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the sacred night
Mar 19, 2007, 10:44 PM
Has anyone else seen the episode of South Park where Butters gets called bicurious and sent to one of those 'make you straight' camps? I just saw it last night and wondered what people thought of it. He makes a nice speech near the end about how he's not going to change for anybody, but the whole episode I was waiting for him to find out what bicurious actually MEANT and go 'ew, I'm not that!'

Mar 19, 2007, 11:49 PM
I love South Park and thought the episode was great. Especially at the end when Butter’s dad says he is bi curious too. “Now I’m really confused.” I love South Park’s and The Simpson’s parodies and satires on society. You can really learn a lot from them. :2cents:

Mar 20, 2007, 12:07 AM
Gah! Someone beat me to posting about it! Lol :tong:

My favorite part of South Park is the warning in the beginning. It doesn't matter who you are, they are going to try and offend you. Bisexuals got off a bit easy in this episode, but if you want to nit pick and get offended, you could dislike the fact that bicurious was just a word to avoid saying the word gay.

I actually like the fact that Butters never learned what bicurious meant. It brings home the point of how harmful and rediculous the reform camp is. The only definition he got was that bicurious means you are confused. "Well, I certainly am confused, so I must be bicurious!" (He was blindfolded while Cartman played a penis prank on him. Once his blindfold was off, butters never heard any talk about sexual orientation whatsoever. He was sent to a camp for other confused boys.) The whole point was that no matter what bicurious really meant, the reaction the adults were having was wrong.

Now. Who wants to be my accountabalibuddy?

Mar 20, 2007, 2:08 AM
Has anyone else seen the episode of South Park where Butters gets called bicurious and sent to one of those 'make you straight' camps? I just saw it last night and wondered what people thought of it. He makes a nice speech near the end about how he's not going to change for anybody, but the whole episode I was waiting for him to find out what bicurious actually MEANT and go 'ew, I'm not that!'

I loved it when he told the "christians" running the camp that they were the one's that were confused!

Mar 20, 2007, 9:17 AM
Butters is still my favorite character.
Out of all the boys he seems to get into the most mind scarring situations.

Mar 20, 2007, 10:35 AM
Yeah, I caught the episode and I thought it was great. I laughed so hard at Butters roommate at camp just quoting scripture and verse. I like the speech Butters made at the end also, just to make all those out there think and say hummmmmmmmm!! I think South Park is great for putting stuff out there kinda how SNL use to be decades ago. :2cents:

Mar 20, 2007, 10:37 AM
T'was a good episode. It's nice to see them go after the queerbashers for once instead of just making a bunch of cheap "gay" jokes. Makes up for last week's episode, which was totally gay.


Mar 21, 2007, 9:50 AM
Bisexuals got off a bit easy in this episode, but if you want to nit pick and get offended, you could dislike the fact that bicurious was just a word to avoid saying the word gay.

Can't wait to see the episode but do you really think they avoid saying gay? After Big Gay Al's Big Gay Boat Ride, Mr Slave and Mr Garrison, Mr Garrison's Fancy New Vagina, Two Men Naked in a Hot Tub, Satan's ongoing relationship issues and many other examples where the guys approach sexuality issues in a very mature manner. I would say bicurious means exactly what it is in this case... but I'm only assuming as I haven't seen it.

Mar 21, 2007, 5:16 PM
Can't wait to see the episode but do you really think they avoid saying gay? Oh heavens no! Lol They used the word "gay" plenty of times in this episode. Butters' father walks in, and panics at finding his son in a homosexual position. He finally forces himself to calm down by saying "It's okay. No big deal. You're just bicurious". Only the characters that are religious fanatics use the word bicurious to make it sound just a little bit less gay. The implication being that there is no such thing as bisexuality. Just gay or straight, and bisexuality is a word to enable denial for the gay boys.

Mar 21, 2007, 7:35 PM
Oh heavens no! Lol They used the word "gay" plenty of times in this episode. Butters' father walks in, and panics at finding his son in a homosexual position. He finally forces himself to calm down by saying "It's okay. No big deal. You're just bicurious". Only the characters that are religious fanatics use the word bicurious to make it sound just a little bit less gay. The implication being that there is no such thing as bisexuality. Just gay or straight, and bisexuality is a word to enable denial for the gay boys.

okdk ;) As I said I can't wait so I'm going to go off and download it now.

Do you ever get the impression that South Park is the most important thing on TV these days? I suppose my avatar gives away that I do ;)

Mar 22, 2007, 7:21 PM
Ok Rhuth - dopey old me has just watched it and I finally get your point. Great episode.

Poor Butters - he always has a tough time.

Mar 23, 2007, 12:52 AM
I love South Park and thought the episode was great. Especially at the end when Butter’s dad says he is bi curious too. “Now I’m really confused.” I love South Park’s and The Simpson’s parodies and satires on society. You can really learn a lot from them. :2cents:

I haven't seen the episode but the statement about Butters' dad saying that he himself is bi curious cracked me up.

I'd think that Butters' dad is more bi and on the down low or closeted. Like in the episode where Butters' parents try to kill him in the style of that crazy bitch who was from SC who drowned her own kids by driving a car in a lake since she said that god or the devil or something told her to. Butters survives and I think they think that he's a ghost or something.

Anyway in that episode Butters' dad is seen going online to look at gay porn/erotica and goes to a men's bath house to get with men. LOL