View Full Version : public nudity

Mar 14, 2007, 11:55 AM
I enjoy going out when the weather is nice and shedding my clothes. I am an exhibitionist and sometimes put my self in situations where I can be seen. Is there anyone else like this?

Mar 14, 2007, 12:08 PM
You bet..I'm with you and looking forward to some outside fun to...

Mar 14, 2007, 12:16 PM
Just got done doing some skinny dipping in the lake. It feels so freeing to be naked in nature. Granted I am down here in Guatemala where I can be in a lake at this time of year and not Colorado, where it can be chilly going into lakes even in the middle of summer. I also agree that there is a certain level of excitement from knowing that others might see me in my full glory. :)

Mar 14, 2007, 12:28 PM
I'm with you guys. There is nothing like being naked out of doors, especially when there is the likelihood of someone seeing. I live in Chicago, however, so that can be tricky. There is a lot more of the "Gee, I just walked by my picture window completely naked" kind of thing than people going out of doors as it is a bit--shall we say-- close knit. LOL. And of course, at this time of year cold as hell :( But I do have a nice back yard where, on summer nights, I can sit hidden enough without any clothes on. Can't see the stars but it is still nice.

Last week, I was on the bus and as we drove by this well-lit picture window facing a very busy street, there was a totally naked and buff dude doing what appeared to be hanging a picture. Very funny, but also very hot.

Mar 14, 2007, 1:10 PM
A fortune is waiting to be made by someone who will publish a magazine called American Voyeur.

Mar 14, 2007, 1:48 PM
HEY!That's how Tasha can get her cash fast --start----"Canadian Voyeur"

On the nudity subject-I enjoy the buff a great deal. Still haven't gotten the stones up for a naked bike ride yet but I've jogged a few miles through the forest-skinny dipped a lot and lived in NYC for several years and used to paint au natural by a row of 11 foot windows -also used to enjoy sex on the roof top on a regular basis as well as sunning the bod. I drove across Pennslyvania and Ohio without a stitch on with my girlfriend of the time and we used to drive in New Mexico in a VW convertible (same auto as above) in the buff.

Mar 14, 2007, 2:26 PM
you bet bare naked boating gotta love it

Mar 14, 2007, 2:44 PM
When I lived in Houston, Texas ( God, what an evil place... :) ) my neighbors (they were a gay couple) used to lay in their backyard, naked, and sun themselves. My former wife, ( before she joined some wierdo church ) would get highly upset if she caught me looking at these two guys. Imagine that.... :yikes2:
I really admired their... uh... uh... broad minded approach to getting a sun tan.

Polar Bear
Mar 14, 2007, 2:53 PM
I tried laying out naked in the pool once...sigh, a greenpeace raft started circling me. Yeah, they were trying to save me from the japanese harpoon ships.

John :eek: :flag3:

Mar 14, 2007, 3:03 PM
where is all this nudity when i'm awake??? hehehee!!! :bigrin: :bigrin:

Mar 14, 2007, 4:55 PM
A womans group in Ontario got on the Gov't about why ladies couldn't go topless like men could. The Gov't made it legal for ladies to go topless at various places as long as they didn't offend anyone or use it to solicite. That was passed years ago and till this day I have never seen a lady topless in public anywhere because of this law that was pasted

Mar 14, 2007, 5:03 PM
i have a favorite beach i go to that is quite secluded.. so lots of opportunites to cross dress and get naked and even have a little self-sexual fun without too many people around to bother me.. lol

Mar 14, 2007, 5:03 PM
I love to go nude. It is almost a requirement. ( I live in Arizona - you know 115 degrees in the shade in the summer time :eek: ) Despite that, it is very comfortable not to be constrained with clothes. I actually don't care if anyone sees me just wearing a smile. :bigrin:

.........Man is the sole animal whose nudity offends his own companions, and the only one who, in his natural actions, withdraws and hides himself from his own kind........

Mar 14, 2007, 5:22 PM
i have a favorite beach i go to that is quite secluded.. so lots of opportunites to cross dress and get naked and even have a little self-sexual fun without too many people around to bother me.. lol

(Tommy2020 hiding behind rock watching TorontoGuy have self-sexual fun....)

Buck Naked
Mar 14, 2007, 6:14 PM
I love being outdoors naked! But I am not at all interested in exposing myself to others unless someone wants me to. :bigrin:
I used to go down to Lake Travis near Austin to Hippy Hollow for skinny dipping but haven't been able to do that in about 15 years. Last summer I was able to mow the (fenced) back yard naked and can't wait for the weather to warm up this summer.

Mar 14, 2007, 6:36 PM
I enjoy this very much. On warm hot days just laying in the sun its great :female: (((Always be true to yourself))) :flag3:

Mar 14, 2007, 7:10 PM
it is nice to see everyones enthusiasm, I noticed that at the gay pride parade in Toronto public nudity with shoes on is legal. I might even try that venue out, I think it would be liberating.

Mar 14, 2007, 7:52 PM
Yep, I love it too. I’m a member of a couple of nudist groups here in Utah, yes Utah, and did several solo and group nudist outings when I lived in Idaho. The Boise area was great with over 30 natural hot springs within 100 miles in the mountain along the ice cold rivers and out in the desert. Salt Lake so far has NO natural hot springs that I can find.

Mar 14, 2007, 8:49 PM
>Tommy2020 hiding behind rock watching TorontoGuy have self-sexual fun

ahhh, i love being watched.. lol

Mar 14, 2007, 9:08 PM
Sounds wonderful, but if I step out even at midnight, I burn. Best I can do is don my sunhat, smear myself all over with Ombrelle 45, grab my binoculars and watch for TorontoGuy. Actually, that sounds better!

biwords, the heliophobe

Mar 14, 2007, 9:38 PM
HEY!That's how Tasha can get her cash fast --start----"Canadian Voyeur"

Hmmm NO. lol Way to shy in RL to do that :-)

Course at home when I know Im not going anywhere or no ones coming over, blinds are closed, nice and warm inside, PANTIES!!!!!!!!!! and topless too hehe

I don't like my body enough to be naked in public lol BUT Im curious about nude beaches. Course I only would go if I was going with someone I knew so I would feel more comfortable :-)


Mar 14, 2007, 10:32 PM
We have the famous Haulover Beach here in Miami. . . From the reviews, I hear it's really nice and family friendly, I still haven't gotten up the courage to go, but I'm convinced I'll enjoy it.


Mar 15, 2007, 12:50 AM
I love being nude outdoors---I don't get to do it enough. In the middle of summer I do like to skinny dip in the waterway you see in my pictures on my profile--I often do it a night and since the water is murky--if no one is around midweek--I will jump in the water---pull off my shorts--tie them to one of the ladders on whichever dock I swim off of and swim around during the day.

I also take the boat to the nature preserve area on the remote north side of the lake where there are no houses and the state has dug a series of canals--many end in "cul de sac" like areas that are like 15 to 20 feet deep.

I throw the anchor and set it-then jump on in the water----I will take pics of my favorite hole this summer and post it up

Hell--with my new lap top and wireless card--I can come online and let you know when I am on the boat.

To Taylor--you do have to "haul" yourself to Haulover Beach--if I still lived in Miami--I would be there practically every day.

Mar 15, 2007, 7:40 AM
Have enjoyed the freedom of nudist lifestyle for over 30 years now. We live less than an hour from 4 of the most popular resorts in Florida. I tend to think there's a little exhibitionist and voyeur in everyone that's nudist.

Ambi :)

Mar 15, 2007, 9:13 AM
I love to be nude in the garden, and when I go walking in Spain up in the hills. :bigrin:

Mar 15, 2007, 9:24 AM
As my handle implies, LETS GET NAKED!! Love to run around in my birthday suit inside outside beach pool anywhere I can. In fact it should almost be a law or something. Wait, I'm naked right now, oops :bigrin:

Mar 15, 2007, 9:50 AM
Ok, well I might as well come out of the closet....when I was in Kona with a friend of mine....I got a ticket. Yes, a ticket for NUDITY. Imagine that, I get a ticket for taking my bathing suit top down. Well like many women when I lie down my saggy boobs disappear....so I can not believe the park ranger could find them. I was mortified. Giving me a ticket but men who had BIGGER boobs than me were meandering about. In what was my thought to fight the ticket, I took pictures of the men. Hubby thought that I should just pay the ticket, and be done with it. Best seventy five dollars I have spent.


Mar 15, 2007, 10:16 AM
oh yea .....beach on west side of mich shoreline thats were the rainbow ends!!!

Mar 15, 2007, 5:17 PM
We have the famous Haulover Beach here in Miami. . . From the reviews, I hear it's really nice and family friendly, I still haven't gotten up the courage to go, but I'm convinced I'll enjoy it.


Yeah I go nude every chance I get. There is nothing better than laying in the sun Au Naturel. In NJ if anyone is near Sandy Point, section G great spot, friendly people and volleyball. In North East PA I frequent Sunny Rest Lodge, it does not cater exclusively to GLBT but still a great spot to catch some rays. Hey Taylor I have been to the Haulover beach, it is nice. Very open and friendly, not very touristy. Actually the more I think about it the more I would like to be laying in the sun now :cool:
{current temp 42 degrees} :eek:

Can't wait for summer. (The darker the berry......)

Nov 19, 2011, 2:40 PM
I love being naked outdoors. Being an exhibitionist & a voyeur, I truly love to watch & be watched. When I lived in the San Fernando Valley, in California, years ago, I used to go to a local park 'late' at night, during the summer. It had a small lake that cruisers loved to walk around hoping to connect. I would bike there wearing just a t-shirt, a pair of cutoffs & my sandals. I'd sit on a park bench just off the path & wait for a cruiser to notice that I was playing with myself. Sometimes I just took everything off & waited for someone to notice I was naked, with a hardon.
After moving here to Las Vegas, I would go to an adult theater(before it closed)& spend quite a bit of time naked, playing with others "watching' the videos/movies. Even today, I enjoy going to a park & take my clothes off & waiting for someone to take an interest. A great way to meet people.

Nov 19, 2011, 5:07 PM
I love being nude and would love to do it around others in the outdoors. Does anyone know of any places in Maryland I could try?