View Full Version : Having Gay Cybersex

Jan 31, 2007, 7:51 AM
I just had my first man on man cybersex the other night. I was really intense. Does anyone else enjoy it? I never thought it could be that hot and I plan on having lots more from now on. What's your opinion on this subject?

Jan 31, 2007, 2:10 PM
I've had phonesex with another guy. It was okay, he seemed really into it and I must admit I kinda enjoy it too. I sometimes have to hold the phone away from my ear when he cums, it's abit weird for me sometimes.

But yeah, I've had cybersex with men and women too. I actually prefer it because you can imagine anything you like from what they type!

Jan 31, 2007, 4:17 PM
cybersex is an excellent tool to discover the things that excite you. it can be very educational in that aspect and if done correctly it can be HOT HOT HOT. i have a long time partner and spend a certain amount of time cybersexing as his sex drive has waned while mine has raged. cybersex keeps me off the streets and completely safe. a nice release of my short term needs. yes people scoff at me sometimes as it really isn't the same as real time sex. i agree but in a pinch it sure helps when the real thing is not available. nothing like some good clean fun (or perhaps i should say hot nasty fun).

bravo and don't be shy. wink wink.

Jan 31, 2007, 6:24 PM
Haven't found anyone of either sex to do this with for ages. Now we have the wonders of VOIP's - thought this could change. Maybe I'm looking in the wrong places. . . .

Jan 31, 2007, 6:48 PM
I've done it myself a couple of times. After getting over the initial nervousness I find it to be one of the more exciting and erotic experiences of my life. I certainly plan to do it again soon.

Jan 31, 2007, 7:41 PM
Off and on I've done it with webcam on Mac OSX's iChat. With a full size screen and stereo sound it is pretty much as near to interactive mutual fun as you can get chatting away to the other guy and (gals occasionally)while watching them in reasonable quality; its quite amazing! another good advert for buying a Mac I guess now they have Windows in them as well.....

Feb 1, 2007, 1:35 AM
I've had exactly ONE real-life sexual encounter with another adult male, and that was decades ago. For fear of HIV, or having to face family and friends' horror and disbelief, not to mention disapproval, I have ignored or repressed that side of my sexuality for years. I pretty much didn't think about it until a girlfriend of mine persuaded me to let her do me with her strap-on a few years ago. That started the pot simmering--boy, howdy! But I still didn't do anything about it, till in early 2005 I bought a computer, and somehow ended up HERE! :eek:
Man, I went nuts. I found that in cyberspace I had the nerve to try things I wouldn't even allow myself to THINK about before. I met other men, with similar stories, and we fucked and sucked each other silly! I'm afraid that, at first, I got so carried away that I became a bit of a cyber-slut :tongue: And I learned to type a helluva lot faster.
I'm still not exactly running out and meeting men for sex, but I've made a lot of good friends here and had a whale of a good time discovering that I really DO want to do those things with a real live male, and probably will at some point in the future. In the meantime, I've come to accept that this is who I am, and it's OKAY to want other men. I LOVE my keyboard! :bigrin:

Feb 1, 2007, 5:20 PM
It pales compared to the real thing. I haven't done phone sex so I'm not sure if I'd enjoy that or not. I did chat with one friend on YahooIM and I teased him asking him if he expected rolls of chiffon or flowers to come out of my mouth. ;)

Cyber sex is only fun when you do it with a friend you've had sex/a relationship with.

Feb 3, 2007, 11:44 AM
I have had cybersex with 2 gals and several guys. I have concluded not to do any more and I turn down invitations. It's like masturbation. Sex is supposed to be a social affair. If I feel horny, better that i turn my energies toward hooking up (that doesn't always happen either, unfortunately). It would be good to have a guy or gal near by that i could see when the need is high.

Feb 3, 2007, 12:29 PM
I have found cybersex to be a little frustrating. I have had better time with webcams...nice to see pictures...but then the sound always seems messed up...oh well! I guess it is not an exact science yet! LOL

Feb 6, 2007, 6:10 PM
Thanks to everyone for their input. Since my first post on this subject i've done it three more times. Two of them were really hot and one not so good. I guess if you find someone as horny as you are at that moment, it's really fun. I realize it's not the real thing, but you can really work your fantasies if you find the right person to do it with. For me it's a fun release til I can find someone to do the real thing with, and i'm going to enjoy it for what it is. :cool:

Feb 6, 2007, 6:13 PM
Personally I'm not a big consumer of erotica, porn, or cybersex. For me, it's kind of like watching someone *else* eat a cheeseburger.

But I do use gay.com to find dates with other men. It's good for that, but I have to weed through all the folks on there who are looking for cybersex - paid or free. Just FYI :)

Mar 1, 2007, 1:24 PM
CyberSex is fun. I believe that all things (within reason) have their place in our worlds. I have had phone sex with my male friend (and a few before him) and it was good, clean fun. Of course, you have to use one of those receiver holders so you can use both hands if need be. I have also been on c2c using another friends video hookup and it was even better than the phone sex. ;)

Mar 1, 2007, 4:29 PM
Never had cyber sex before. Very curious, would like to try it. I am open to suggestions. Send me a private message and we can get going. I have Skype.


Mar 2, 2007, 9:31 AM
i have had many many cybersex sessions and many phone sessions it is a safe way to do it and with cybering you can if you find the right person play out your most taboo sexual desires. it is frustrating at times when you really want the real thing, but with me being married it is the safest way right now and i really enjoy it probably more than i should

Mar 2, 2007, 2:01 PM
I've done it, I'm not going to lie.
I've masturbated on cam on public display on one website, but found that the thrill of being seen by people all over the world didn't excite me as much as one on one, probably because I get more out of chat than pictures.
And phone sex? Yes, I've done that too, and it was very exciting.
My weirdest session was a bout of hetero cyber where, at the end of it, she admitted that her husband was there doing everything I said i would like to do.

Mar 2, 2007, 4:02 PM
Isn't it like anything else in life? Some folks like it, some don't. Some don't like it for the same reasons that others like it.

I have had cyber sex with men and with women and when both parties are into it - and I mean getting mutual pleasure out if it, then it's great.

But often, becuse the other party is not within physical reach, you tend to contentrate on your own pleasure and not theirs.

For me, if it is mutual, if I can concentratre on my partner and it feels as if he or she is focused on me, simultaneously, then it's great!!!

If we are each in our own world then it is not satisfying. But that can happen in person too!


Mar 2, 2007, 4:55 PM
I had a good cyber session with another member from this site...I won't mention his name for two reasons:
1. He may wish to keep our cyber-fun secret...
2. He may remember who I am and tell all his buddies what a lousy lay I was... :bigrin: :paw: :paw:

Mar 2, 2007, 6:09 PM
I am yet to have a lezzo cybersex session, but the guy I do it with makes me so hot it's unbelievable.

Mar 2, 2007, 7:41 PM
Cyber? Just had my first about a half an hour ago via this site. An intercontinental adventure. I was in the chat room and then I got this private message and after a couple of minutes of polite conversation we were off. I concentrated on pleasuring him which paradoxically made it more intense for me -- go figure. He seemed a really neat guy, too.

Mixed feelings about doing it as a regular thing, though. As someone on this thread said, why not use the time to connect with someone face-to-face? Then again, it does seem to have educational value!

Mar 2, 2007, 8:04 PM
I once had a lesbian cybersex with a girl I was in a 3 year long distance relationship with. Too bad neither of us had the money at the time to see the other lol (we broke up cause of that.... both getting fusterated and unhappy so we just agreed to split and try meet people more locally... I was in Canada and she was in Ireland)

Mar 2, 2007, 11:18 PM
I am yet to have a lezzo cybersex session, but the guy I do it with makes me so hot it's unbelievable.

I bet he's a right ol stud.

When you think about it, if you have had cybersex more than 5 times the odds are up that at some stage it was a guy pretending to be a girl.

My Cyberlover is the best I have ever fooled around with on the net, she caters to both my worlds, you can't get better than that.

Mar 3, 2007, 10:17 AM
The only people I ever cyber with are men and transsexuals. Both are fun, and usually provide some great maturbatory moments.

Mar 3, 2007, 11:24 AM
I've done it, no need to lie about it. I've masturbated on cam on public display, that was a big thrill for me. Phone sex? Yes, I've done that with both men and women. It's a thrill, I enjoy hearing their moans.

:bibounce: :flag2:

Mar 3, 2007, 12:43 PM
Let's be honest ... this is a bi site, WHY would anyone pretend to be the opposite sex. This site is all about FF, MM, FM (or other multi-combinations).

If you want to cyber a guy, do it! A girl? Go ahead! Both? Knock yourself out.

Dec 15, 2014, 11:39 PM
i loved doing ciber

Dec 16, 2014, 9:37 PM
I started cyber sex back in 1995 and I didn't even know I was doing that! But what fun! Since then I have cyber sexed a lot and I enjoy it very much. I can really step outside myself and let loose which is the point of cyber. I do enjoy being with both men and women, and I even had the pleasure of meeting a few to do the real thing, which also was hot and fun. I have found more cyber friends here than anywhere and I love it.

Dec 17, 2014, 6:47 AM
I love it....hit me up sometime...'my mind is extrememy talented

Melody Dean
Dec 17, 2014, 9:11 AM
I went through a cyber-slut stage where I was cybering with many people, male and female, and sometimes carrying on multiple conversations at the same time.

A couple were good, most were just meh, some were terrible. Since then, I've been a bit more selective. There's a couple people that can get me off consistently (one in particular!), so I just stick with them.

Oct 7, 2015, 7:51 PM
hi ive had it dzns of times mostly on chat but some on pm's, hottttt

Melody Dean
Oct 8, 2015, 10:11 AM
I went through a cyber-slut stage where I was cybering with many people, male and female, and sometimes carrying on multiple conversations at the same time.

A couple were good, most were just meh, some were terrible. Since then, I've been a bit more selective. There's a couple people that can get me off consistently (one in particular!), so I just stick with them.

Since this thread got resurrected, I thought I'd update my thoughts on cybering. It was fun for a while, but I'm pretty burnt out on it. Now, I just can't sustain it unless the reality is a possibility. I'm getting pickier and pickier...

Oct 8, 2015, 12:45 PM
Aaaahh... Cyber of blessed memory.. and ver nice some of it wos 2..so have seen the day but have since grown up! At least in respect of the anon kind...

... but now and then.. still imbibe in a bit of raunchy naughties on-line.. the luffly Kate and I have been known to get carried away on-line if 1 of us is away from home for ne reason... we may have an open marriage, but that doesnt stop us getting hots for each other wen 1 of us is away from home on biz r a course... and at such times, no1 else will do!!!

Also, Is school half term hol starting this weekend so we r going up 2 our wee "but n ben" up north... Kate has 2 b back at work Monday and we wont c each other till she gets back next Friday cos kids and I r staying up ther... so, wile it is not certain, it is at least ver possible rand will grab hold of us wile nattering and u kno wot rand can make us do at such times, espesh if kids r in ther beds asleep! Yep.. gorrit in 1.. get the better of us it can make us shameless hussies!!! Shocking:yikes2:!!!:tongue:

Oct 8, 2015, 6:32 PM
Since this thread got resurrected, I thought I'd update my thoughts on cybering. It was fun for a while, but I'm pretty burnt out on it. Now, I just can't sustain it unless the reality is a possibility. I'm getting pickier and pickier...

Seems you and I have this in common. Enjoyed it for about a month. Then, it soured. Will still cyber , like you I understand reality will happen with someone. Reality is often better. We need a picky picnic table. Have a confused couch so why not a picky picnic table?

Melody Dean
Oct 9, 2015, 8:55 AM
Exactly Void and Fran. I still get into some randy chat with my FWB, but since I know that fantasy could be a reality someday, it's different.

Oct 9, 2015, 12:23 PM
i do the cam thing, i enjoy being a kinky perv

Oct 9, 2015, 7:10 PM
done it many x, wld do it again

Oct 10, 2015, 6:06 PM
I used to have cyber sex a lot in the various chat rooms that used to be on the internet. It was a great time to be able to chat with other guys and masturbate together. Sadly most of those have gone away.

Oct 11, 2015, 2:15 AM
too frustrating to come so close to the real thing....which i'm not having for real. however, it has been a good way to explore my bicuriosity.

Oct 11, 2015, 8:38 PM
too frustrating to come so close to the real thing....which i'm not having for real. however, it has been a good way to explore my bicuriosity.

* sits lost in deep thought now, hears the song Pepper by Butt hole Surfers in his mind, nudges the jukebox cuing up Nomad by Maiden ... still contending with his deep thoughts *

Can only say it is shameful I lack enough thumb to hop a road dog to upstate, much less Albuquerque. Had a mild windfall recently but am using it for various other needs. One need has been put off quite a few years and was recently highlighted. Another need is a visit to see mom, in VA. Not been home for about hm, 3-5 years now and looking forward to seeing nieces. Wife had a need too, a 'new' truck got at second hand auction. She paid just shy of $2k all in, but may need to put around $1k into getting it fully run-able / safely. Still, good truck for the cost.

She is like that regarding our expenses, income. I try to be yet rather not worry either way. Got money? Don't worry, you'll not keep it long. Don't got money? Don't worry not many others have any either. Of course, she holds that philosophy too but is more of the frugal bent than me. And I do not really try to over spend, it's merely that well everything costs too much. Will be lots happier when get a resource based economy, or we go with global stewardship, no one owns anything but everyone owns everything. Yes, know it sounds 'evil socialist' of me, oh well. Hopefully, it would make life easier for all.

Would like to hope too I could help you find a way to have something real. Would not even mind if it were a slutty thing. Although have a sense it might not be, all joking aside. Wife likes meeting my boyfriends. No, she does not seem keen to be involved more than meeting and checking if they're sane. She sends the sane ones away to protect me. *grin* After all you always hear of all those sane folks out fighting wars, spreading this cause or the next. I do not need any kind of ized, ismed. Once had idealism and was down for a year trying to figure a way to use chicken soup to cure it. Sorry, I said joking aside. I'm good at sharing, being shared, try to be considerate, clean. No one is second fiddle with me. When I'm with a person, it is with that person and yes, they become the world.

As ought to be clear, I am often confused for Peter Pan, Calvin, Bill and/or Ted, Butt Head. That is to say I remain a bit child like, do not take much seriously, or try not to. Had too much serious already. If you can't laugh you can't live i feel. At the same time I also keep a healthy balance. Well gee, i''m human. Go figure. * grin * Yeah, you'd be in trouble because I would maul you with luvins until you got spoiled rotten. That's just my way. *shrugs and points at wife* See? She's rotten too. Just told me, "I'm buying a new truck", and it was no question. She knows her husband is easy and spoils her. How could he refuse her getting a new truck? Made her so rotten she thinks she wears the pants. hm, wait she does ... or do I have them today? ... * goes to check *

Oct 12, 2015, 9:35 AM
thanks for the wishes :) u seem like someone who would understand & be considerate, things i like very much. in a perfect world we could meet once ur wife says i will do lol.......but i go on living hopefull the right experiances are right around the corner & greatfull others out there are supportive of me.

Oct 23, 2015, 11:30 PM
I think cyber sex is boring. I like talking about fantasies and experiences (no matter how 'bizarre' or 'taboo'). Its more realistic that way. Then you could slowly talk about what you would do with him and vice-versa if you want. Then possibly meet up and live it!

Oct 23, 2015, 11:53 PM
Getting crazy on cam is a lot of fun.

Oct 24, 2015, 1:00 PM
Random cybersex with random men no longer appeals to me. I did enjoy it in the early days of the internet. Ex-wifey and I would search chatrooms, swinger sites and mm sites looking for local bi men to meet for 3somes. We'd initiate private messaging with guys who appealed to us both. Many times we would both be nude and playing with each other as we chatted/cybered with men. The key for us was to meet men who were near enough to us that an actual meeting was possible. Since we lived in a small town, it was difficult because most of the men we chatted with were not near enough to us to make anything happen. Still we did manage to hook up fairly frequently. I'm the same way now. I am not interested in hot chat or cyber with men I have no possibility to actually meet. I search locally for men or couples on mm sites and swinger sites. When I get a PM or email from a guy who is not near enough to easily meet, I politely tell him that I am looking close to home. When I do connect online with nearby men who appeal to me, I do enjoy hot chat about sucking cock and other mm activities we both enjoy and get quite excited at the prospect of a meet up.

Oct 24, 2015, 5:02 PM
I love having sex on Skype or Yahoo Messenger. I love putting on the show and so does my partner - whoever that may be. You can have as many as you want and you won't catch a thing. It has also led to real meetings a couple of times. Skype or Messenger anyone?

Oct 26, 2015, 2:17 AM
...but i go on living hopefull the right experiances are right around the corner & greatfull others out there are supportive of me.

Read yourself and you'll see why I have no choice but being your Atlas. :)

Oct 26, 2015, 8:19 PM
Read yourself and you'll see why I have no choice but being your Atlas. :)
it's nice when people "get" me :D