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Mar 22, 2007, 8:15 AM

Gay rights in the UK.....slow n steady wins the race.....?

Mar 22, 2007, 8:34 AM
My partner and I have discussed children and the possibility of having them. Biologically it is a bit difficult for us as you can imagine, but adoption is something we have thought about. As yet we have made no decision to do so, but it is our moral right like any other decent human being to adopt and raise a child or children if that is our wish. We are no more or less unfit for the purpose than any male/female partnership married or not.

As you can imagine we have been following this story with interest and the Roman Catholic church's attempt at blackmail I am glad to see has rebounded in its face. They are not yet finished we see, since the Primate of the Catholic church in Scotland has come out and told all catholics that they should not vote Labour in the forthcoming Scottish Parliamentary elections because of this issue. I hope that rebounds on them too not because I have any great affinity with Labour but because it is simply not the place of organisations like the Catholic church to tell people how they should vote. I know it has happened elsewhere, and no doubt it shall happen again, but such interference in the democratic process harps back to the days when kings and great nations cowered at the word of the church.

There are many far more important issues for us to consider than the adoption rights of gay and bi people when deciding how to cast our vote in a national election.

Mar 22, 2007, 10:23 AM
Soon put a stop 2 the Craigie gallivantin huh Sam havin lil snots round the place??? Cant think of a nicer place 2 bring em up tho. The locals will hav fun wiv the tuttin an scowlin... b great puttin that lots noses outa joint huh? Me wud hav rite gud ole field day! An God help em if ya gud lady starts on em..tee hee! Me needs a bloody great knife thingie2 do wot she dus wiva glare an a bitta silence!! Scares the crap outa me me can tellya!

On the point u make on the interference of the lovely Cardinal you are right of course, though for the life of me I cant see how you stop him or any church leader because then we get into the argument of religious freedom and freedom of speech. A right hairy old can of worms. And however much forums has arguments on that score is nothing compared to those which exist in the outside world if we try that on.

Regarding their attitude to adoption agencies, quite simply it is a case of we are getting beat so I'm taking my ball away so you cant play. Sounds like the Hibees on a bad day. It is ok for them to do that if they were honest why they were doing it, but they claim children are the most important thing, but its not. Its the RC church trying to impose its will on the rest of us and showing its typical prejudice, bigotry and intolerance to that on the rest of us. The unscrupulous acts of the intolerant.

Its not that they do not understand sexuality of any kind, they do only too well. It is but another stick to bash people with and make them feel guilty. Another stick in its historical efforts to control the way the world is and its inhabitants minds.

The kirk and the pissypalions are no better..always trying to tell us what to think, and however much I admire Islam and some of the non indegenous religions I am finding that they are no better and in some ways are a damn site worse.

Mar 22, 2007, 10:33 AM
darkeyes, I agree with you, but I don't think they know what they're doing. The church eventually stops questioning what they do because they stop listening to everyone else. I don't think if anybody knew what the church was willing to do to people, or children, to keep it's constituency believing in them that they'd support it's bureaucracy's anymore. It's sad that no christians seem upset with the cardinal for threatening to shut down orphanages because they might be forced to give good homes for children to homosexual couples, then again, i probably can...

Mar 22, 2007, 1:27 PM
Im a adopted person.

My birthmother tried to take care of me for one week but found she couldn't. She took me back to the hospital and asked the nurses to find me a better home cause she knew she wasn't fit for it. (even tho her parents are raising her other daughter.... a sister 3 years older than me.)
Took 4 months for me to be adopted. <--- And people wonder why Im so used to hospitals lol I lived in one for the first 4 months!!!!!

I think adoption should be allowed to ANY couple that want children but are unable to. (same sex, or even a male/women but one cant provide children due to medical reasons such as cancer, something went wrong in the last pregnancy which prevent any more children...etc)

Personally, being adopted to a same sex couple would be so much better than being left in a hospital or orphan place still waiting, waiting and waiting :(

It took me so long cause I was born with a lot of visible medical problems
(Do NOT smoke or do drugs when pregnant... this is what my Bmother did)
So the adoption agency wasn't handing me over to just anyone, they were strictly and picky. I was going to be adopted to a couple that could handle all the medical problems I had as a child.
My parents actually knew zippo so it was a BIG challenge cause as stressful as it probably was, in thier hearts they knew they could do it.

BUT it was 1979... back then adoption rules are different than today.
Back then you COULD NOT adopt if you were single or not married. And Im sure same sex adoption was out of the question back then too.

Im glad adoption is being made open to more and more people now. Even singles can adopt now if they don't want to marry. Same Sex are being allowed to now as well.


Mar 22, 2007, 2:32 PM
The kirk and the pissypalions are no better

Well, ya usedta have better religion before the sassenach invaded, yah?

Mar 22, 2007, 3:45 PM
Well, ya usedta have better religion before the sassenach invaded, yah?

Robin ole sweet..read ya history..they kept tryin 2 take us ova an neva quite managed 2 succeed..in end we took them ova.. circa 1603.. an they didn like it 1 bit.. is the wee matta of 1707 but that wos bribery of the scottish rulin classes but like the rulin classes ne wer they wer bent as fuk ne way!

An religion in both countries wos rancid then neway...now it jus stinks! giggles! :bigrin: