View Full Version : Just a whinge about my pathetic life :-(

Mar 22, 2007, 9:51 AM
Ok so last friday the 'woman' had asked me to meet with her and as i said in another posted she never showed us blah blah ...so now its thursday night and i have txt her numerous times from fri til today ...back on monday after she hadn't answered not even ONE of my txts i ask if she would like me to stop contacting. She txt back ... you can txt ...so then i keep txting just once a day asking how she is or something like that and no answer again so today i txt saying ...are you not talking to me ? she txt back that she is going away to work (that is great for her and i AM genuinely happy that she found a job she wanted) but also has left me wondering WTF just happened.. SHE initiated our txting and phone calls SHE asked that we meet and each time 'something' happened....SHE kept saying we WILL meet "i will make it happen' she said ...she said i WANT to meet ...SHE kept planning the next 'meeting date' she arranged last fri and when i got there she had arranged something else and said she would txt when she was finished ... as you know she never showed :-( ... SHE was the one who suddenly initiated a few weeks back the 'erotic txting and calls' ...so now she is leaving ....it was never meant to be ...so be it get over it :-( (number 2 whinge) ... my friend that i initially posted about ...the one i am in love with ...i told her last saturday ....has sadly ended our friendship :-( .....again ...well i at least told her ...now lost that friendship ............ (number 3 whinge) ... a friend of mine of 20 years !!!!!!!!!! BROKE my trust ...destroyed my trust in her as a friend ....laughs at me when she tells me that she broke my trust .....and then expects that all is the same in our friendship..... :-(
not much to some people i know but combined with the rest of my personal life and what i am and have been going through in day to day life doesn't make me want to hang around to see chapter two :-(
Thanks if you got this far :-(

Mar 22, 2007, 10:36 AM
I dont know. The first chapter seemed interesting. Definately not dull. Maybe ya oughta hang out for the second chapter and see what happens.

'sides you know somewhere in the middle of every story is a climax... :bigrin:

Mar 22, 2007, 11:57 AM
I swear...if you were not in another counrty....I would tell you I know her. She keeps cancelling on me and then messaging me back that she wants me in her life. We talk on the phone and she tells me how much she loves me and then when it comes time to meet, she doesn;t show...doesn't answer her phone...nothing. Just FYI...she is either bipolar or borderline personality disorder (she has been diagnosed at seperate times with each). I wonder if your friend is the same?

Mar 22, 2007, 12:15 PM
Hi Krystal,

person #1 does not sound genuinely interested in you. sounds like she is playing games.. i wouldn't waste any more time on here.

#2 and 3, well that is really sad that you lost a good friend and lost the trust of another. but that doesn't mean your life is pathetic, nor does it mean the end of the world.

friends will constantly come and go into your life. i know i take it personally when someone decides they don't want to be my friend, don't want to date me, don't reply to e-mails etc, but the bottom line is that we can't please everybody. all we can do is keep reaching out and hope to make new friends..

focus time on those who are interested in you and want to spend time with you.. and try to learn to let go of those who don't.

Mar 22, 2007, 2:22 PM

Im sorry to hear what has happened.... but you know what? #2 and #3 just proved they are not your REAL friends.

I do know how hard it is to fall for a friend and be uncertain if you should or not tell them.

I have 2 friends Ive known for 18 years and 12 years......

The one Ive known for 12 years is always sending me mysterious mixed singals, I tend to do the same to her just to see where things are going.
She has admitted to having "bisexual thoughts" but decided shes way to boy crazy to do anything about it. Ok.... fine.... but now I want to know why is it every time I tell her about a girl I met she sounds rather jealous?? Jealous as in "I don't want you to be with her!!" lol and I have questioned her, she goes "oh I sounded like that? I didn't mean to....." (changing subject or suddenly has to go) And I don't know where her jealously comes from if she keeps saying shes perfectly happy with her bf. lol
Shes odd but its clear she has a crush on me and I know I do on her but we never told each other even tho its nothing new that theres been flirts going on that come and go lol (we also almost had an encounter once but were interupted before anything really happened)

I remember one time she actually asked "Are you flirting with me?"
Me "Uh flirting?? Im not flirting...." (I didn't even realize I was doing that and felt really shy all of a sudden)
Her "Oh ya.... you do it to me all the time." and I asked if that bothered her and she said no cause she liked it lol (yep, bisexual but more into men)

I don't think me and her will ever be honest with each other about the whole crush thing and tell the other how we feel lol but if it ever came up, I guess they'll be talking and NOTHING will happen of course unless we're sure it wouldn't ruin the friendship.

The other friend is a different story :)

Anyway you will find new friends :) A real friend should be pleased if you like her/him more than a friend even if they aren't interested, they should be happy you think of them like that and gently say "Wow... but Im sorry, I don't feel the same way but can we just be friends?" or something like that.


Mar 22, 2007, 4:23 PM
I just got done reading your post and it looks like you might have really cared about the one you was to meet but in return got stood up everytime which makes them look bad not you, as for the text messege honestly just let her send the messege cause it could cause more of a heart break for you than what you need. As for the friend that you lost because of trust its hard to deal with it with how long you both new each other and shared alot of things but a true friend won't play games with your mind for any reason.


Mar 22, 2007, 4:59 PM
Took cell ..Power purging! felt good! delete delete delete..........

Mar 23, 2007, 8:50 AM
ok so today i woke up ....i suppose that's a good start ;)
then i decided for no apparent reason other than i felt like shit having cried myself to sleep ...that my life needed to be cleaned up......
my 'friends' and i do that ' ' for various reasons.....but my 'friends' need to know how i feel honestly (nothing to do with being bi ...just how much they continue to hurt me and i LET them !
two friends of mine received a txt from me saying that obviously our friendship doesn't mean as much to them as it does to me cause neither of them have bothered to email call txt write or visit in a YEAR ....i always have to visit or call if i want to see or talk to them and usually when i DO drive the HOUR to visit them they are busy watching a dvd or whatever whatever .... and one txt back saying that she has bills to pay and "well excuse me for trying to keep the bills down" ! WHAT THE ??!!? ...i didnt even bother with that one.... the other one who never ever calls txts visits or emails but expects me to .. replied with "your friendship means the world to me i don't know what to say you have hurt me" ...didnt bother replying to that either
the friend of 20 years that broke my trust received a txt saying how much she hurt me and exactly how and why ... she replied with how she is sorry that she hurt me and that is all she can say ..sorry ....i forgave her and told her its all good now she knows how i felt about it and she didnt try to make excuses or blame someone else just that she is sorry that is good enough for me...
the one who didnt turn up and doesnt answer txts now ...i put it to her straight and she answered with an honest (as far as i can figure) reply and explanation of what has been happening etc etc ....
i forgave her too...maybe i shouldnt but i lost enough friends in one day :eek:
i then went on and on ...txting or calling people who have hurt me or treated me badly and i feel good....
maybe chapter two is worth waiting for and a climax sounds good :rolleyes: :tong: :bigrin: :tongue:
thank you to those who gave me the time and replied.... i've been through much hurt in the past year and really started losing faith in people and myself and life in general and appreciate those of you who care and genuinely do accept and care about people :bigrin:

Mar 23, 2007, 5:09 PM
I think you did the best thing by letting all of them know how the have treated you over the years and if anything like that happens again (lets hope not though) you will be able to remember how you handled it and can do it once again. I'm sure with everyone on here that you have talked with that you now have even more friends that do care about your feelings about things, even though I haven't talked with you any it seems to me like you are a nice person and care alot about friendships.

hope to chat with you sometime,

Mar 25, 2007, 7:37 AM
Thank you :)

Mar 25, 2007, 9:49 AM
Well done you for being honest with your "friends" - I know how it is to feel as if you're taken for granted by those who take take take and don't give.