View Full Version : Words and meanings

Mar 19, 2007, 4:17 PM
I came across an interesting quote this morning:

"The concept and the words 'bisexual', 'homosexual' and 'heterosexual' should be obsolete, like 'Miss' or 'Mrs.' The outer appearance of genitals may become like being tall or short, black or white. Please remember that cross-race sex and marriage was illegal in some places in the past."

Full article at http://www.bimagazine.org/nonfict/international/intl_2.html

Mar 19, 2007, 4:28 PM
Words don't have meaning...people do!

Mar 19, 2007, 6:04 PM
If you want an obsolete word: Miscegenation, relations between races. Laws, prohihibitions against, you name it. In the short run, a means to prosecute, harass, and despise. In the long run...absolutely nothing. These laws no longer exist, and most attitudes these days--less personal bias--could care less.

Fast forward: Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual. More laws, prohibitions, and stigmas. Good for politicians and pundits seeking to divide, but All to no avail in the long run...

Think of the biggest rock ever, placed before the smallest trickle of water. The rock will hold at first, but eventually the water will find its way around and continue on its way.

Mar 21, 2007, 12:47 AM
It's amazing how the mind plays tricks on you, especially when you're horny and/or tired...

I was reading and had to read it three times before I saw the right words.

Here's what I read...

"Think of the biggest cock ever, placed before the smallest..."

:eek2: The smallest WHAT???

Mar 21, 2007, 1:23 AM
Words don't have meaning...people do!

wow, those 6 words have more meaning than anything else i have heard all day!

Mar 21, 2007, 1:24 AM
ponder this..

we, right now, are at the center of eternity! because there always was, and there always will be!

Mar 21, 2007, 2:59 AM
ponder this..

we, right now, are at the center of eternity! because there always was, and there always will be!

ok, but before we can ponder the right now we need to realize that by the time it gets here it's gone.

Mar 21, 2007, 4:19 AM
ponder this..

we, right now, are at the center of eternity! because there always was, and there always will be!

and yet there is supposd to have been a beginning of time and an end... don't ask me 2 explain it either...

Mar 21, 2007, 7:03 AM
and yet there is supposd to have been a beginning of time and an end... don't ask me 2 explain it either...

The concept of time is a human concept...it began and will end with man because, it is confined within the dimension man physically inhabits.Dreams ...non physical reality has no need for time...Migrateing birds have an inclination to fly North or South. Bulls have an inclination to mate. When man's reign ends so does time. Hmmmm I have an inclination to get to work...or they may have an inclination to replace me with someone who has a stronger inclination LOL

Ambi :)

Mar 21, 2007, 12:04 PM
The rock will hold at first, but eventually the water will find its way around and continue on its way.

God bless the grass that grows thru the crack.
They roll the concrete over it to try and keep it back.
The concrete gets tired of what it has to do,
It breaks and it buckles and the grass grows thru,
And God bless the grass.

God bless the truth that fights toward the sun,
They roll the lies over it and think that it is done.
It moves through the ground and reaches for the air,
And after a while it is growing everywhere,
And God bless the grass.

God bless the grass that grows through cement.
It's green and it's tender and it's easily bent.
But after a while it lifts up its head,
For the grass is living and the stone is dead,
And God bless the grass.

God bless the grass that's gentle and low,
Its roots they are deep and its will is to grow.
And God bless the truth, the friend of the poor,
And the wild grass growing at the poor man's door,
And God bless the grass.
--Malvina Reynolds

Mar 21, 2007, 10:24 PM
and yet there is supposd to have been a beginning of time and an end... don't ask me 2 explain it either...

What was before the beginning then? :tong:

Mar 22, 2007, 3:38 AM
What was before the beginning then? :tong:

"The Land Before Time" The incredible journey of a small dinosaur named Littlefoot and his friends Cera, Pietre, Ducky, and Spike. Awesome movie that explains everything.

Ambi :)

Mar 22, 2007, 5:13 AM
hhmmm eternity actually doesn't exist.... the past is gone, the future is yet to be, and the moment is gone by the time it reaches here.

'course i told my boss that time actually doesn't exist according to einstein an he replied "great i don't hafta pay ya" :eek:

Mar 22, 2007, 3:26 PM
"The Land Before Time" The incredible journey of a small dinosaur named Littlefoot and his friends Cera, Pietre, Ducky, and Spike. Awesome movie that explains everything.

Ambi :)

Seen it...about 400 times....whether I wanted to or not....ah, the joys of kids......

BTW, was that Land Before Time 1? 2? ...3?.....4?.....5? 6? 7? 8?.......9?

Did they actually stop making them??? LOL!!

Mar 22, 2007, 3:33 PM
Seen it...about 400 times....whether I wanted to or not....ah, the joys of kids......

I can still recite the entire dialog from The Lion King from memory!

And now to put something into your head you won't be able to get rid of for at least a week:

"I am Sam!
Sam I am!"

Mar 22, 2007, 3:47 PM
I can still recite the entire dialog from The Lion King from memory!

And now to put something into your head you won't be able to get rid of for at least a week:

"I am Sam!
Sam I am!"

Actually I'm thinking about Dr Suess now.....THANKS :(

I do not like green eggs and ham,
I do not like them Sam I am.

I will not eat them here or there,
I will not eat them anywhere.

**wonders if Dr Suess invented time.....**

:tong: :rolleyes: :tong:

Mar 22, 2007, 4:08 PM
Funny enough, the only place I experience any discrimination is in swinging. We're a bi couple, but pretty much all the swingers clubs we've been to bi men are at best tolerated as "weird" and all women seem to be expected to be bi.

Seems to be changing tho, bi men (in the swinging scene) seem to be becoming more common/acceptable (about bloody time).