View Full Version : what to do?

Sep 7, 2005, 3:59 AM
hey all. . . just a quick question. how do you know someones bi andthat you can make a move. cos I really like this girl but i'm not to sure what to do about it especially since most of my friend thing its completely taboo

Sep 7, 2005, 7:35 AM
get straight to the point.. and ask her.. if your scared to ask up front.. then break this question down into a convosation.. ask her about what she thinks of bi & les people.. talk about could she imagen being one.. then go with the follow from there.. make it look like a natural convo tho. like it isnt being forced cos ur wanting just one answer,.. goodluckXxx :rolleyes:

Lisa (va)
Sep 7, 2005, 4:08 PM
Ditto to shorty. Just start a conversation and have girl talk and casually talk about different preferences that folks have, That may give you an indication as to whether she is bi, or at least open to the idea of you being bi even if she isn't. Best of luck !


hugs n kisses

Sep 7, 2005, 4:36 PM
i think you should explain tacfull how you feel and see how it goes

Sep 8, 2005, 11:49 PM
If it were me, I'd make it small talk. I wouldn't make it a huge convo. just incase she dont feel the same way. (had it happen 1ce) Just basically hint on it......orrrrrrrrrrrrr you can make up a story like....I have this friend and she was telling me that she liked this girl, but when she tried to make a move, she backed out.Say a made up story like that, and see how she coments on it. If soo, ask some Q's just to find out a little more.

P.S. If you ever need to talk, I'll be here to listen!!!
Also good luck with that!!!


Sep 23, 2005, 1:46 PM
Im not afraid I flirt with girls when dining out or shopping. Its fun bi or not they always flirt a lil back with me. If there really offended she will tell you ok your nice but...im str8. You get shot down but you get back up again and keep moving. :female:

Sep 23, 2005, 2:00 PM

First of all, go and read the thread by andigril22 - it is a similar question and has some pertinent responses. See my response towards the end.. the one that says, "oops I forgot to add"... dropping hints about your views is a good way to see if she's on board without putting her on the spot. Cause if you put her on the spot make sure you say what your view are first - for example, you could say "can you belive the whole gay marriage issue in CA possibly being turned over? I support gay marriage - I think it's fine - even bisexuality -..... what do you think?" and see where it goes from there.

Good luck!

Sep 23, 2005, 8:57 PM
I think if by now she hasn't noticed you have taken an interest in her you should maybe tell her you want to go out to eat or take a ride or maybe out todance or something and while you're out have simple conversation and slowly get to the point. Maybe as you r chatting 2gether she will get the point and you will possibly have the opportunity 2 really let her know how u feel. U never know what's going 2 happen, because I was friends with this girl for 2yrs before we finally went driving around and I broke it down to her during casual conversation, and guess what turns out she always thought I was beautiful and liked how I approached her and we finally kissed & everything else on my graduation day! So I waited all that time patiently and could have had her sooner if i just spoken up. So give it a try and don't be discouraged if she resists at first or all 2gether.There will be others to come.