View Full Version : Vampires, Witches and Other "horrors"

Mar 22, 2007, 3:34 PM
Im sure we all have seen scary movies even if you didn't like it lol

What are you guys into when it comes to horror??

I love vampires :) Always have been into them and I never had issues with blood. The only blood Ive "sucked" is my own from papercuts or if I cut my hand on something lol

MOST halloweens Ive always been a vampire :) Lady most times, a male once. (Which I pulled off very well by the way lol)
One thing I learned.. DO NOT use the black hair spray stuff on BLOND HAIR...... it took me like 4 days to get it all out lol

Seriously, some days I feel like just being a real vampire..... lol Im pretty much am since my eyes are to senstive for the bright sunlight, Im pale, trying to tan only burns my skin. And crosses are seriously bad luck (spoken from experiences) I don't like churchs and feel like Im trapped in one when I am in one....... however, I love garlic lol Garlic on anything......

What are your favortie horror stuff that tends to make people look at you as if your weird? lol


Mar 22, 2007, 3:43 PM
I am not crazy about watching horror,( and I have a real hard time with gory stuff) but I do like reading it sometimes.

I used to be a Stephen King nut many years ago....slept with the light on a lot back then! LOL!

More recently, I have discovered Anne Rice novels (through Sol) and found those to be very intriguing. I've read a lot of them, but don't seem to have much time to read lately.

The movies weren't nearly as good as the books (Interview With The Vampire and Queen of the Damned) tho.

'course they never are, are they? :rolleyes:

Mar 22, 2007, 3:48 PM
I am not crazy about watching horror,( and I have a real hard time with gory stuff) but I do like reading it sometimes.

I used to be a Stephen King nut many years ago....slept with the light on a lot back then! LOL!

More recently, I have discovered Anne Rice novels (through Sol) and found those to be very intriguing. I've read a lot of them, but don't seem to have much time to read lately.

The movies weren't nearly as good as the books (Interview With The Vampire and Queen of the Damned) tho.

'course they never are, are they? :rolleyes:

I don't know, Stephen King's IT was enough to proof Clowns should NEVER BE TRUSTED. :) and Ive always loved Carrie lol
But then, I never read his books, just seen the movies hehe

Im starting to read Anne Rice :) I think I saw Queen of the Damned... I know I saw Interview with the Vampire cause my sister made me watch it over 5 times lol Kristen Dunst is a good actress lol I thought she did a great job especially that scene where she throws this BIG fit cause they made her a vampire when she was a child... remember the body in the bed? lol


Mar 22, 2007, 3:48 PM
Ohhh, Tasha! You can bite *my* neck any time, sweetie!

John Capenter's "Vampires" was a great movie, and Clive Barker has written some interesting variations as well.

H.P Lovecraft was one of the best (the author--not the rock group!)

Stephen King once said he never wrote horror. He said horror is seeing the headline in the National Enquirer "MOM NAILS SON TO DOOR WITH RAILROAD SPIKE THROUGH FOREHEAD!"

But then he explained that even that isn't the real horror--the real horror is when you--as a parent--read that same headline and think, "YES!!"

Mar 22, 2007, 3:49 PM
Me been called a witch...wudya believe it?? Me ex mother in law called me a bloodsucker..ya cant believe that eitha canya? An been called all kindsa otha horrors...an thats jus 2 rdiculous.. cos me really quite nice.. jus misundastood lil girl... :tong: :bigrin:

Mar 22, 2007, 3:50 PM
I don't know, Stephen King's IT was enough to proof Clowns should NEVER BE TRUSTED. :) and Ive always loved Carrie lol
But then, I never read his books, just seen the movies hehe

Im starting to read Anne Rice :) I think I saw Queen of the Damned... I know I saw Interview with the Vampire cause my sister made me watch it over 5 times lol Kristen Dunst is a good actress lol I thought she did a great job especially that scene where she throws this BIG fit cause they made her a vampire when she was a child... remember the body in the bed? lol


The body in the bed...yes, I remember that part.....groooossssss!!! lol

Definately hafta read her books in order tho....otherwise it gets really confusing.

Mar 22, 2007, 3:57 PM
Vampires definetly rock, if I had to become an undead they'd be the choice.

The anne riice books are excellent, a wonderful look into what it would be like to live forever, seeing the world changing around you and either having to force yourself to change by clinging to something from the present or observer from the shadows constantly fighting the loneliness...

I find most horror films very funny, the worse the quality the better. Books are, as ever, always better however.

Mar 22, 2007, 4:01 PM
The body in the bed...yes, I remember that part.....groooossssss!!! lol

Definately hafta read her books in order tho....otherwise it gets really confusing.

Yikes!! I need a list of her books then so I know which ones are in order lol
I thought she wrote singles where you could read any book in any order you wanted?

Mar 22, 2007, 4:04 PM
Yikes!! I need a list of her books then so I know which ones are in order lol
I thought she wrote singles where you could read any book in any order you wanted?

I got the list...gotta find it...I'll post it for you later :)

Interview With The Vampire is first, next is The Vampire LeStat, then Queen of the Damned.....after that I need my list lol!

Mar 22, 2007, 4:06 PM
Me been called a witch...wudya believe it?? Me ex mother in law called me a bloodsucker..ya cant believe that eitha canya? An been called all kindsa otha horrors...an thats jus 2 rdiculous.. cos me really quite nice.. jus misundastood lil girl... :tong: :bigrin:

I didn't know you were married before lol Just like me.... my ex mother in law was stupid lol I hated her!!!
If you suck the blood from a papercut you get then you ARE a bloodsucker!!! :tong: :tong: :tong: :tong: :tong: hehe (I do that.... mmm I like my blood lol My friend Heather thinks its gross lol Even tho its your own blood... whats wrong with that?!?!)

Are you sure we're not related??? Cause Im very nice too and have a rather dark "horror" side of me that could come off as misunderstood too lol

Mar 22, 2007, 4:12 PM
This isn't really a horror film, but the Boris Karloff version of The Mummy (1932) is intensely romantic and has always been a favorite of mine. Saw it first on TV when I was 10 and it warped me permanently....

...German expressionist silent films (The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari; The Tired Death (Destiny); Backstairs; Nosferatu (1922 version) etc. all have this dreamlike quality which I find sinks in much more deeply than horror films....

...and then there's those 1950's rubber-monster pictures with the handsome scientist and the girl wearing a bullet bra....never tire of 'em ("But Doctor, surely a scientist of your eminence doesn't believe this nonsense about....giant leeches!" LOL).

Mar 22, 2007, 4:15 PM
just stumbled on this at bimagzine.org:Vampires and Bisexuals - life, literature and the battle for our souls (http://www.bimagazine.org/nonfict/pages/feature10.html)

Mar 22, 2007, 4:16 PM
What are your favortie horror stuff that tends to make people look at you as if your weird?

well, i told two psychiatric doctors today that i was a transsexual and you could certainly say that they both thought i was weird! ..lol

paper cuts are not fun, but shaving cuts are worse, especially when i cut my penis. it can be fun to watch it bleed for a while before cleaning it up though.. lol

yes, as i was saying, i am weird.. and darn proud of it.. lol

Mar 22, 2007, 4:17 PM
well, i told two psychiatric doctors today that i was a transsexual and you could certainly say that they both thought i was weird! ..lol

paper cuts are not fun, but shaving cuts are worse, especially when i cut my penis. it can be fun to watch it bleed for a while before cleaning it up though.. lol

yes, as i was saying, i am weird.. and darn proud of it.. lol

Hell, it beats being one of the "normal" sheeple.

Mar 22, 2007, 4:19 PM
I to have been called a witch. And maybe i'am who now?L.O.L. ;) . And I Love Vampires. Life is so good :female: (((Always be true to yourself))) :bibounce:

Mar 22, 2007, 4:22 PM
I think theres no such thing as normal......

Normal is lost..... somewhere in time......

Just like Perfect.... theres no such thing as perfect either. Nothings perfect! and Nothing's Normal!!!!

:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

Mar 22, 2007, 4:26 PM
I to have been called a witch. And maybe i'am who now?L.O.L. ;) . And I Love Vampires. Life is so good :female: (((Always be true to yourself))) :bibounce:

Ive never been called a witch.... but I have been called a vampire and "carrie white's sister" lol

I have tho, told people I was burned at an stake in a past life lol DON'T ask me why!!! I just said that one day when people I was with were talking about past lifes. lol but it doesn't make me a witch cause in the past you were burned for several reasons. (Joan of Arc was and she wasn't even a witch!!)

Mar 22, 2007, 4:31 PM
I think theres no such thing as normal......

Normal is lost..... somewhere in time......

Just like Perfect.... theres no such thing as perfect either. Nothings perfect! and Nothing's Normal!!!!

:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

I agree completely, was what I was trying to cack-handedly imply. :impleased

Mar 22, 2007, 4:32 PM
But witchcraft was one of the charges brought against Joan at her trial....Shakespeare also represented her as a witch...

Fire Lotus
Mar 22, 2007, 4:35 PM
I'm not so much into the blood and gore type of horror. (Example: cutting people into peices with an axe)I go for more of the suspense and t psych thriller. But I definetly have vampire lust. Movies and books that have to do with them, I got 'em. I too Highly reccomend Anne Rice. I have almost all her vampire books, the Beauty trilogy and have started on the witch books. I just love her.

Mar 22, 2007, 4:39 PM
But witchcraft was one of the charges brought against Joan at her trial....Shakespeare also represented her as a witch...

Its funny tho... if you were really a witch you would be able to cast rain or something to put out the flames!!!

I didn't know that about Joan tho... I knew she had voices in her head but that was all.

So many people died being supposely witches.
IN FACT.... after the salem witch trail one of the women was found proven INNOCENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, It was a bit to late for that!

Mar 22, 2007, 4:42 PM
I love Vampire movies and books as well. I think they are often portrayed so sexually...which is part of the appeal for me.

Mar 22, 2007, 4:49 PM
I'm not so much into the blood and gore type of horror. (Example: cutting people into peices with an axe)I go for more of the suspense and t psych thriller. But I definetly have vampire lust. Movies and books that have to do with them, I got 'em. I too Highly reccomend Anne Rice. I have almost all her vampire books, the Beauty trilogy and have started on the witch books. I just love her.

lol Im not much into gore either but my teen years?!?!? Wow... my stories soooooooooo told you that you DIDN'T want to mess with me lol
Write a story about a bully... bully's the main character and dies the most horrible death you can imagine!!! Blood and guts everywhere!!! Yikes!

Who would have thought the sweet angel looking shy quiet girl could have such an evil mind............ ummm

I stopped writing those sort of stories when I was 17 :) I still write mystery tho and none are gory. (just blood but nothing gory)
I still get a thrill when I scare someone whos watching a horror movie with me lol They get so into the movie they never notice I moved. So my hand touches thier back ESPECIALLY the back of the neck... They jump sooooooooo high!!
Im like "What? That scene wasn't even scary!!!"
They look at me like they are about to kill me any minute :eek: :eek:

Mar 22, 2007, 5:38 PM
Darkeyes is right--she's not really as bad as everyone makes her out to be. She's a very sweet, innocent girl. You know, the kind of girl you want to wine and dine and buy gifts and bring flowers and chocolates and just spoil rotten right up to the moment you pound the stake into her heart, cut off her head, stuff her mouth with garlic, and bury her body at a crossroads.

It's a quaint old Scottish custom, I believe...

Mar 22, 2007, 5:51 PM
Darkeyes is right--she's not really as bad as everyone makes her out to be. She's a very sweet, innocent girl. You know, the kind of girl you want to wine and dine and buy gifts and bring flowers and chocolates and just spoil rotten right up to the moment you pound the stake into her heart, cut off her head, stuff her mouth with garlic, and bury her body at a crossroads.

It's a quaint old Scottish custom, I believe...

me gonna getcha Robin... me spluttered me plonk all ova me screen wen me read the first part of ya post an screamed in rage... then me saw second bit an me got angry...

Mar 22, 2007, 6:10 PM
Well, heaven forbid I ever say anything *not* to piss you off! I'm just thinking of your reputation, my dear...

Mar 22, 2007, 6:32 PM
me gonna getcha Robin... me spluttered me plonk all ova me screen wen me read the first part of ya post an screamed in rage... then me saw second bit an me got angry...

lol but darkeyes!! I love garlic!!
If your mouth was stuffed with garlic, I don't think my mouth will ever leave yours lol mmmmmmmmm
Must have garlic *gasps*

Mar 22, 2007, 6:48 PM
Its funny tho... if you were really a witch you would be able to cast rain or something to put out the flames!!!

I didn't know that about Joan tho... I knew she had voices in her head but that was all.

So many people died being supposely witches.
IN FACT.... after the salem witch trail one of the women was found proven INNOCENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, It was a bit to late for that!

There's actually a very interesting story behind the Salem witch hunts. There were babies being born very deformed and people suffering from hallucinations (particularily the women at the time) because of the rye grain used at the time for baking bread was getting damp.

There's actually a name for the condition, and it is caused by rye grain becoming damp.

It affected the women more just simply due to the fact that they were in the home where the rye was kept and exposed to it a lot more than the men, or even the children. (Children were outside more than women)

Put together women hallucinating and add seriously deformed babies....WITCHES! Or so they thought....

Mar 22, 2007, 7:01 PM
lol but darkeyes!! I love garlic!!
If your mouth was stuffed with garlic, I don't think my mouth will ever leave yours lol mmmmmmmmm
Must have garlic *gasps*

Me not complainin bout the garlic Tasha...me luffs garlic...but ya c wot he wonts 2 do wiv me pwetty wittle 'ed???? Me get 'im!

mmmmmmm lips.... yummie! :bigrin:

An yea..married me wos for me sins...not me wisest move eva! An until this afty wudda suggested ya ask mumsy if we related... but she let it slip that she only been mumsyin for 22 years... an that means...mummy!!!!!!!!! wer r ya?????????? :( :eek:

Mar 22, 2007, 7:15 PM
There's actually a very interesting story behind the Salem witch hunts. There were babies being born very deformed and people suffering from hallucinations (particularily the women at the time) because of the rye grain used at the time for baking bread was getting damp.

There's actually a name for the condition, and it is caused by rye grain becoming damp.

It affected the women more just simply due to the fact that they were in the home where the rye was kept and exposed to it a lot more than the men, or even the children. (Children were outside more than women)

Put together women hallucinating and add seriously deformed babies....WITCHES! Or so they thought....

Hmm, that is interesting, never heard that perspective before, thanks. Is that the black grain thing? I vaguely recall something about picking wild grain, don't pick the black ones because they've gone bad or something...

Mar 22, 2007, 7:29 PM
Hmm, that is interesting, never heard that perspective before, thanks. Is that the black grain thing? I vaguely recall something about picking wild grain, don't pick the black ones because they've gone bad or something...

This link goes into Ergot of Rye...ergotism. You have to scroll down to see the connection to the Salem witch hunts.

By the looks of the pictures, you might have something with the black grain thing....I didn't read the entire article yet.


Mar 22, 2007, 8:32 PM
Ergot is indeed a fungus that grows on rye. You might find this interesting:, from Wikipedia:

Among those who studied ergot and its derivatives was Albert Hofmann, whose experiments led to the discovery of LSD, a powerfully hallucinogenic ergot derivative that affects the serotonin system. Contrary to some rumors, ergot contains no LSD, but there are links between the two substances:

1. LSD was first synthesized during research on the active ingredients of ergot.
2. Lysergic acid, a raw material used in the synthesis of LSD, was and is still prepared from ergot.

Complete link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ergot#Effects_on_humans_and_animals

Mar 22, 2007, 8:36 PM
I guess now isn't the time to say I'd rather be a vampire... it's the history major in me. . .absorbing history in real time, writing it down as a chronicle. I'd probably want to be a journalist.

Plus, who suspects a black vampire?


Mar 22, 2007, 8:42 PM
I guess now isn't the time to say I'd rather be a vampire... it's the history major in me. . .absorbing history in real time, writing it down as a chronicle. I'd probably want to be a journalist.

Plus, who suspects a black vampire?


Black vampire nibblin me neck sounds gud 2 me... :bigrin: :tongue: :tong:

Mar 22, 2007, 8:52 PM
Black vampire nibblin me neck sounds gud 2 me... :bigrin: :tongue: :tong:

I'd be learning from the best too...





Mar 22, 2007, 9:04 PM
I'd be learning from the best too...




*Taylor*Taylor u certainly r..Catherine Deneuve is jus the most beautiful woman me has eva seen!..an by far the yummiest vampire!

Learn from 'er an me neck is def at ur disposal!!!! :bigrin:

Mar 22, 2007, 10:53 PM
Alot of Vampire fans here, fer sure...If anyone is interested, try Brian Lumleys Necroscope series...There are about five books out there and it puts a very different twist to the Wamphyr everyone has come to love... :paw: :paw:

Mar 22, 2007, 10:59 PM
I guess now isn't the time to say I'd rather be a vampire... it's the history major in me. . .absorbing history in real time, writing it down as a chronicle. I'd probably want to be a journalist.

Plus, who suspects a black vampire?


A black vampire would be more mysterious lol
Im so pale.... everyones always saying "You look like a vampire... pale skin, your eyes are to senstive to the light." lol
If I TRY to tan I BURN!!! SEE?!?!?!?! Vampire!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol

Fire Lotus
Mar 22, 2007, 11:31 PM
Im so pale.... everyones always saying "You look like a vampire... pale skin, your eyes are to senstive to the light." lol
If I TRY to tan I BURN!!! SEE?!?!?!?! Vampire!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol

Me too! I have very fair skin and light eyes (green) that are sensetive to light too.All thanks to my celtic heritage. I guess this means I'm a vampire too!

......there is also my fondnesss for biting ;)

Mar 22, 2007, 11:34 PM
When they used to burn witches during the witch trials, they would make a homosexual man carry a bundle of sticks on his back that was going to be used in the fire. Sometimes they wouldn't bother to take the sticks off of his back before they set it ablaze.

Vampires are awesome, and I hope that one day I can become one.

Mar 22, 2007, 11:44 PM
Me too! I have very fair skin and light eyes (green) that are sensetive to light too.All thanks to my celtic heritage. I guess this means I'm a vampire too!

......there is also my fondnesss for biting ;)

Umm and your canadian too...... :) *grins*

I actually have 2 birthmarks on my neck that look like vampire teeth marks lol Odd place for birthmarks!
Im part irish... lol

So Fire Lotus, when do you want to meet? lol

I really need to move back to ontario... everyone I meet seems to be over there lol I still have not warmed up to living in BC.

Mar 22, 2007, 11:45 PM
Would be interested in your source for this -- it sounds like its tied into the notion that the word "faggot" derives from the (entirely mythical) burning of homosexuals. (Burning was the punishment for heresy, not buggery. I don't think that "homosexuality" as opposed to "buggery" was generally criminalized, BTW).

Mar 22, 2007, 11:51 PM
Would be interested in your source for this -- it sounds like its tied into the notion that the word "faggot" derives from the (entirely mythical) burning of homosexuals. (Burning was the punishement for heresy, not buggery. I don't think that "homosexuality" as opposed to "buggery" was generally criminalized, BTW).

If they did those things to guys... what did they do to the women??

Mar 23, 2007, 12:12 AM
Umm and your canadian too...... :) *grins*

I actually have 2 birthmarks on my neck that look like vampire teeth marks lol Odd place for birthmarks!
Im part irish... lol

So Fire Lotus, when do you want to meet? lol

I really need to move back to ontario... everyone I meet seems to be over there lol I still have not warmed up to living in BC.

Sooo.....Canadians are Vampires?? Or just Ontario-ites? :rolleyes: :tong:

Methinks Tasha's other side has been unleashed...bwahahahaaaaa!!! :eek: :bigrin:

Mar 23, 2007, 12:15 AM
Sooo.....Canadians are Vampires?? Or just Ontario-ites? :rolleyes: :tong:

Methinks Tasha's other side has been unleashed...bwahahahaaaaa!!! :eek: :bigrin:

Ummm so Flex, since your only a few hours away from me........... LOL

I don't know, the other side is mysterious lol But seriously, im a VERY VERY shy person in real life till you get to know me then you can't get rid of me lol


Mar 23, 2007, 12:27 AM
Ummm so Flex, since your only a few hours away from me........... LOL

I don't know, the other side is mysterious lol But seriously, im a VERY VERY shy person in real life till you get to know me then you can't get rid of me lol


***puts on turtleneck sweater***LOL!!

I'm actually rather quiet at first too, especially if I'm in a situation where other people know each other, but I don't know any of them.

After a while tho, then I have to remember to shut up occasionally! :rolleyes:

Mar 23, 2007, 12:31 AM
***puts on turtleneck sweater***LOL!!

I'm actually rather quiet at first too, especially if I'm in a situation where other people know each other, but I don't know any of them.

After a while tho, then I have to remember to shut up occasionally! :rolleyes:

I have turtleneck sweaters too LOL my sister would love to burn most of them cause she thinks I should show my neck. :)

Ya me too lol if you intro me to peopel I don't know Im like really quiet unless someone speaks to me lol but after Im comfortable Im more talkive :)

Where is the Anne Rice list?!?!? lol PM me the list (or link me if you have it online)

Mar 23, 2007, 4:59 AM
flexuality & bi-robin: thanks foe the links, interesting stuff. ;)

Mar 23, 2007, 6:27 AM
I don't know, the other side is mysterious lol But seriously, im a VERY VERY shy person in real life till you get to know me then you can't get rid of me lol

Ahh, but that begs the question, my dear Tasha, why would *anyone* in their right mind want to get rid of you? ;)

Mar 23, 2007, 9:47 AM
I have a small (but it's getting bigger...) collection of the older black and white horror films. These include the original vampire movie, "Nosferatu" and then some Bela Lugosi (he did a great Dracula) films. It also includes several Boris Karloff and Lon Chaney Sr. and Jr. films. Lon Jr. had some of the finest makeup done to him for the change from human to werewolf in his movies. Also the 'Invisible Man' used some very unusual special effects when he turned from invisible to visible. And the use of stop motion for the 'King Kong' features is was just fabulous back then.
Then of course, I also have some odd films like "Reefer Madness" that extolled the horrors of smoking marijuana and how it makes you go freaking crazy and kill people :) :) :) ....
In my opinion, the older movie makers used emotion, light and shadows, and the thought processes to create the needed fear for a movie's success much better than the movie makers today. Today, the display of gore is simply that, the display of gore. It doesn't take any imagination to sit through a horror film today and eat $15.00 to $20.00 worth of junk food.
I have often sat up all night and enjoyed the old movies of Turner Classic Movies when they run a series of the older films.
Have a great day, everybody..

Mar 23, 2007, 11:54 AM
Ahh, but that begs the question, my dear Tasha, why would *anyone* in their right mind want to get rid of you? ;)

I don't know!!! :) Who wants to get rid of sweet little me? :) Im a lovable gal!!! :) *sits down and waits for a girlfriend* Im waiting. lol

Mar 23, 2007, 8:51 PM
A black vampire would be more mysterious lol
Im so pale.... everyones always saying "You look like a vampire... pale skin, your eyes are to senstive to the light." lol
If I TRY to tan I BURN!!! SEE?!?!?!?! Vampire!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol

If you saw Eddie Murphys Vampire in Brooklyn, then you gotta try to find an old movie called, Blackula... :paw: :paw:

Mar 23, 2007, 9:55 PM
Yes, and its even more obscure sequel, "Scream Blacula Scream".

Mar 23, 2007, 11:24 PM
If you saw Eddie Murphys Vampire in Brooklyn, then you gotta try to find an old movie called, Blackula... :paw: :paw:

But that's why I'd love to make a serious film about black vampires. . .the closest they came was Queen of the Damned.


meteast chick
Mar 24, 2007, 11:20 AM
I never liked gore and still don't. I love intrigue and suspense. Horror...okay, just not blood everywhere to, it's gratuitous, nasty and often times completely unbelievable. I've often been told I have teeth like a vampire, and those in my past know I've used them.

Now, as far as being married...Darkeyes, Tasha, we've all made our mistakes, now we should just all get together and make some more!!!

luv and kisses,

Mar 24, 2007, 12:11 PM
Without imagination, there is no horror ...

All vampires are bisexual ...

Mar 24, 2007, 12:28 PM
All vampires are bisexual ...

Well, they suck, at least. And they all swallow! :bigrin:

Mar 24, 2007, 12:40 PM
Without imagination, there is no horror ...

All vampires are bisexual ...

Well that explains why I am bisexual cool I always wondered about that. lol :tong:

Mar 24, 2007, 12:45 PM
Well that explains why I am bisexual cool I always wondered about that. lol :tong:

you little tinker you ...

you should look up my earlier thread/posting i started on this

Mar 24, 2007, 1:36 PM
Without imagination, there is no horror ...

All vampires are bisexual ...

imagination.... mines soooooooooo good lol
Although I think my imagination and dreams gang up on me sometimes..... ummm

Vampires are fun :)
Speaking of Vampires...... that reminds me I need to talk to Arana about something. :)
