View Full Version : Too many collections, losing interest in some comes easily.....

Mar 21, 2007, 9:41 PM
Well, I was sitting on the floor in my living room where most of my collections are displayed.

I am carefully packing up most of my Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs collections to put away since I want just my victorian stuff in the room and Snow White really has no place there.

Then I got to thinking about Snow White.... sure I LOVED Snow White to death when I was younger....as soon as I hit 21, the collection just became a "something I have" but didn't care much about.

When I was 23, I found out I had truely lost any interest in Snow White. I had accidently knocked over a snow globe that year and I wasn't upset, I was like "Well, thats 1 less thing for this collection!!!"
The only thing I was annoyed about was the fact it made a big mess lol If you have seen disney snow globes, you know they are BIG.

I know we all outgrow things especially those we had loved so dearly when we were young.

I pack up the snow white stuff to put away for awhile but deep down Im wondering if its really worth packing them up if I know very well I'll rid of them in a few years?? Its like every year I grow more and more uninterested. Just this Jan (2007) I was in disney world.... exposed to Snow White stuff and what did I do? I just walked past them not taking a notice. My interest seemed more on the Tinkerbell stuff. lol

Its time Ive outgrown Snow White. I know Im just packing them up to make my mom happy cause shes quite angry Ive outgrown that collection and thinks I should always keep it.
So packing them up, in a few years they will become forgotten then I can quitely get rid of them on Ebay or somewhere.

I was wondering tho, does anyone on here have kids that adore snow white?? I'll love to help add to thier collection :-)

I have so many collections.

Victorian Collection - Will live with this for life! lol
Antique Style Boxes - They are cool and neat :-)
Those Bear Figurines collection

Snow White - Lost all interest
Angel Figurines - Starting to lose interest

She-Ra Princess of Power (1980s) never removed from box action figurines and books I still own.... but I honestly don't know why I keep them considering they have been in a box for the last 8 years (ever since I got them off ebay actually lol... my oringals were worn out and ruined from play)


Im doing serious spring cleaning lol

Mar 21, 2007, 10:57 PM
some of those older things might be worth a few bucks on ebay.. you should do a search and see what others are selling them for.

personally, my parents threw out many of my childhood toys, and i wish i still had some of them. but if you have given it lots of thought for many years, then perhaps it is time for them to go..

if you have any teddy bears you don't want, then please send them to me! i have a huge collection that i like to expand as often as possible! hehe..

Mar 21, 2007, 11:06 PM
some of those older things might be worth a few bucks on ebay.. you should do a search and see what others are selling them for.

personally, my parents threw out many of my childhood toys, and i wish i still had some of them. but if you have given it lots of thought for many years, then perhaps it is time for them to go..

if you have any teddy bears you don't want, then please send them to me! i have a huge collection that i like to expand as often as possible! hehe..

All I have are my most favortie teddys left lol they are currently in a storage bin tho with my beanie babies lol

The LARGE ones I donated cause I just had no room for them :(


Mar 22, 2007, 4:00 PM
SnowWhite....She-Ra....Beanie Babies...Geeez...LOL Thanks Tasha for making me feel so.......... elderly....I feel like I just stepped out of Mr. Peabody' "Way back Machine"

Ambi :)

Mar 22, 2007, 4:15 PM
SnowWhite....She-Ra....Beanie Babies...Geeez...LOL Thanks Tasha for making me feel so.......... elderly....I feel like I just stepped out of Mr. Peabody' "Way back Machine"

Ambi :)

Ambi, *hugs* 50s is not eldery.... its a mature age :)
There are moments someone would remind me something of the 80s and Im like "uh never heard of it" even tho I should cause I was a 80s kid, lol
For example... Umm He-Man.... I never bothered watching that cartoon much so I don't know half of the characters,
She-Ra I do cause I was obessed with that cartoon and action figurines lol

Jem and the Holograms were another obbessed over show and stuff I liked lol had all the dolls!! JEM!!! I do still have the books lol
:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: You know whats weird Ambi??? A lot of 80s kids can;t even REMEMBER Jem and the Holograms!!!

Okies Im gonna be quiet now lol

Mar 22, 2007, 4:27 PM
i collect little mice/rats they all live in a little wooden mouse house that i built a few years ago..

i have had the little darlings since i was tween..and im well past the tweens..

the rule is they must fit in the house..if not i walk away..that way the house looks great under plexy glass and it doesnt spread through out the house the big house...

yeah..i can talk..with my disney shrine of an office in the basement with wall to wall disney movie displayers..but heck its cheerful in here!

collections i believe if you keep a general rule..you can enjoy them all your life and well, pass to your children should you have any..

keep collecting!!!

Mar 22, 2007, 4:36 PM
Tasha: have you seen Rammstein - Sonne?

Here's a link to the video on youtube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1_JaPdqd5Aw) - it's quite a dark sort of retelling of snow white, but cool. (probably best to watch without little eyes being present to prevent awkward questions...but otherwise safe for work)

Mar 22, 2007, 4:39 PM
Just moved a dear friends mother to a condo.Among the items in the basement were boxes ( six or so 2' by 3') of beanie babies hundreds of them ......friend said perhaps we should look thru to see if there are any valuable ones....took one home whereby the dog tore it to shreds hope it wasnt a $500.00 one!

Mar 22, 2007, 4:40 PM
Just moved a dear friends mother to a condo.Among the items in the basement were boxes ( six or so 2' by 3') of beanie babies hundreds of them ......friend said perhaps we should look thru to see if there are any valuable ones....took one home whereby the dog tore it to shreds hope it wasnt a $500.00 one!

lol, don't check the price, pretend it never existed...

Mar 22, 2007, 5:29 PM
Ambi, *hugs* 50s is not eldery.... its a mature age :)
There are moments someone would remind me something of the 80s and Im like "uh never heard of it" even tho I should cause I was a 80s kid, lol
For example... Umm He-Man.... I never bothered watching that cartoon much so I don't know half of the characters,
She-Ra I do cause I was obessed with that cartoon and action figurines lol

Jem and the Holograms were another obbessed over show and stuff I liked lol had all the dolls!! JEM!!! I do still have the books lol
:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: You know whats weird Ambi??? A lot of 80s kids can;t even REMEMBER Jem and the Holograms!!!

Okies Im gonna be quiet now lol

LOL That's OK Tasha. LOL With four daughters ranging from 25-18 and a son at 23...you might say the 80's seem a bit of a blurr to me...It's not the Beanie Babies and Purr Kitties I trip over these days...It's the bills from college tuitions and books as far as the eye can seeeeeeeeeeee

Ambi :)