View Full Version : How do I commemorate/celebrate?

Mar 24, 2007, 1:23 PM
My wife has been out of the closet to me for a while now, but very recently, she has taken the step of being with a woman sexually.

Truth be told, I was an ass for a while about it (when negative feelings erupt in a person who doesn't usually feel much, it's very, very unsettling), but I still celebrate that she has taken the step forward.

So, I would like some ideas as to how to properly commemorate such an achevement, and if it's something public, how appropriate would it be to invite her partner to such a thing... they are friends, but what kind of can of worms would I be opening?

As well, how can I prove that this is about celebration, rather than asking forgiveness of me?

Mar 24, 2007, 5:05 PM
How about a nice dinner at an excellent resturaunt where you three can discuss all the aspects of your new relationship? Order a bottle or two of good wine and let it all hang out.

Mar 24, 2007, 10:37 PM
i think that's awesome that you want to celebrate your wife taking the step to be with a woman. i don't know what to suggest that you do, or if you even need to do anything other than to really let your wife know how you feel and to let her know that you support her.

i have been in poly relationships too and i understand how you said that you were not so supportive about it at first. it's really a lot to handle. it's always been my partner that has had to deal with it since i've been the one dating women and he's been the one supporting me, but i still felt the stress and jealousy. it's very natural i think.

the best thing to do is to just be as open and honest as possible and when you start to feel jealous or like you're not getting anough attention to just talk about it before it turns into something worse than it has to be.

good luck!!


Mar 25, 2007, 2:08 AM
since u all in open relationship wit one another u should all have sex together.
yes i serious.

have sex with wife and her GF this way u not feel so jealous about wife having sex with someone u not having sex with.