View Full Version : Questions to ask on dates

Mar 19, 2007, 6:11 AM
Hey everybody

I’m hoping some of you could give me advice or ideas for questions to ask on dates or questions to help me get too know people better.

Okay to be honest I’m not going on any dates soon and I’m not really looking to start any serious long term relationships just yet but I am always open to meeting new people and making new friends but I always run out off questions to ask.

I consider myself to be shy and I hate those uncomfortable silences.

I normally ask questions like

where are you from?
What do you do for a living?
What are your hobbies and interests?

And I love loads of different music and films so I normally ask questions to do with those But after that I’m normally stuck

Somebody please help xx

Mar 19, 2007, 6:21 AM
ask/talk about the other person or have them tell u all about themselves and go from there!

Mar 19, 2007, 6:41 AM
Its so many years since i dated, but as a good many of my girlfriends are doing the dating thing, from what I can glean, if you have to have intro questions, you may as well finsih your drink and catch the bus home.
If the date is going to work, conversation will just flow of its own accord in its own directions.

Mar 19, 2007, 6:45 AM
How are you expecting to meet people? Internet dating? Well hopefully if that's the case then you'll know a bit about them before you meet them and if you're meeting them then you should be interested and intrigued about them. Think about the person beforehand and what it is about them that you like and keep in mind some things you want to know about them. If you're really nervous then mabye make a few notes and you can go to the loo and consult the notes.

I've had quite a few internet dates in the last year and I've learned that my basic impressions of people from email conversations turned out to be pretty accurate when I met them so go with people you fee confident or at least intrigued.

Remember that they'll probably be nervous too so don't be afraid to admit it to break the silence. Look on it as a bit of fun and don't try to build it up in your mind too much - don't think you're about to meet Mr or Ms right and you should be fine.

Mar 19, 2007, 7:07 AM
If the date is going to work, conversation will just flow of its own accord in its own directions.

I think that is very true but unfortunately In many situations it just never happens for me so I end up trying get conversations flowing but that’s were I then get stuck.

Mar 19, 2007, 7:15 AM
About the internet dating thing. I have never actually never met anybody from the internet but I have spoke to a lot of people but I find people never ask me any questions, I ask them and they reply but then that’s it.

Mar 19, 2007, 7:27 AM
About the internet dating thing. I have never actually never met anybody from the internet but I have spoke to a lot of people but I find people never ask me any questions, I ask them and they reply but then that’s it.

I've only ever done the internet thing with women and I've found that most women on sites wait for guys to contact them so you have to be proactive. I've also found that I can only do it for about a month and then it becomes a bit tiring from spending all my work day and all my evenings on the computer. It does take effort to get results and be prepared for some boring evenings ;)

And make sure you put as much information about yourself in the profile and have some standards in that with the people you contact.

I'm just about to start looking for guys and getting quite excited about it

Mar 24, 2007, 12:39 AM
I would ask a woman The following; What are you looking for in a lady? Are you interested in a committed relationship or just trying to have fun and do you hangout at gay/lesbian clubs?

The reason for asking "what are you looking for in a lady?", is really an outlook to what type of woman she's trying to find. I want to see if I fit in those categories.

"Are you interested in a relationship or just trying to have fun?" That question's for me really. I want a committed relationship. I want to be the only woman in her life and vice versa! If she just want to have fun or a constant booty call, then of course that will never work.

"Do you hangout at gay/lesbiand bars?" I have yet to do this, so if she does then it's a plus. Being with someone who's intune to the LGBT comunity is always a great sign. Shows she's either really aware of her sexuality or trying to be more aware. [object Object] :bibounce:

Mar 24, 2007, 6:20 AM
truthfully, i've always found it best to ask questions focusing on them, not me.

people's favorite thing to talk about is themselves. they usually are not thinking all that much about me no matter how much i would like that lol.

for example. you like movies? oh really, what are some of the dvd's you have? what ones would you like to have? etc... etc...

and as painful as it may be for some people... let... them.... answer! lol!
(sorry, couldn't resist, heard that on a cd an cracked up lol!)

of course, it's probably not good to see a family photo and say something like "is that your family? yeah whatever....." hehehehee!

Mar 24, 2007, 6:51 AM
people's favorite thing to talk about is themselves. they usually are not thinking all that much about me no matter how much i would like that lol.

for example. you like movies? oh really, what are some of the dvd's you have? what ones would you like to have? etc... etc...

and as painful as it may be for some people... let... them.... answer! lol!

As a hipster friend of mine would say, true dat! Corny as it may be, the movie "Hitch" has some really great dating advice!

And don't just pay attention to what they say but how they say it. Also, pay attention to non-verbal cues (is it just me, or are ALL men horrible on picking up on hints?)

If you're on a coffee date and she (or he) starts picking at his/her styrofoam cup or checks the clock/watch/cellphone, this is an indication that things are not moving in the right direction (don't ask me how I know...;)).