View Full Version : Fake Gender?

Mar 23, 2007, 8:58 PM
Does anyone here ever post themselves online as a gender different than their own? Is anyone on here listed as a different gender than they truly are? If so, why? I'm not talking about those with transgender identity per se, but about just playing with gender identity on line. Here's a new version of the old question - "Can people tell?" Can you tell when a guy is pretending on line to be a female, or vice versa?

Mar 23, 2007, 9:24 PM
Good question. Having a transgender/transsexual gf, I accept them for their identified gender. However, I've met a few who were faking their gender.
Initially I cannot tell. But over time, you do get little tells as to their "true gender". Speaking generally, most women are not as aggressive when chatting with other girls. There is a certain respect. I like to test people's gender by asking a variety of questions. Now I'm not going to disclose the line of questions as I do not wish the "fakes" to catch on, but I'm sure you get the picture.

For some, I'm sure it is a gender identity thing. Perhaps someone who is struggling with their gender identity and this is their way of exploring their female (or male) side. For others, just lecherous guys trying to prey on their victims. :female:

Mar 24, 2007, 12:09 AM
The agression factor doesn't always work... as an agressive woman, I've been tagged as a male MANY times, when the opposite is true.


Long Duck Dong
Mar 24, 2007, 12:36 AM
I have never met the person that can put one across me..... I play dumb so much, but I can pick a fake in the first 10 seconds and my secret is simple.... and no I am not telling people