View Full Version : Nonoxyl-9

Feb 15, 2007, 4:18 PM
I just read on a box of condoms that condoms that contain Nonoxyl-9 are NOT to be used rectally. Does anyone know why ?

Feb 15, 2007, 4:32 PM
I just read on a box of condoms that condoms that contain Nonoxyl-9 are NOT to be used rectally. Does anyone know why ?

maybe this will answer your question

Info for Non ox-9 (http://www.amfar.org/binary-data/AMFAR_PDF/pdf/58.pdf)

It states that Nonox-9 can damage the rectal lining, leaving a portal open for the virus to get through.

But through my search, I have seen some organizations say that its better to use a nonox-9 condom, than to use none at all.

Feb 15, 2007, 10:05 PM
Littleray has it exactly right !

The most recent research into Nonoxynol-9 revealed that Nonox can cause the cells of the tissue lining the rectum to break down, making it easier for STDs to work their way into the rectal wall.

Very early -- and now largely discredited -- research suggested that Nonox inhibited the transfer of HIV and other STDs from one partner to another. The scientific establishment jumped on the buttwag . . . errr, I mean bandwagon . . . and began urging condom and lube manufacturers to add Nonox to their products. At one point in the late 90s, you could probably have found Nonox being infused into everything but hot dogs and Jergens Lotion, in most large cities.

But we now know it's all untrue. Not only does it not protect the fuckee against STDs, it may actually PROMOTE infection. Sigh.

As Gilda Radner's "Emily" used to say, "Never mi-i-i-nd."

Feb 17, 2007, 10:32 AM
No one should ever use any product containing Nonoxyl-9 for any purpose.
Not even as paint stripper.

Feb 17, 2007, 7:42 PM
It used to make my penis very sore (I am uncut).