View Full Version : Small person, HUGE uniform!!! lol

Mar 19, 2007, 12:47 PM
Ahhh ever got a job where uniform was required?

You put on the uniform and it looks sooo big!! Even tho the shirt is size small. It still looks like a large on you lol

Being 5'1 and 102lbs, Peitite frame with a small chest.... My body doesn't like this uniform. lol

At least you can wear your OWN pants :) Now the blouse.... looks so BIG!! Im gonna wear it to work and show my trainer lol see if theres a EXTRA SMALL at least.
I saw the other girls there, thier tops fit them nicely. Mine looks baggy and sloppy cause its so BIG! *pouts*

The end of the shirt goes past my bum so ya, I had to pull up the shirt a bit so my pants could fit ok. Don't know if your allowed to have so much shirt "framing" around the wiast lol

At least the front part gets hidden with my apron. :) I work at a grocery store lol Got a cool name taggie to. hehe

I should have washed both shirts last night... see if they shrink hehe

Anyone else here that has ot wear a uniform that doesn't really fit them? lol


Mar 19, 2007, 12:59 PM
Places I have worked over the years, that required a uniform.. You had to purchase it... if your company has a service that provides uniforms that is obivously different in many aspects.

I fyou have to purchase it from a retail store, you can take it and have it tailored.. to fit you... I did and not sure in canada, but it is tax deductible in the states.

If it is a service that provides the uniform, you maybe able to call them and request a fitting for your uniform.. you would need to go to their facility and do it, now it does cost you, but you would look better, I know in the past having it done, I actually didn;t mind wearing it after it was tailored to fit me.. and It looked good too.

Mar 19, 2007, 11:03 PM
Three "jobs" --one was the military--there--they initially provied a number of the various uniforms that were required--later you had to buy the rest of them yourself.

Many years later--I worked in quality control for a foundry and on the assembly line at Honda--in both instances--the companies provided the uniforms but took out money from each paycheck for the uniforms.

Mar 19, 2007, 11:13 PM
i've always been the opposite.. big person, small uniform. used to work in retail and had to wear outfits, at least tops..

oh well, maybe they can get you an extra small. if not, don't worry. you are still a very beautiful woman, baggy outfit or not!

the sacred night
Mar 19, 2007, 11:27 PM
My work uniform was just a t shirt and hat and you wore your own pants and an apron, but now I just wear all my own clothes and the apron, plus I get to wear a bandana instead of a hairnet.

I always hated my work shirt, thought it looked like shit on me, but then my fiance started wearing it and it looks awesome on him!

Mar 20, 2007, 12:05 AM
LOL Well, I asked for a Extra Small shirt and it fits better :)
Another worker said when I wash the shirts they'll feel better too and not be so stiff :)

I don't mind the black apron, and the pants are black but my own... I do hate the color of the blouse but its not that bad :) Now to find a black sweater to wear over so if Im cold, I can wear that.
While the apron and blouse are provided by the store, its your responsibly to get black pants and a zipped black sweater (you can't zip it, it has to be open) to wear over the blouse OR a black long sleeved top to wear under it so you don't get cold :)

Mar 20, 2007, 3:29 AM
My military uniforms always fit fine but it does seem the ones you get from private companies never seem to fit quite right--and they are not very comfortable.

Hope you can find one that fits you Tasha...

Mar 20, 2007, 7:46 AM
I have the opposite situation I'm 6'5" 260lbs

everything is tight on me

Mar 20, 2007, 7:59 AM
I have never worn a uniform Tash. But I do wear some lovely big shirts for nighties and Meggie reckons thats uniform enough for me and I get the appropriate response :tong: .

Mar 20, 2007, 12:25 PM
I have never worn a uniform Tash. But I do wear some lovely big shirts for nighties and Meggie reckons thats uniform enough for me and I get the appropriate response :tong: .

lol I used to wear big shirts as nighties but hated how they kept "twisting" around when I slept and it made it uncomfortable.... but I guess yours doesn't stay on lol I usually just sleep with my pj bottoms and a T-shirt... if its hot then well, just panties lol

My uniform tops are so so hehe I don't mind uniforms to work actually, cause then no one can judge what your wearing lol
Although I do need to get some new black pants... I want to find one that has pockets on the side so I can keep my credit card and drivers ID in as I don't wanna leave my purse with others in a locked cupboard by the customer desk (no locker free). I know no ones gonna take my things but you know how your mind can get stubborn, "what if......" lol


Mar 21, 2007, 1:25 AM
I know no ones gonna take my things but you know how your mind can get stubborn, "what if......" lol
That's what I thought for the longest time, but then some of my stuff went missing, now I don't leave my stuff anywhere where other people can get at it...

Well, except for the computer lab for my degree at my university, but there only one thing has ever gone missing, still don't know who took Kerry's copy of Gears of War, and we have cameras watching it 24/7 that I have the password to the computer.