View Full Version : What do you mainly look for in a Woman? [Please For women Only]

Mar 24, 2007, 2:03 PM
I usually like women whom dress simple, yet girly. You know the combo; fitted jeans, nice form fitting blouse and high heels. She also dosen't have to wear loads of jewelry. I consider this look, "Fresh". Where the woman doesn't have to impress everyone, but loves to look great for herself. I would love for her to have a mind of her own, but knows how to compremise. Friendly but knows how to draw the line. i also have these same qualities to offer. [object Object] :flag1:

Mar 24, 2007, 2:49 PM
pretty much exactly the same as above,

some1 who dresses and looks good for themselves and aims to impress only themselves. some1 who understands what really is important and what isnt, havin priorities in the right place and all that. they gotta look after themselves and really care about the stuff the care about if u get my drift, theres no point carin about somthin if your not willing to fight for it.

meteast chick
Mar 24, 2007, 3:35 PM
I don't look for anything in particular, just so they dress for who they are. I dress depeding on my mood, mainly fitted jeans and a simple t or tank, minimal jewelry and minimal if any makeup, but sometimes I'm eclectic(nee boho chic or 'hippie') and sometimes I like to dress up. I like girls that do the same. I find that I may not even notice someone until they do something that catches my attention, like this morning this girl at the local home improvement store just up and said something so boisterous and funny and I took notice and almost asked her out right then and there, even though she was dressed in a smock.

Well, that's me in a nutshell!

luv and kisses,

Mar 24, 2007, 3:43 PM
A well-endowed brain. The rest is superfluous. (I wish I knew what that word means).

Mar 24, 2007, 5:17 PM
i'm attracted to such a range of women, from the very feminine (what i refer to as the "rich bitch" type) to androgenous. i also love artsy-type people. i seem to have a thing for pagans, since every woman i have been with has been one even though i am quite Christian myself. (it would be really cool to meet another MCCer though.) i love people who are true to themselves, intelligent, creative, committed to helping others in whatever way they choose, etc.