View Full Version : Care and Feeding of Trolls

Mar 13, 2007, 2:14 AM
I am of two minds on troll (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_troll) feeding. I know it should not be done, but I couldn’t help myself today. I had already written on a topic in my blog, and it seemed such a good opportunity to practice my long-winded posting practices by just copying and pasting a good idea to a bad question. Then another troll in another thread elicited a fantastic flash demo about posting in forums from Taylor.

If I may, Taylor… Posting And You (http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/posting.php)

Sometimes trolls actually help the rest of us articulate some good ideas.

When it comes to personal attacks toward people we all know, though... For crying out loud, is Flounder even capable of misrepresenting himself? *giggles* Trolls want attention. When they don’t get it, they bump their post. When someone finally posts a joke of a response, they attack the responder on a personal level. Usually this attack is in a crude manner to try and get other people to chime in defense of the person being attacked. Websites devoted to honing the art of trolling advise never answering a direct question, but spinning any questions directed at them as a personal attack to be argued. When this starts happening, by all means, DON’T FEED THE TROLLS!

All the same, if you find yourself unable to resist, no biggie. Trolls are unavoidable byproducts of great message boards. I would like to quote Timothy Campbell (” http://web.archive.org/web/20060428091222/http://members.aol.com/intwg/trolls.htm”) from his website though.
When you try to reason with a troll, he wins. When you insult a troll, he wins. When you scream at a troll, he wins. The only thing that trolls can't handle is being ignored.

Mar 13, 2007, 2:24 AM
Timothy Campbell (” http://web.archive.org/web/20060428091222/http://members.aol.com/intwg/trolls.htm”) from his website though.

Yeah that's prity much what my mum used to tell my sister when I was teasing the living shit out of her. " Just ignore her and she will go away"

It worked too, untill I learned that if I followed her around all the time repeating everything she said straight after her, that it would make her chuck a spaz. :D

No meaning here, just a story, stories are good :bigrin: