View Full Version : Transgendered

Feb 22, 2007, 1:19 AM
What does everyone recommend for finding transgendered individuals discreetly. I am looking for friends/fun etc. I am new to San Diego and would like to meet some people

Feb 22, 2007, 3:09 AM
Here in SF the usual pattern is to frequent the local tranny bar often enough to make a few friends and develop a good reputation. Once you are percieved as an ally, you might be considered for a date.

Feb 22, 2007, 10:15 AM
I'm an FTM (female to male) transsexual... I live on the East coast though.

I don't know if you're looking for transwomen or transguys, but I was in San Diego for a weekend last summer. Seems there's a triving trans community out there. I don't know about any "tranny" bar... I didn't hear of any.

If you're looking just for no strings sex, then you could probably use Craig's list and advertise that way....

If you're looking to date and start a romance, there's probably better ways to do that and I don't have a clue where you could start. Maybe start by looking into the local trans groups...

My advice is to make it a gradual thing.. There's a lot of transpeople who have been burned too many times by people who think of trans people as a fetish. Treat them with respect and courtesy, and you'll be fine.

Feb 22, 2007, 11:16 AM
Wow, Spartca you have 'Tranny bars' where you live- coool, I would really like to go to one of those, however the town I'm in at the moment doesn't even have a proper gay bar :( [ it has a 'gay friendly' one but that seems to be under new management or extensive refurbishment or something like that]. I have quite a few gay, lesbian [and a small number of] bisexual friends but I dont have any TG ones which is annoying as I;m very slightly TG myself [TV/CD and a feminine side that appears occasionally].

As for the main point of the thread, try searching on the internet for local TG groups etc... just be warned that many of these groups seem to be only for TG ppl and they may not like u using them as meeting places. Try looking in the 'lonely hearts' column in your local newspaper, I mean some papers do run LGBT lonely hearts ads although if you live in a rather traditional area, they might not. Or perhaps post a 'lonely hearts' ad yourself. Online dating might also be an interesting idea to try out.

Good luck

Izzfan :flag3:

Feb 22, 2007, 12:08 PM

I go there for advice on how to be supportive for the transgendered people already in my life. So, I am not really sure if it is a good place to meet and start dating them. Either way, there are some wonderful people to talk to there. Good luck!


Feb 22, 2007, 2:20 PM

I can only agree with DeafFtM...perhaps because I'm a ftm transbloke myself...

Especially the transgirls amongst us are having such a hard time to be accepted as ordinary women rather then just a fetish. So if you're out for a bit of easy fun make sure the person you're having it with is aware of that. It's a tough thing to go through anyways so when you date a transgendered person you should have alot of patience and understanding. :o)

Feb 22, 2007, 2:54 PM

I can only agree with DeafFtM...perhaps because I'm a ftm transbloke myself...

Especially the transgirls amongst us are having such a hard time to be accepted as ordinary women rather then just a fetish. So if you're out for a bit of easy fun make sure the person you're having it with is aware of that. It's a tough thing to go through anyways so when you date a transgendered person you should have alot of patience and understanding. :o)

Yay... wondered when I was gonna see another transguy here. Hey, man! :male:

Feb 22, 2007, 6:55 PM
Yay... wondered when I was gonna see another transguy here. Hey, man! :male:

Hey there!

Wow, are we the only ones on here? O.o We're such a rare species :bigrin:

Feb 28, 2007, 12:59 PM
I wish I could find a transgendered m to f for fun. any help out there

Mar 1, 2007, 12:50 AM
Hi All,

I am Belle and I found out this fall that a friend whom I had known as a man wanted all of his life to be a woman. Well, after the shock wore off, I realized that my friend was and will always be my dear friend, his packaging may be different but the friend I love remains. In order to help him, I took it upon myself to learn as much as I could to help. I set about getting everything to make him a woman. Hair, nails, silicone breasts, a bottom and hips as well. Elegant clothing and lingere to look nice. I took classes on modeling and deportment. Went to TG support meetings to make me a better friend. I hired makeup artists who taught me to makeup a man. I have had makeup experiance in my past, but was unsure of my skills.

During this process I was able to attend an event from the Tiffany Club of New England. First Event was something that I was not expecting. I expected it all to be like light and fluffy, men wanting to dress up and play. Well what I found,was not that at all. But rather a dedicated event that focused on all the aspects of being a woman.Medical, educational, financial, legal issues were just a few topics. I had the priveledge to meet some of the most amazing women ever. Strong, caring courageous women from all walks of life, from all over the globe. I was there to assist a makeup artist and I was given a rare glimpse of so many beautiful women, starting from the inside out. I saw the day to day struggle of trying to cope with being a man on the outside and wishing you were a woman. I was changed by my experiance.

Well the time came last week when I flew to Hawaii. Among the palm trees and sounds of the surf my friend and I began our journey. First day was spent decompressing after 31 hours of travel to get there from Boston- Yes I got stuck in that weather mess. Day two brought us to lessons on how to walk and carry yourself. Teaching a six foot tall man how to walk in heels is not easy task. Getting up from a chair like a proper lady was hard...I know I could not do it myself. She is a quick study and had mastered the essentials in no time. The next day brought facials, nails and painted toes. Finally the day came when I said, I have brought you everything to be a woman, so let us begin. We sat, in the bathroom and I applied the makeup to her and then to myslef so that she would be able to see what I was doing. I was very apprensive about my skills to be honest. What if was not able to let her see the real woman inside. Well, by the time I had finished with her eyes, I knew, knew in an instant, that "he" was gone.

Next came lips and finally hair. I stepped out of the room to let her see herself. Actually to be honest I went in the other room and cried in a pillow for I never knew how emotional this would be for me. What she saw and what I saw was the most beautiful woman...pretty on the outside- actually stunning..but most importantly beautiful on the INSIDE. She was finally, for the first time in her life, able to see the woman she was meant to be. To see that joy in anothers eyes was the greatest gift. I was honored to be at her emergence. That night we went out, I was SO proud to be in her company. No one laughed, no one pointed or stared. Just to tall, really tall girls out on the resort. Ok, well I can say this, she is far prettier than me. The day will come when she will have to beat the men off with a stick....I told her that I would give her lessons on that too.....

Is the road ahead filled with obstacles, oh my yes. Will it be hard and heartwrenching....yes for certain. But I do know that for perhaps one time in her life, she was the woman she dreamed to be. Nothing can replace the feeling of joy to give a loved one their dream. I guess, through all of the last few months, I was concerned that I would be able to teach her when in reality it was Bree who taught me about courage, comfort and caring and what the real meaning of being a woman it. Thank you love.


For those of you who wish to know more about TG or know someone who would, look at the upcoming events area. I am going. Hope to see you too. If Bree comes, are there any really really tall men who would like to meet two really tall women for drinks?

Thanks to all of you on this site who have given of themselves so I that I would be able to be there for my friend. Sharing of ourselves is one of the best things about this site. Yet again, thank you Drew. Not sure this is the right place for this but I hope so.

Mar 1, 2007, 1:24 AM
Im a girl... I like girls but for the longest time Ive always been attracted to transgender people too.
Ive seen a couple and have known 1.

The one I knew happened to me my first ex. :) F to M :)
Even had surgery and all. We broke up cause it wasn't meant to be. But we dated for like 6 months.

Where I live theres NOTHING.... No gay bars, no local gay/lesbians/trans/bi groups. Well there is.... but they are all couples and over 40 lol I want to find someone closer to my age :) and single too lol


Mar 1, 2007, 5:58 PM
"One Who Cares" you certainly are! You are an amazing woman to do all that work for your friend. She is a very lucky person to have a friend as dedicated as you are. :female:

Mar 1, 2007, 6:47 PM
"One Who Cares" you certainly are! You are an amazing woman to do all that work for your friend. She is a very lucky person to have a friend as dedicated as you are. :female:

I know nothing about TG's. What I do know is that One Who Cares, Belle, is an exceptional person and a friend indeed. And amazing is only half of what she is.

ur ever luvin

Mar 3, 2007, 2:36 AM

Thank you so very much for the nice compliment. I have been blessed with many friends on this site that I care about. They are a joy.


Mar 5, 2007, 9:36 PM
Used Bear,

What a wonderful compliment. I guess that one give of herself and her time for the investment in the future of other. That is who I am, nothing more.


Mar 5, 2007, 9:45 PM

Thank you so very much for the nice compliment. I have been blessed with many friends on this site that I care about. They are a joy.


Hey Belle....
You are a joy.... God Bless you and your kindness and caring. Don't ever give up. You are truly the best kind of friend of all.

Mar 7, 2007, 12:31 AM
I know what a special person you are and I am convinced that anyone you have involved yourself with, particularly in this very sensitive way, must be the most lucky person in the world. Having a friend like you would make even the difficulties of being transgendered so much easier to handle. YOU are amazing.

Love Bri

Mar 7, 2007, 10:36 PM
Belle, i'm sure you realize by now that you are a unique person. I don't know too many people who go so far to help a friend in the way you have.

Kudos to you! And thank you, too... you've helped a sister in need.

From one of the FTMs here.
