View Full Version : still awkward with guys

Feb 27, 2007, 3:52 AM
I am becoming more and more acceptable to myself with identifying as a bisexual man, and I'm finding that I'm being more and more concerned with other people finding out and being ostracized for it.

I'm not sure what I'm afraid of, but I do know that it seems to have alot to do with being 'found out' or being forced to confess or something. I'm just wondering if anyone else is or has gone through this?

Also, I love the fantasy of having sex with another man, until I cum, then I get almost nautious over even the thought of swallowing someone's cum or whatever.

I'm ok with talking and doing just about anything else that might be 'wierd' to others, so I'm kind of confused as to why this would be a signicant problem for me.

I'm really not looking forward to having sex with someone and then when it's over, saying 'get out cuz i'm about to puke'. I would really appreciate some help with understanding this.

Feb 27, 2007, 4:14 AM
Do you think maybe your just nervous somehow?? Sometimes that can created us to be afraid for no good reason.

Just do what makes you happy.... ask yourself why you're afraid to be "found out" or forced to confess something.

I don't know why Im replying when Im afraid to tell my lifelong best friend I have a big crush on her lol (I know Im nervous about ruining a 20 year friendship!!! Even tho its most likely she'll laugh and smile and say "Aww thats sweet" if shes not interested ) So why can't I tell her ??

I think we all get nervous and afraid over things we shouldn't. I think its just cause we want to be accepted.... when we know well there can be people who will try to do everything to make us feel bad about it even tho we know we're doing nothing wrong.

Just my thoughts... even tho I don't know if they mean anything or were of any help. But one thing I see is your from BC and so am I :)
Hello fellow BC, Canadian!

Feb 27, 2007, 5:57 AM
I can relate on all accounts and still find myself trying to understand the complexity of thoughts, feelings, and physical nature of “being bisexual”.

The social stigma associated with being a bisexual male in a predominately straight oriented society can’t be ignored. Even years after engaging in male-to-male sex, and, finally accepting that Yes, I did and do enjoy the experience I still identified as a straight male and looked at my inclinations as more of a peculiar fetish. Years of social conditioning and programming still are very deep rooted in the psyche and despite my best efforts still reside there.

There are two areas where my bisexual nature surfaced that were unavoidable which is to a large extent where my journey into understanding really began. The first was a result repeated explorations and experimentations with psychedelic drugs during the late 60’s and early 70’s. It would be almost impossible to explain just how powerful and eye opening those drugs were but, to those few who walked that path, everything becomes open to investigation.

The second area was and still is, within the fabric of my dreams. Dreams pull no punches. I can accept my bisexuality on an intellectual level, accept it on an emotional level, respond to it on a physical level, but cannot ignore it at the dream level. It’s there and it’s there to stay.

Unfortunately the social stigma is deeply ingrained within the social fabric of our society and culture. If you can begin to appreciate the difficulty we encounter with our own acceptance and understanding which involves so many aspects of our psyche, and now apply it to those who even refuse to consider the possibilities much less acceptance, it is easy to understand the fears associated with “being found out”. There are a lot of social issues that need to be addressed in our society and culture. Personally, I have designated bisexuality as a personal issue to be addressed on a personal level and put my time and energy into those issues such as the environment, education, poverty, and those issues that affect us on a global level. We choose our own battles and the grounds they are fought on. I leave the fight for the “bisexual cause” to those whose passion moves them in that direction.

Ambi :)

Feb 27, 2007, 9:02 PM
You have to ask yourself whether this is a fantasy that you want to act out. I mean, many of us have sexual fantasies that we would never dream of acting out for various reasons. Your enjoyment, yet simultaneous horror at your same sex attractions could be due to 'internalised homophobia' - don't worry, this isn't a critisicm of you as it is slightly different to 'homophobia' in the conventional sense of the word, basically I think that it means that you are incredibly uncomfortable with same-sex aspects of your own sexuality for whatever reason (eg: if you were brought up in a homophobic environment, religious background etc...).

As for your point about 'being found out', are you still in the closet? I'm not saying that you should come out to anyone etc... unless you decide that its a wise thing to do. Nevertheless, from your profile, it seems that you are out to your wife and that's probably a good thing as you have someone to talk about these issues with, as being in the closet on your own can be a very lonely experience and is not good for you emotionally etc... Nevertheless, it is important to think carefully about whether to come out to anyone or not because it can sometimes be more damaging to a friendship, relationship, your personal safety etc... if you come out than if you don't.

Anyway, good luck. Understanding and accepting your sexuality can be a long and sometimes difficult journey

Izzfan :flag3:

Feb 27, 2007, 10:51 PM
You have to ask yourself whether this is a fantasy that you want to act out. I mean, many of us have sexual fantasies that we would never dream of acting out for various reasons. Your enjoyment, yet simultaneous horror at your same sex attractions could be due to 'internalised homophobia' - don't worry, this isn't a critisicm of you as it is slightly different to 'homophobia' in the conventional sense of the word, basically I think that it means that you are incredibly uncomfortable with same-sex aspects of your own sexuality for whatever reason (eg: if you were brought up in a homophobic environment, religious background etc...).

As for your point about 'being found out', are you still in the closet? I'm not saying that you should come out to anyone etc... unless you decide that its a wise thing to do. Nevertheless, from your profile, it seems that you are out to your wife and that's probably a good thing as you have someone to talk about these issues with, as being in the closet on your own can be a very lonely experience and is not good for you emotionally etc... Nevertheless, it is important to think carefully about whether to come out to anyone or not because it can sometimes be more damaging to a friendship, relationship, your personal safety etc... if you come out than if you don't.

Anyway, good luck. Understanding and accepting your sexuality can be a long and sometimes difficult journey

Izzfan :flag3:

I agree with Izzfan.

I have certain fantasies while they're hot to me and involve certain guys I like/love, I know that they'll NEVER happen in real life and that even if they ever were to they wouldn't go as smooth as in fantasy.

I have some kink/BDSM fantasies where it can be well, hardcore but again I know that they'll never happen in real life and it wouldn't go like it would in fantasy.

IMO it's not good to fear things like "what if others find out about me" or stuff like that. I think that a lot of these fears are irrational and they're very common (I remember having them at one point but now they're a moot point).

Having shame about a queer sexuality can sometimes be a generational thing. Lots of older people act like it's some "deep dark secret" or that it's bad to be out and it's fine to be discreet.

But over time as you come out and just learn not to give a fuck about what others think these feelings go away.

Feb 28, 2007, 7:38 AM
I'm suspecting that it might have alot to do with homophobia, I'm not quite sure where it's coming from.

It's very true to be very lonely not having anyone to even talk to about this (thanks Drew for making this site!). The more I talk about it with flex and on the site, and explore some of these thoughts an feelings the more the fear seems to take hold about being exposed.

I do ask myself constantly what's my thinking behind this fear, I guess I'll need to ask a bit more I dunno.

I am still in the closet except for here and flex, and the more I delve into this the more I don't like feeling as though I hafta remain silent, but yet i don't believe that it would be wise to come out of the closet just yet.

Of course it is very motivating to be wealthy so that I can hang up having to depend on my boss for money to live lol. But I also wonder if it's a slip in integrity that could prevent wealth too.

BTW, Tasha Hi! is good to meet you too, what part of BC ya from? :cool:

Feb 28, 2007, 10:22 AM
...i can really identify with your homophobia comment Solomon... and wonder, if like me, it is internalised homophobia?

tom_uk has recently met a man whose friendship he is keen to explore more fully.. my difficulties with this have all centred around my own insecurities.. not with him being intimate with a man because that is such a central part of who he is and the man i care for so very deeply.

...i am moved to tears at times by the tenderness of same sex relationships...

...and yet find it so difficult to extend that loving acceptance to myself and my own needs and desires..

..tom and i have reached a level of trust where we can open up to same sex relationships without damaging what we share.. yet, i am frightened and doubting myself, like you, fearful of some catastrophic event where i may cause someone offence or pain.

..i guess i'm saying all this to let you know you are not alone Solomon... and also to remind you, and myself, that getting to know a same sex partner can have many emotional as well as physical stages before becoming so sexually intimate as to share bodily fluids. :rolleyes:

love Julie :female: xxx

Feb 28, 2007, 11:09 AM
Also, I love the fantasy of having sex with another man, until I cum, then I get almost nautious over even the thought of swallowing someone's cum or whatever.

Sounds like internalized homophobia to me...

Feb 28, 2007, 11:36 AM
what is internalized homophobia?

Feb 28, 2007, 12:03 PM
what is internalized homophobia?


my personal understanding of internalised homophobia... is when we reject/ are fearful our own homosexuality... this may be conscious or unconscious...

my previous post expresses how although i have no qualms in accepting others sexuality... i find it hard to permit myself to embrace my 'lesbian' side. i've only recently realised how difficult i find this, as overtly i am out, proud and flirtatious....yet am yet to experience a full sexual encounter with a woman..

does that help Solomon?..

love julie :female: x

Feb 28, 2007, 12:10 PM
ah i see, thanx and thanx for sharing your feelings too it does help :cool:

Feb 28, 2007, 12:19 PM
...thanks to you too Solomon... i feel less alone now, thanks to your honesty.

did you find the wikipedia link helpful btw?

julie :female: x

Feb 28, 2007, 8:39 PM
Also, I love the fantasy of having sex with another man, until I cum, then I get almost nautious over even the thought of swallowing someone's cum or whatever.

I used to feel like this. My discomfort was rooted in my denial and refusal to accept my feelings. Back then, I was still sure I was straight (even though I obviously had homosexual feelings) and homosexuality still seemed kind of "gross" to me.

When I accepted that I was Bi, the discomfort stopped. Maybe this discomfort you have is caused by remaining bits of refusal to accept. If you give it some time they should fade.

Also, it may just take the right person aswell. For me any sex isnt really appealing unless it is with someone that I have some emotional feelings for. When i fantasize, it doesnt really matter who the person is (although I often do fantasize about some one I care about), but when it comes to reality, sex is uncomfortable to me unless it is someone I care about.

Feb 28, 2007, 9:40 PM
LoveLion wrote: For me any sex isnt really appealing unless it is with someone that I have some emotional feelings for.

Most of the time (not always!) I feel the same way. The other view was summed up by George Bernard Shaw, who once said something like "sexual union may be completed rapturously by two people who could not for one moment endure each other in any other relation". Anyway, you sound like a prize, LoveLion. And with those wicked lips, too! :) Very best wishes from biwords.

Mar 1, 2007, 4:51 AM
thanx Julie,

the wikopedia link was very helpful, a bit clinical but in fairness that's a good thing for an encyclopedia. I didn't even think to look there i have wikopedia on my favs list, is very good for info. So thanx for reminding me to look there too. :cool:

and i would love to find a guy that i would relate to.... but in public am still very shy and hiding behind heterosexuality, which is easier to do being married, but that's changing too the more this issue is publicized. That's a good thing i think. kinda motivates me to deal with my issues.

am getting weary of having to hide in public... maybe someday i'll realize i don't hafta and all, but with all the violence and all still....

I heard it best from one of my kenpo teachers that if ya don't want violence then stay away from violent places. I don't want violence for me or my family.

but would it really be like that? and are some things indeed worth fighting for? and would this be one of'em? i don't have any answers.... yet. or it could be that i'm just afraid of the answers? i dunno lol am very confused over this.

Mar 1, 2007, 7:11 AM
Julie hugs Solomon and Flexuality.....

...we will get there. its just not an easy journey when fighting off the many oppressive social constructs we have internalized.

love julie :female: x

Mar 2, 2007, 7:25 AM
Hi Sol big hugs to you :)
I know that my situation is probably much different then yours simply because I am a single female. I struggle all the time with what society considers to be the norm as far what is and isnt politically correct when it comes to relationships. Even my father, the die hard Rep. he is believes its not normal for same sex relationships because we cannot reproduce, amongst other religeous reasons. ( something else i struggle with )

It's taken me along time and many failed relationships to realize I dont care for sex with men lol Which is crazy because I love everything else men have to offer. Your masculinaty, strength, honor, your scent. I love to snuggle up with you big bears but when it comes time for intercourse, im looking for the nearest exit. I still struggle with the reasons why. I've never been abused, physically or mentally by men. I've never been treated so poorly by a man that I wish to never be with one again. All I know is that I don't want to be sexual.

So....with that I've come to terms that im most likely lesbian, or something I dont know lol

Back to the issue at hand. I too find it awkard to have a committed relationship with a female because Im a coward I guess. To stand up to my parents and the rest of my family will be a no win situation. I'l never be able to bring home a lovely lady, who I might be completely head over heels for, and them except her fully. Even tho all my parents want for me is to find everlasting love, with a man lol Go figure.

As if I don't have enough emotional struggles inside my head and heart, I have to deal with people who are disgusted and completely disapprove of my desires. While I rather just say fuck you all, I just stay in my shell and secretly live my life. Its sad really. No wonder im in therapy lol

I know that I have begun to ramble , maybe I should sit down and write my own thread about how I wish society would mind their own business and I one day would be able to walk freely with the woman of my dreams ( where ever she might be ) and hold her hand, showing the world how much i love her.

Mar 2, 2007, 8:05 AM
Julie hugs Solomon and Flexuality.....

...we will get there. its just not an easy journey when fighting off the many oppressive social constructs we have internalized.

love julie :female: x

aawww....thanks Julie :)

Was just reading through some of your replies here....you sound so much like me.

"my previous post expresses how although i have no qualms in accepting others sexuality... i find it hard to permit myself to embrace my 'lesbian' side. i've only recently realised how difficult i find this, as overtly i am out, proud and flirtatious....yet am yet to experience a full sexual encounter with a woman.."

While I am not "out", I am bold, flirtatious and have no qualms about accepting others sexuality.....but for myself....ahh...I hear you. I could have written that paragraph myself....

Mar 2, 2007, 10:45 AM
aawww....thanks Julie :)

Was just reading through some of your replies here....you sound so much like me.

"my previous post expresses how although i have no qualms in accepting others sexuality... i find it hard to permit myself to embrace my 'lesbian' side. i've only recently realised how difficult i find this, as overtly i am out, proud and flirtatious....yet am yet to experience a full sexual encounter with a woman.."

While I am not "out", I am bold, flirtatious and have no qualms about accepting others sexuality.....but for myself....ahh...I hear you. I could have written that paragraph myself....

smiles... xxx

Mar 2, 2007, 2:11 PM
wow, it still is amazing to note the power of a supportive community, thank you all.

gel, i would like to say that i have every confidence that your therapist will point you in the right direction, and it does sound like you've had alot of the power of suggestion to deal with in terms of being influenced by your family.

you're not alone in that at all. All we have to do is but listen and we open the door to being influenced. :cool:

Mar 4, 2007, 3:13 PM
Indulge me while I go off on a few rambling tangents. This is an interesting thread for so many reasons. To name two: Solomon's comfort level with his own sexuality and related pursuits, particulary the contast pre- and post-climax, are much like my own. Second, it raises questions about we view ourselves and about our sensibilities toward how others view us. And all the resulting angst.

Having thought about related stuff and talked it over with my girlfriend a fair bit, here are some conclusions I've drawn: Embrace your sexuality in all its dimesions as part of life's richness. Hell, celebrate your ability to break the bonds of convention. But think carefully about consequences of acting on all aspects of your sexuality. And in my case consequences pertain not to how I view myself but to how my girlfriend would view me. And were the experience to lead to some group activity involving both of us, how I would view her.

Scene change: I do not conclusively define myself as bi. I have fantasies about sucking a cock. Nothing more. Don't care about reciprocity. Not at all interested in other physical contact with a man. Don't think I could get emotionally attached to a man in a romantic or sexual way.

Most people on this board would disagree. I want to suck cock; ergo I'm bi. I think bi has to mean more than that. It has to involve capacity to develop romantic emotional bonds. That's my worldview.

So if others want to label me as bi based on their worldview, fine. It causes me no discomfort. In fact, I somehow revel in it. But that awareness is mine and it's private. I would not share it with others, friends, family, whatever. And I feel not at all compromised in that. Nor would I tell them if while fucking my girlfriend I liked to recite Three Blind Mice or sing gospel. Or, for that matter, that I pick my nose. My "unconventional" nature does not change who I am one iota. But it would change many - not all - others' perceptions of who I am and the way they interact with me. So why complicate things?

So celebrate your sexuality in whatever way you deem fit. But respect your own privacy. You have no obligation to define yourself to fit into other people's compartments, which are after all their way of making sense of their world.

And just to be fully forthcoming and perhaps negate all credibility of the above, though I've had a desire to suck cock for some time, I haven't. Girlfriend and consequence. But should we find ourselves in the right situation, it will happen. I hope it does.

Thanks for your indulgence in my wanking of the figurative kind.

Mar 4, 2007, 3:33 PM
I think that you are too worried about what others will think of you. Just be yourself, being bi is apart of you, try to accept it. There is nothing wrong with liking certain things, and if you find yourself liking other men, it's cool. You don't have to shout it from the roof tops or anything, but just admit it to yourself. You are so stressed about this that you're making yourself sick. Don't let something like this make you feel so bad that you don't want to do it anymore. You are who you are, as I said, just accept it.

Mar 15, 2007, 4:43 AM
maybe you're really heterosexual?

Mar 15, 2007, 5:35 AM
Maybe you have issues Daisy?

Mar 15, 2007, 4:53 PM
I think there are many different levels of bisexuality, there are some that are full on bi would want sex with either sex equally, could even be in a relationship with both sexes.

I don't think there is anything wrong with how you are feeling solomon, there is the chance that your bisexualness is purely sexual and after that release, the desire subsides. It is really such an individual thing because every bi person has their own preferences and way to handle it.

Mar 15, 2007, 5:42 PM
This is a very interesting thread. I was raised in the era of gays being called queer. It was really looked down on by society, at least the society I was envolved in. Being retired military, during that time, it was really a no no in my environment. In fact it was a way out of the military for a lot of guys, just by saying they were homosexual. I don't remember the subject of Bi even being brought up back then. Oh ACDC was a term but no one every admitted being ACDC and I don't remember ever knowing someone that fell in that category, I guess most bi's back then were deep in the closet. Bi's back then were catagorized in the same catagory with gays. Macho was the name of the game back then, and that mindset is still what keeps me from being openly bi. I knew I had weird feelings at times, but ignored them. Finally in the 80s I looked at myself and had to accept that I loved looking at women more, but the thought of being with a man turned me on. I finally accepted my bi side and even experimented a few times. But being married to a straight woman for over 40 years has made it necessary for me to keep in the closet. So I really understand Solomon's feelings, as I have the same. Fear of being open but the other side of the coin is that I can openly admit my bi side to some of the men I meet, after getting to know them. So far none have run off screaming whether they are of the same mind or not. So Society is changing, but discrimination still exists, so I still haven't come out openly, not even to my wife. I know she knows of my bi side, but we ignore it and the subject has only come up a few times, usually in an argument. Don't know if she would accept it openly. So the short answer, in my mind, why we feel that way, fear of being "outed" so to speak, is due strictly to society's opinion of a man who is not macho all the time. Nobody wants to be denigrated in public, and most straight men or men who won't admit certain feelings, like to publicly put down anyone that has different feelings then what they consider the "norm". So for now I am comfortable with being bi, and even a CD in private occasionally, but probably will never feel comfortable being open about it. Sites like this sure do help though. For what it's worth, this is my take on why we feel the way we do. :2cents:

Mar 15, 2007, 7:06 PM
Maybe you have issues Daisy?
yeah OK I have issues because I don't find fat women sexy or like swinging in clubs/sex parties with people who are drunk/closeted, or on drugs.

At least I'm not a supporter of a conservative political party that is anti queer/against gay rights and would put us all in concentration camps if it could, and thinks of us as being subhuman.

In another post of yours you say how it's somehow OK for step parents to have sex with their step kids...yeah and you think I have issues?

Mar 15, 2007, 7:24 PM
yeah OK I have issues because I don't find fat women sexy or like swinging in clubs/sex parties with people who are drunk/closeted, or on drugs.

At least I'm not a supporter of a conservative political party that is anti queer/against gay rights and would put us all in concentration camps if it could, and thinks of us as being subhuman.

In another post of yours you say how it's somehow OK for step parents to have sex with their step kids...yeah and you think I have issues?

You apparently did not read either of the threads (yes, there are more than one) on incest in their ENTIRETY and if you did read them, then perhaps you should re-read them and this time go for application.

Being the mother of said step kids to which you have lowered yourself to accuse my husband repeatedly of thinking it is perfectly "OK" to have sex with them, (not only in this thread, but in the "fat women" thread as well) I can ASSURE you that you are very ill-informed.

You are entitled to conduct your sexual activites as you see fit. You are free to view political matters however you want. Your opinions are your own. I would, for one, appreciate it if you would stop trying to cram your opinions down everyone else's throat and using said opinions to attempt to degrade those of us who do not hold the same views as you.

Don't you have something better to do??

Mar 15, 2007, 8:27 PM
Daisy..Daisy..what are we to do with you. It is not that you have a problem with fat women or skinny women or hairy women if that is your wont. It is the unflattering and unpleasant way you do it. People have feelings and I have no doubt you are more sensitive than you make out..I hope so anyway. No one wants to stop you putting over a point, merely to consider how best to do it forcefully without setting the world against you. We have enough of that already as bisexual people from the outside without us tearing ourselves apart from within.

In respect of your attack on Sol and his supposed support for a right wing political party and there having few qualms about shoving us in concentration camps and so on, I dont know if that is the truth of it in his case, but I have no such allegiance being a socialist and one who has been a member of a political party which has fought for gay an bisexual rights for most of its existence. There is indeed a great deal of intolerance of people like us in right wing parties throughout the world, and at times some wouldnt mind at all implementing the type of measures you claim of them. It is however a broad statement, and one which when I was 16 or 17 I may have made myself..indeed did.

We do learn however that the world and politics is much more complex than we see them as teenagers, and for all the likes of Bush and his cronies and the more extreme right wing elements in most countries are pretty obnoxious and not to say dangerous, even within those right wing parties, certainly in the west, there are many tolerant and decent human beings who hate such attitudes being put forward in their name. Many members of this site are supporters of parties I disagree with vehemently. We are a diverse community. How we see our world shaped is a personal thing to us all. All we ask is that you think first and maybe do a little more research, and prepare a more thoughtful argument before you are entirely alienated from the rest of the bi community. I am an idealist,and have passion to go with those ideals. However as far as I am able I consider what I believe, think about it deeply and argue, I hope with some reasoning.

Finally, with regard to your attack on Sol and his supposed support for "steps" sex, at no time has he said what you appear to believe him to have said. Like the rest of us it is an issue with which he has struggled, seeing that there is no black and white here, and I am no different from him in that respect.

Try rereading the thread from start to finish and not selectively scanning from it the parts you wish to back up your argument such as it is. You may find it enlightening. What we have argued is for understanding not condemnation for consensual relations between adult steps.

Sol has argued quite vehemently against abuse of power where a step parent for instance abuses his (or her) step child. The world is complex. Human relations perhaps more complex than anything else. Dont fall into the trap of being so positive about everything. Think it all through. It will save you and many others a lot of pain.

Mar 15, 2007, 8:52 PM
Hey Daisy get your head out Liberal land ......I am conservative and I am Bi ! not all conservatives are against homosexuals Dick Cheney's daughter is a les and also is going to have a child where have you been ?.....Soloman I know exactly how you are feeling .You feel guilty every time you think about a man or being with a man. I feel the same its guilt, once you get over that you would probably have a great time and you really are probably Bi. I would not come out of the closet most people do not understand the world of bisexuality, I wish they did lol . I am in your exact same position and I hope you work things out...

Mar 15, 2007, 9:41 PM
You apparently did not read either of the threads (yes, there are more than one) on incest in their ENTIRETY and if you did read them, then perhaps you should re-read them and this time go for application.

Being the mother of said step kids to which you have lowered yourself to accuse my husband repeatedly of thinking it is perfectly "OK" to have sex with them, (not only in this thread, but in the "fat women" thread as well) I can ASSURE you that you are very ill-informed.

You are entitled to conduct your sexual activites as you see fit. You are free to view political matters however you want. Your opinions are your own. I would, for one, appreciate it if you would stop trying to cram your opinions down everyone else's throat and using said opinions to attempt to degrade those of us who do not hold the same views as you.

Don't you have something better to do??


Mar 15, 2007, 10:31 PM
How did Daisy take over the conversation? This thread was about a guy who fantasizes about guys then feels disgusted after he comes. You're probably not gay or even bi, just horny. I've felt disgusted after jerking off many times, but not about what I was fantasizing about, just the lack of self control. Had I been able to save that energy and actually go out and meet someone instead of whacking, it might have been better. You should stick with girls for now, until you figure out what you really want.

Mar 15, 2007, 11:11 PM


Mar 15, 2007, 11:52 PM
Hey Daisy get your head out Liberal land ......I am conservative and I am Bi ! not all conservatives are against homosexuals Dick Cheney's daughter is a les and also is going to have a child where have you been ?.....Soloman I know exactly how you are feeling .You feel guilty every time you think about a man or being with a man. I feel the same its guilt, once you get over that you would probably have a great time and you really are probably Bi. I would not come out of the closet most people do not understand the world of bisexuality, I wish they did lol . I am in your exact same position and I hope you work things out...

oh please, don't use Mary Cheney as an example. She's the biggest example of a liar and is practically disowned by her parents and primary family.

Didn't you see when Dick Cheney flipped out when Kerry said something about Mary being a lesbian? As if it's a dirty word or a deep down secret that NOBODY KNOWS!!!!! :rolleyes:

Her "memoir" was poorly written trash that she got paid to write (can't you tell she has no backbone or brain at all?) and it just talked about her rich uprbinging and her father doesn't even think that she and her partner should raise children or be allowed to marry at all.

Talk about hypocritical.:rolleyes:

wingnut-yeah you know it! I'd win against Flexuality.

Mar 16, 2007, 12:01 AM
Oh wow, I hate it when people in a forum start in with the politics and or religion thing. What does that have to do with being awkward with guys? But I just have to put in my two cents worth. Why do people have to be sooooo adament about their religion and or politics!! I am a republican and not right wing at all. I am bi, a cd and have many friends that are both bi and or gay and yes even liberals!! I vote against a party not for a party. I just can't go with the liberal mindset when it comes to turn the other cheek business, let's all be friends, etc. Would be nice, but the rest of the world is not like that. You say I could vote independent, or not vote then, that would be a vote for the liberal mindset, as it would take a vote away from the republicans. Let's face it, politicians are all in it for power, or at least most of them, on both sides of the aisle. But hey, this is a free country so I don't hold it against anyone when they don't think like me. So I have done what a lot of you have and talked politics in the wrong forum. You can be sure that this is the first and last time I will mention politics or that oxymoron, "polically correct" on any forum. Hope you all don't start throwing the mud at me now. Hey we all have an opinion, let's just not try to force them down each other's throats and get along. After all we are all here for the same thing and it's not to get on a political or religious soapbox. :2cents:

Mar 16, 2007, 1:37 AM
wingnut-yeah you know it! I'd win against Flexuality.

Win? Win what....the "I Can Rip Entire Groups Of People Apart In A Single Post" award? Or would it be for the "I'm Right, You Stupid Naive Moron With A Death Wish" award? Or perhaps the "Concentration Camp, Subhuman Conspiracy, Want Us All Dead" award?

*please note that the last 2 awards are pretty much direct quotes of yours* :)

I do not seek to supplant you. If you feel the need to "win", knock yourself out. Have a good time. The awards are yours.

btw, you're doing a fine job with that rope.

Mar 16, 2007, 3:12 AM
yeah OK I have issues because I don't find fat women sexy or like swinging in clubs/sex parties with people who are drunk/closeted, or on drugs.

At least I'm not a supporter of a conservative political party that is anti queer/against gay rights and would put us all in concentration camps if it could, and thinks of us as being subhuman.

In another post of yours you say how it's somehow OK for step parents to have sex with their step kids...yeah and you think I have issues?

you have issues.

Mar 16, 2007, 3:17 AM
oh please, don't use Mary Cheney as an example. She's the biggest example of a liar and is practically disowned by her parents and primary family.

Didn't you see when Dick Cheney flipped out when Kerry said something about Mary being a lesbian? As if it's a dirty word or a deep down secret that NOBODY KNOWS!!!!! :rolleyes:

Her "memoir" was poorly written trash that she got paid to write (can't you tell she has no backbone or brain at all?) and it just talked about her rich uprbinging and her father doesn't even think that she and her partner should raise children or be allowed to marry at all.

Talk about hypocritical.:rolleyes:

wingnut-yeah you know it! I'd win against Flexuality.

you still have issues.

Mar 16, 2007, 6:08 PM
oh please, don't use Mary Cheney as an example. She's the biggest example of a liar and is practically disowned by her parents and primary family.

Didn't you see when Dick Cheney flipped out when Kerry said something about Mary being a lesbian? As if it's a dirty word or a deep down secret that NOBODY KNOWS!!!!! :rolleyes:

Her "memoir" was poorly written trash that she got paid to write (can't you tell she has no backbone or brain at all?) and it just talked about her rich uprbinging and her father doesn't even think that she and her partner should raise children or be allowed to marry at all.

Talk about hypocritical.:rolleyes:

wingnut-yeah you know it! I'd win against Flexuality.

btw, are you actually John Kerry in disguise? didn't the leaders of your own party tell you to shut up after the last debacle with the college? lol!!

Mar 16, 2007, 7:59 PM
btw, are you actually John Kerry in disguise? didn't the leaders of your own party tell you to shut up after the last debacle with the college? lol!!

Kerry told the truth though, even if nobody wants to admit it.

If you're poor, uneducated, black, or white trash the American govt wants you to go to Iraq/Afghanistan and fight their battles.