View Full Version : A question for the straight :) (or bisexuals)

Mar 10, 2007, 10:22 PM
So if a person seems to be bisexual but people think shes straight.... when she has made comments to you that made you think she may be bisexual and you ask her the same questions she ignores you.

Meaning she askes me questions all the times about me being a lesbian.... if I ask her the same thing just to see what she thinks, she ignores it complety and change the subject.

A lot of times I would tease and say "are you bisexual?" she ignores me.....

umm my question.... if your straight, would you ignore a question like that??
I would think if your straight, you would say so right away.

When I talked to another friend of ours, Bernadette... she told me Heather was straight.... so I said "then why does she ignore my bisexual question?" Bern said "oh... umm i don't know... now you have me wondering... if someone asked me, I would say right away Im straight."

Im talking about me and my non-reponsing to bisexual stuff friend Heather :)

Some of you may remember my little crush on Heather *grins*


Mar 10, 2007, 10:36 PM
Hmmmm, just possibly a game player? You could try asking her "Why do you find that difficult to answer?" and see what she says. That said, I don't know her from Eve...

In a different context, I once dealt with someone in business who would ask me "so how do you think such-and-such will turn out?" I'd answer, then pose the same question to him and he'd just say "oh, time will tell....". I kinda resented being asked to state my position by someone who wouldn't return the favour. My :2cents: go for someone who's forthright.

Also, having already rushed in where angels fear to tread: would you consider a move to Vancouver or Victoria (I know, they're expensive). It just doesn't seem like you have much in the way of opportunities where you are....

Best as always.

Mar 10, 2007, 10:59 PM
deep down heather may know she has a bi side but is in denial or afraid to admit it.

i used to always feel uncomfortable talking about sexual orientation discussions, without really knowing why.. well, in the end, i finally admitted to myself that i had issues with sexuality and sexual orientation, and eventually learned to accept these things about myself.

try to gently continue to poke her with this subject matter, without coming across to obviously, and maybe she will eventually loosen up and talk to you about her bi-curiousity, if she indeed does feel curious or confused

Mar 10, 2007, 11:01 PM
My advice, get her real drunk, then crack on to her. I did that with a straight friend of mine, that I would have never in a milllion years, thought she would do it with another girl, turns out I was wrong, she did and she wanted more.

Unfortunatly for her, I was not so keen to do it again with her. :eek:

Mar 10, 2007, 11:59 PM
My advice, get her real drunk, then crack on to her. I did that with a straight friend of mine, that I would have never in a milllion years, thought she would do it with another girl, turns out I was wrong, she did and she wanted more.

Unfortunatly for her, I was not so keen to do it again with her. :eek:

My advice, don't do what Domino suggests unless you want to lose a friend and end a friendship.

I've had guys who say that they're heterosexual (but strongly in denial) flirt with me and ask for sex, and it's weird; but I don't have sex with closeted men.

Mar 11, 2007, 3:10 AM
biwords - Heather isn't a game player... shes only had one boyfriend in her whole life. (shes 24) Im wondering if shes asking me to understand better and so she can explore her own sexually more.... maybe she doesnt want to answer me cause she doesn't know or isn't ready to talk right now.
God, I would LOVE to live in Victoria... felt like home there when I visited before. I need to save up the money tho and I would rather move there with someone I know. In a way it means more that way too.

TorontoGuy2007 - Yes thats what I was thinking. Shes only dated one person, maybe she doesn't know or uinderstand her feelings yet.

Domino - No!! lol that would be very very bad. Beside, being drunk doesn't mean anything.... your suppose to BOTH enjoy the moment.... having 1 or 2 drinks is ok if you want to get relaxed but thats it. :)
If she wants to experience with me then that would be her choice. :)

DiamondDog - I agree :) 17 years of friendship is TO MUCH to lose. I don't want to lose that.

I guess she'll tell me when shes ready... :) Thanks guys

Mar 11, 2007, 3:52 AM
My advice, don't do what Domino suggests unless you want to lose a friend and end a friendship.

I've had guys who say that they're heterosexual (but strongly in denial) flirt with me and ask for sex, and it's weird; but I don't have sex with closeted men.

I was actually kind of joking, because everyone knows this is a bad idea.

As it happens our friendship was ruined, because she prity much became obsessed with me, and I was just looking for sex and she wanted more. so I don't reccomend people try what I suggested. :bigrin:

Mar 11, 2007, 2:46 PM
I was actually kind of joking, because everyone knows this is a bad idea.

As it happens our friendship was ruined, because she prity much became obsessed with me, and I was just looking for sex and she wanted more. so I don't reccomend people try what I suggested. :bigrin:

LOL Your bad friend if you just wanted her for sex!!!! Didn't it occured she may ENJOY it and want more afterwards?!?! :)