View Full Version : Zits in the worse areas... where was yours?!?!

Mar 23, 2007, 1:12 AM
Normally I don't care if I get a zit... its natural... we all get zits but course theres always moments where a zit pops up in the WORSE PLACE and your thinking "Why THERE?!?!" lol

So what have been the worse places you ever got a zit on?

Mine, a small one is on the tip of my nose right now :(


Mar 23, 2007, 1:14 AM
LOL!! Tashy!!! You need to get out more!! LOL!!!

Mar 23, 2007, 1:20 AM
LOL!! Tashy!!! You need to get out more!! LOL!!!

Time for laugher!!!!!!!! lol

Mar 23, 2007, 1:26 AM
worst place for me would be on the butt.. lol

Mar 23, 2007, 1:27 AM
My cheek... It drives me nuts whenever that happens.


Mar 23, 2007, 1:36 AM
They say laughter is the best medicine....

I used to get teased really cruelly about that particular umm...topic...when I was in grade 7....and the most...um...developed....in the class. Unfortunately, skin troubles went with early development....funny how some things just stick with ya....

I'll just go play in the other threads....hehehhee!! :bigrin:

No, I'm not offended or anything :)

Carry on.... hehehehe! :rolleyes:

Mar 23, 2007, 1:43 AM
They say laughter is the best medicine....

I used to get teased really cruelly about that particular umm...topic...when I was in grade 7....and the most...um...developed....in the class. Unfortunately, skin troubles went with early development....funny how some things just stick with ya....

I'll just go play in the other threads....hehehhee!! :bigrin:

No, I'm not offended or anything :)

Carry on.... hehehehe! :rolleyes:

I developed later so by 16 I was usually teased as a KID cause every girl had boobies and I didn't lol when I finally got my small chest, people said I stuffed my bra!!!
Ummmm what bra?? I DON'T WEAR BRAS lol

Mar 23, 2007, 2:01 AM
I developed later, .....I DON'T WEAR BRAS lol

i was a late bloomer too. i was always the oldest in class, yet least developed in terms of puberty..

no bra? don't worry. you're not alone.. i didn't start wearing one until i was 25! hehe...

Mar 23, 2007, 2:06 AM
i was a late bloomer too. i was always the oldest in class, yet least developed in terms of puberty..

no bra? don't worry. you're not alone.. i didn't start wearing one until i was 25! hehe...

LOL!! :)

I hate wearing bras....or pantyhose....or "too tight" clothes....or clothes that don't breathe....LOL! (am I picky or what? lol) OK...so I WILL but it's not my first choice....

Gimme cotton or gimme skin! LOL! :bigrin:

Mar 23, 2007, 5:04 AM
On me weddin day, me woke up afta really nervous an bad nite sleep..had funny wee tingle on me nose. Woke up an didn really think bout it much.. me dad sat at the brekkie table actin normal an me mum jus got on wiv wot mums do.

The old man sat relatively normal, chattin way but wiv slight smirk on 'is chops an breakin out wiv the occasional titter. Wos gettin really irked by the ole fool but jus put it down ta his warped sense of humour an it bein the day it wos.

Me wandered off afta me brekkie an caught a shiny pink lite in the hall mirror...gazed an screamed at top of me voice.... me heard me dad laff very loudly..an heard 'im say 2 me mum "yep..she spotted it"...wotta bloody day 2 get a damn gr8 zit on the end of me bloody nose!!! :(

Mar 23, 2007, 6:58 AM
from expierince as a teen i know zits aren't fun. however iv'e told raist i don't know how i'm gonna stop laughing when i'm watching and he pulls down a guys boxers and the cheeks are full of zits. guess that's what gloves are for kit

Mar 23, 2007, 7:17 AM
from expierince as a teen i know zits aren't fun. however iv'e told raist i don't know how i'm gonna stop laughing when i'm watching and he pulls down a guys boxers and the cheeks are full of zits. guess that's what gloves are for kit
An arse fulla zits is 1 of the gr8est passion killers known 2 woman...

Danielle B
Mar 23, 2007, 9:04 AM
When I was a teenager, I also had one on the tip of my nose, but it was HUGE. The worst of it wasn't getting made fun of at school- actually, no one said a thing about it. It was when my older sister decided to flick me on my nose and hit the zit- I saw stars for hours after that! :bigrin:

Mar 23, 2007, 11:41 AM
I would have to say a zit on the inside of your nose would have to be the worse place.


Mar 23, 2007, 11:43 AM
LOL!! :)

I hate wearing bras....or pantyhose....or "too tight" clothes....or clothes that don't breathe....LOL! (am I picky or what? lol) OK...so I WILL but it's not my first choice....

Gimme cotton or gimme skin! LOL! :bigrin:

Ewwwwwwwwww pantyhose!!!! Those are TERRIBLE..... I wore them a few times in the past and ugh!! Couldn't wait to get them off lol
I never wear them anymore.... I hate them and nothing can make me wear them ever again lol
Bras are icky too.... I never wear skin tight clothes lol Like Flex, my body likes to BREATH....

Mar 23, 2007, 11:46 AM
When I was a teenager, I also had one on the tip of my nose, but it was HUGE. The worst of it wasn't getting made fun of at school- actually, no one said a thing about it. It was when my older sister decided to flick me on my nose and hit the zit- I saw stars for hours after that! :bigrin:

Your sister's mean lol what did you do to get her back?? hehe

Has anyone ever had a zit that goes away THEN a new one comes in the SAME spot so fast?? Its like the old one never went away!! lol
Its annoying... no matter how often you wash your face and use creams and such, you still get those pesty things. Hmph.

Mar 23, 2007, 11:52 AM
On me weddin day, me woke up afta really nervous an bad nite sleep..had funny wee tingle on me nose. Woke up an didn really think bout it much.. me dad sat at the brekkie table actin normal an me mum jus got on wiv wot mums do.

The old man sat relatively normal, chattin way but wiv slight smirk on 'is chops an breakin out wiv the occasional titter. Wos gettin really irked by the ole fool but jus put it down ta his warped sense of humour an it bein the day it wos.

Me wandered off afta me brekkie an caught a shiny pink lite in the hall mirror...gazed an screamed at top of me voice.... me heard me dad laff very loudly..an heard 'im say 2 me mum "yep..she spotted it"...wotta bloody day 2 get a damn gr8 zit on the end of me bloody nose!!! :(

Hey Darkeyes.... at least your wedding cake didn't make you so sick that you spent most of the honeymoon in the bathroom, while the body is taking its sweet time to digest whats in the tummy. Ugh!!! (painful tummies are not fun)
Supposely american buttercream is made with shorting not butter.... so it was the shorting that didn't get along with my tum tum.

Hmmm if you got a zit on your wedding day, I got sick from cake posioning on my wedding day and we both aren't married anymore.....
We're proof that bad signs mean the marriage is doomed. :( *sighs* And lord knows a lot of things went wrong that day too. ummm Stupid old me. :(


Mar 23, 2007, 1:16 PM
Hey Darkeyes.... at least your wedding cake didn't make you so sick that you spent most of the honeymoon in the bathroom, while the body is taking its sweet time to digest whats in the tummy. Ugh!!! (painful tummies are not fun)
Supposely american buttercream is made with shorting not butter.... so it was the shorting that didn't get along with my tum tum.

Hmmm if you got a zit on your wedding day, I got sick from cake posioning on my wedding day and we both aren't married anymore.....
We're proof that bad signs mean the marriage is doomed. :( *sighs* And lord knows a lot of things went wrong that day too. ummm Stupid old me. :(

Actually spent quite a lotta time hangin ova the loo Tash...me liked a wee glass of plonk even then.. an champagne in bed neva did agree wiv me..boy did he tut an moan! Yas rite..it wos doomed! :tong:

Danielle B
Mar 23, 2007, 1:16 PM
Your sister's mean lol what did you do to get her back?? hehe

Haha... I hid behind her bedroom door with the lights pitch dark and me and that zit gave her a scare she still hasn't forgotten :bigrin:

Mar 23, 2007, 1:32 PM
Actually spent quite a lotta time hangin ova the loo Tash...me liked a wee glass of plonk even then.. an champagne in bed neva did agree wiv me..boy did he tut an moan! Yas rite..it wos doomed! :tong:

lol ya :tong: I remember after we came back to the hotel after the wedding about to start the honeymoon. Ummm before he could do anything I made a run for the bathroom!! Unlike yours who "tut and moan" mine decided to go out and talk with his friends.
Not even seeing if I was ok cause I sure felt like I was dying!!! Hmph. Seriously.... whatever was in that cake was BAD..... the most painful stomach.

*Sign #1" If your newly wed husband fails to check on you if your feeling sick, thats the first sign of doom. (Yep, he got telled at afterwards lol and I was still sick the whole week... only feeling better after we got home a week later....)

Now I think of it... I think the gods were punishing me for marrying for the wrong reason, the wrong kind of guy who tricked me and so on. Yep... The weddinng from hell!! :(


Mar 23, 2007, 1:35 PM
Haha... I hid behind her bedroom door with the lights pitch dark and me and that zit gave her a scare she still hasn't forgotten :bigrin:

lol you two are bad :) My sister and I have done things too.
She for some selfish reason gave away my favortie doll as a kid... to this day she regrets it terribly... saying "If I had known you would still be a pest about that to this day, I would never have given the stupid doll away" lol
But sometimes she knows Im just saying it to bug her so she'll stick out her tounge lol

My sister is bad when it comes to zits... she tries to cover it with so much makeup.... Me, i just leave it alone... let people look at it and show Im not afraid to show off my nice little zit!! :) hehe
Beside, makeup makes the zit worse.. it clogs it and the zit can't breath and stays there.

Mar 23, 2007, 8:44 PM
worst place for me would be on the butt.. lol

Dammit, leave it up to Tasha to scare up some bad memories for me... :tong:

Now, not only on the butt for me, but it was right where the underwear leg elastic was located...Bothersome... :paw: :paw: