07 AM
I'm not into pain of any sort. To me it is a form of degradation. For my :2cents: worth, nothing that degrades either person is a turnon. I just want everyone to feel good from start to finish. Again, my :2cents: worth.
It seems that some people do enjoy this form of sexual 'play' and that's fine for them. I agree with all those that think a good tongue lashing is the blissful way to go.
Everyone have an absolutely great day.

Mar 26, 2007, 10:16 AM
I think that pain is a pain in the ASS. I've seen too much pain in my life to enjoy inflicting it on others or having someone cause me anymore pain.

Mar 27, 2007, 2:28 AM
I just LOVE to whip people, especially women! :bigrin:

Mar 27, 2007, 7:18 AM
i don't really see the point of inflicting pain...

Mar 27, 2007, 12:14 PM
I just LOVE to whip people, especially women! :bigrin:
I actually find this post quite offensive... someone should just take you and wipe that stupid grin off your face!

Mar 27, 2007, 12:21 PM
I just LOVE to whip people, especially women! :bigrin:

I think that this post belongs in the shitter. It is truly offensive and is degrading to the entire community. Asperger's Syndrome or not, I can't imagine anyone actually enjoying whipping women or anyone for that matter and then posting a big grin for their actions.


Mar 27, 2007, 12:26 PM
i don't really see the point of inflicting pain...

Same here!! I see nothing enjoyable about whips.
I know some people are into bondage but Im NOT.... to harm someone else is just awful.

Not to mention everyone's skin is different. Mine's dry and senstive and I bruise rather easily.... so ya, all whips will do to me is make me black and purple. No thanks.


Mar 27, 2007, 12:43 PM
I just LOVE to whip people, especially women! :bigrin:

What's with you, man. This is disgusting. Why post a "BIG GRIN" after something as distasteful as liking to whip women especially? You have Asperger's Syndrome? Are you off your meds? C'mon..... you can do much better than this. Really. Now go and have some thought about this.


Mar 27, 2007, 12:45 PM
On more serious note, me jus feel like peeps whippin girl 2 day..its been shite..lucky me sense of humour carryin me through. Wos whipped the hell outa this mornin in a meetin for summat that wos not even my responsibility an knew nuthin about, wos whipped mercilously for tellin sum arsehole his company was in breach of contract,wos whipped wen me got back 2 the office for "bein rude and overreactin" at same arsehole at same meetin, wos whipped by almighty huff from close m8 for sum reason me still don quite undastand an' finally wos whipped jus fore me came home cos sum sod jus felt like it afta fallin out wiv is missus!! Word of warnin.. Fran in no mood for ne more... :(

Lucky me don take things 2 personally most times.. ne more an the whipped cream likkin is off!!!! :tong:

Mar 27, 2007, 8:45 PM
What's with you, man. This is disgusting. Why post a "BIG GRIN" after something as distasteful as liking to whip women especially? You have Asperger's Syndrome? Are you off your meds? C'mon..... you can do much better than this. Really. Now go and have some thought about this.


My son has apsergers' and he doesn't whip anyone or abuse people.

I know you didn't mean it that way Tommy, having read many posts by you, but I just wanted to kinda clarify that for those that may not have.

Mar 27, 2007, 8:50 PM
On more serious note, me jus feel like peeps whippin girl 2 day..its been shite..lucky me sense of humour carryin me through. Wos whipped the hell outa this mornin in a meetin for summat that wos not even my responsibility an knew nuthin about, wos whipped mercilously for tellin sum arsehole his company was in breach of contract,wos whipped wen me got back 2 the office for "bein rude and overreactin" at same arsehole at same meetin, wos whipped by almighty huff from close m8 for sum reason me still don quite undastand an' finally wos whipped jus fore me came home cos sum sod jus felt like it afta fallin out wiv is missus!! Word of warnin.. Fran in no mood for ne more... :(

Lucky me don take things 2 personally most times.. ne more an the whipped cream likkin is off!!!! :tong:


**twirls cleaver so it reflects in eyes of whipper peeps...snarls.....bares teeth....**

that'll fix'em! Tee Hee! :bigrin:

Mar 27, 2007, 11:24 PM
In the heat of the moment, a good couple slaps in the heiney can send me over the edge, but REAL PAIN, INTENSE PAIN would definitely erase anything good I was feeling about the moment

Mar 28, 2007, 3:44 AM

**twirls cleaver so it reflects in eyes of whipper peeps...snarls.....bares teeth....**

that'll fix'em! Tee Hee! :bigrin:

Awww ta Flex...believe me at times yesterday Cleave wos soundin a very gud option! Jus didn fancy spendin the rest of me life in Cornton Vale nick! :tong:

Mar 28, 2007, 12:52 PM
My son has apsergers' and he doesn't whip anyone or abuse people.

I know you didn't mean it that way Tommy, having read many posts by you, but I just wanted to kinda clarify that for those that may not have.

Oh Crikey....
Flex.... I didn't mean my post in an arrogant way. If it in any way upset you or others (except the 'smiley' face post) I personally apologize. I have a thingy about SMILEY FACES AND WHIPPING. I have stated it in my profile and have written so many, many times about the subject of degradation of females that I just kind of get on a rant sometimes. It is a personal thing with me and again, I truly apologize to you.
So hugs and hugs to you and your son if I can convey to you in some small manner with these pathetic words of mine, that I truly love all souls.


Mar 28, 2007, 2:00 PM
Well, an attempt was made to whip me gain at work.. but the worm turned..... temper flared an arse got flayed! And it wosnt mine!!!!

Other than that..a jolly little day...

Mar 28, 2007, 7:05 PM
Oh Crikey....
Flex.... I didn't mean my post in an arrogant way. If it in any way upset you or others (except the 'smiley' face post) I personally apologize. I have a thingy about SMILEY FACES AND WHIPPING. I have stated it in my profile and have written so many, many times about the subject of degradation of females that I just kind of get on a rant sometimes. It is a personal thing with me and again, I truly apologize to you.
So hugs and hugs to you and your son if I can convey to you in some small manner with these pathetic words of mine, that I truly love all souls.




No apology needed. :)

I wasn't upset at all! If anything I was being kind of protective of YOU by saying that I knew you didn't mean it to be anything against aspergers, and that you were upset about the original post. I wanted to let other people know that.

I was trying to be helpful.....it tends to get me in trouble sometimes.

I apologize to you for the misunderstanding.

Mar 28, 2007, 7:26 PM
I don't know, the few experiences I've had with pain during sex were quite erotic. (bdsm) Here again, to each his/her own. Also, there are many people that enjoy humiliation and I don't fault them for it. I believe everyone here is talking about consenting adults, right?

Mar 28, 2007, 11:07 PM
Flex... you are the woman.

Mar 29, 2007, 1:45 AM
What's with you, man. This is disgusting. Why post a "BIG GRIN" after something as distasteful as liking to whip women especially? You have Asperger's Syndrome? Are you off your meds? C'mon..... you can do much better than this. Really. Now go and have some thought about this.

Fuck you! I think attitudes like yours are disgusting and distasteful.

Don't flame me because of your own ignorance. We're talking about Sado-Masochism here NOT abuse.

Last time I checked being into SM or bondage and discipline wasn't a mental illness, so stop living in the dark ages.

The women who I whip want this done to them and not everyone is into strictly vanilla things even if you are. So don't impose your own standards on others since it's not something that you're into.

If you're really that open minded understand that some people derive pleasure from doing bondage or SM with others. No it's not abuse and I don't see why people who aren't into kink have such a hard time understanding that people are into it and that it doesn't make them sick, abusive, or mentally ill. Likewise being into kink isn't "bad" or "wrong" even if you happen to think that it is. It's perfectly normal and healthy.

As far as my Aspberger's syndrome goes, why the fuck are you even bringing it up?

I just wrote about that in my profile since I'm open about it and I can come across as being a bit blunt because of it here online.

Fire Lotus
Mar 29, 2007, 3:19 AM
I just LOVE to whip people, especially women! :bigrin:

This statement alone can mean anything. You did not specify this as a BDSM thing. So yes, this statement can very easily be misconstrued as you liking to inflict pain on and abusing women, period. It is a misunderstanding you shouldn't be jumping down Tommy2020's throat about.

So don't impose your own standards on others since it's not something that you're into.

If you're really that open minded understand that some people derive pleasure from doing bondage or SM with others. No it's not abuse and I don't see why people who aren't into kink have such a hard time understanding that people are into it and that it doesn't make them sick, abusive, or mentally ill. Likewise being into kink isn't "bad" or "wrong" even if you happen to think that it is. It's perfectly normal and health

Again, if Tommy2020 would have known this was in the context of BDSM, while maybe not understanding it, not agreeing with it or it not being his cup of tea, would have left it alone. He was standing up for what he thought were women being abused. That is why he reacted so strongly.

Just my :2cents:

Now everyone, play nice with each other, please.

Mar 29, 2007, 4:55 AM
Like Fire Lotus I have no problem with those who are into BDSM, but any 1 who makes such a blanket statement as team noir made could only lead one to cringe and feel some horror to say the least. Even allowing for his later clarification I still cringed at the "especially women" part which at first glance whether within the context of BDSM or not at face value did seem abusive..and yet is it? We usually prefer our sexuality being expressed with man or woman irrespective of that sexuality.. I take team's statement as meaning just that, even if it still does make me cringe.

So I am not condemning you Team hun, just asking you to make more clear just what you do mean. It may save misunderstanding and giving me the shivers, and save you a bloody good slagging!

Mar 29, 2007, 5:16 AM
i think it would be better to be clearer, but in all fairness, the title of this thread does at least strongly suggest s&m behavior at least to me.

but, being that this is a public forum where there will be some who are into BDSM and some who aren't, clarity would be a good thing.

especially with all the crap that's been going on lately with trolls an stuff.

Mar 29, 2007, 12:02 PM
Fuck you! I think attitudes like yours are disgusting and distasteful.

Don't flame me because of your own ignorance. We're talking about Sado-Masochism here NOT abuse.

Last time I checked being into SM or bondage and discipline wasn't a mental illness, so stop living in the dark ages.

The women who I whip want this done to them and not everyone is into strictly vanilla things even if you are. So don't impose your own standards on others since it's not something that you're into.

If you're really that open minded understand that some people derive pleasure from doing bondage or SM with others. No it's not abuse and I don't see why people who aren't into kink have such a hard time understanding that people are into it and that it doesn't make them sick, abusive, or mentally ill. Likewise being into kink isn't "bad" or "wrong" even if you happen to think that it is. It's perfectly normal and healthy.

As far as my Aspberger's syndrome goes, why the fuck are you even bringing it up?

I just wrote about that in my profile since I'm open about it and I can come across as being a bit blunt because of it here online.

Fuck Tommy.... It would probably be the best piece of ass you ever got. Your testy reaction is exactly what Trip1 was talking about when he dropped out of this forum.

Mar 29, 2007, 1:49 PM
Rather row with testy than run away from it!

Mar 29, 2007, 2:03 PM
Not wanting to get into the quibble over words on this thread, but yeah, i'm one of those who enjoy a little pain with my sex, occasionally. I've been into the darker side for quite a few years now. I enjoy the endorphin rush and the release of allowing someone else to take the lead once in a while. I'm what is called a 'subby switch', but that's only with women. I also enjoy good old fashioned sex, too.

Like everything else, you have the fringe groups and idiots that make the rest of us look bad. :2cents:

Mar 29, 2007, 3:40 PM
Was just about 2 sign out for a bit and caught Anne's post. I too love a little pain in my sex. But there is pain and pain.. and there is how and why it is inflicted.Whipping is a nono for me giving or receiving, but there are other ways in which a little pain, and I do emphasise a little, is intensely pleasurable and can make for the most exquisite sex and lovemaking.

It is not everyones cup of tea but it is mine and while I would not recommend it as such because of others personal feelings and sensitivities I certainly would never put any 1 off trying it. But 2 have sex with somone who will provide us with that pleasure through pain, it is essential that we trust them implicitly knowing that should it become too painful or stressful then one word or sign makes it cease immediately, or at the very least return to a lower level of pain.

We all have a different pain threshold and it may take a while before we find our level and I would recommend that any who tries it out does it with one they know well, preferably a lover, and does not overdo either the type of pain inflicted or the amount.

Mar 31, 2007, 5:45 PM
i think it would be better to be clearer, but in all fairness, the title of this thread does at least strongly suggest s&m behavior at least to me.

but, being that this is a public forum where there will be some who are into BDSM and some who aren't, clarity would be a good thing.

especially with all the crap that's been going on lately with trolls an stuff.

I am into BDSM and this is a thread that's about SM so I don't think I should have to clarify myself. My profile on here does that already.

Honestly, the BDSM I do is always SSC and tame compared to what some people are into (i.e. not using safe words at all).

Apr 1, 2007, 6:51 AM

I am into BDSM and this is a thread that's about SM so I don't think I should have to clarify myself. My profile on here does that already.

Honestly, the BDSM I do is always SSC and tame compared to what some people are into (i.e. not using safe words at all).

After all the recent trollng crap u bloody do hun!

Long Duck Dong
Apr 1, 2007, 7:24 AM
I teach forms of mental BDSM... its sort of like mental domination and fantasy role playing

using verbal suggestions, you create a environment in which your consenting partner is living out a role during sex
I will not go into details as some of the scenarios would have half the forum screaming the house down, and that is making it very differcult to share about some aspects of sexual behievour.....

the role playing is strictly controlled....its designed to stimulate a emotional / sexual reaction without creating a traumatic experience

as for actual spanking, smacking and light discipline, I don't enjoy that.. but the aspect of being dominated or dominating with the intent of giving a unique sexual experience, is something I enjoy

one of my ex's enjoyed the experience of being tied up, so i designed a set of safety cuffs, they could withstand 400 pounds of strain.... but it only took 7 pounds of pressure to release the person or open the cuffs
my partner loved the idea and sensation of the bondage, but also the knowledge that she controlled the cuffs, and not me, despite the fact she was bound

Jul 6, 2009, 1:02 AM
I LOVE IT!! So much so that I have whipped myself when noone else would do it. There is a fine line between pain and pleasure. :bigrin::impleased:stoned::paw:

Jul 6, 2009, 10:12 AM
This topic may best be subject to messaging between persons who have pro and/or con perspectives relative to it. Personnally, I prefer smiling and pleasure. Fun, however, can take different forms for different people.

Jul 6, 2009, 12:55 PM
I'm with the ones who's against any kind of pain, scat, animals, or humiliation. I have no opinion of that stuff, other than it's not for me. As long as you like it and have a partner that's OK with it..have at it! It grosses me out, though.

I think my first wife would have responded to BSDM, though. She was a stereotypical redhead and would get mad enough to want to hit.

I'd either leave, or grab her arms and hold them until she calmed down. One time, I got hold of her arms and pushed her over on the bed and straddled her waist, as I held her. She struggled and yelled for a minute, then, a funny look came in her eyes.

She said, "Oh shit, I'm getting soooo wet!"

I thought it was a trick, to me to let go.........so she could hit me.

She said that she was so unbelievably aroused and wanted to have sex right then!

After that, during a tirade, we'd end up repeating that story. The arguments ended more pleasurably after that!

Jul 6, 2009, 2:30 PM
Sorry loves, this isnt my cup of tea. I have several friends in the BDSM lifestyle, but physical pain just doesnt cut it for me.
Ya'll enjoy and have fun tho...:}

Jul 6, 2009, 3:56 PM
For a second I thought darkeyes returend, but then I saw someone necro's a thread from 2 years ago.

Jul 6, 2009, 6:05 PM
There's a really good Far Side cartoon image of the "Dark Side of Whipped Cream", but can't find it on the web. Anyone know the one I mean? ;)

no but definitely if anyone finds it, let me know darlin...