View Full Version : Lol finally that’s it I’m done

Jan 28, 2007, 8:10 AM
On Thursday I told my mum that I’m bisexual but she did not take it too well, she was saying things like she just thinks that I’m confused but I was like no I’m bisexual. She was upset but I just think she needs a bit of time to get used to the idea.

On Friday I told my sister who was really shocked but totally fine and just said also that mum will take some time to get used to it all.

But right now I’m so happy lol because I told my dad today and he just said oh really there’s nothing wrong with that, I know lots of bisexual people lol and thanked me for telling him and not to worry about it lol.

lol so that’s it I’m done it feels good its like a big weight off my shoulders

Jan 28, 2007, 8:28 AM
On Thursday I told my mum that I’m bisexual but she did not take it too well, she was saying things like she just thinks that I’m confused but I was like no I’m bisexual. She was upset but I just think she needs a bit of time to get used to the idea.

On Friday I told my sister who was really shocked but totally fine and just said also that mum will take some time to get used to it all.

But right now I’m so happy lol because I told my dad today and he just said oh really there’s nothing wrong with that, I know lots of bisexual people lol and thanked me for telling him and not to worry about it lol.

lol so that’s it I’m done it feels good its like a big weight off my shoulders

Congratulations Daniel :)

It must be wonderful to be blessed with such an understanding family and a relief to have that weight lifted...Freedom to live and be yourself openly and honestly is always a good thing, and to be accepted for who you are without malice and contempt a luxury some will never know. Safe Journey to you :)

Ambi :)

Jan 28, 2007, 9:10 AM
Congratulations Daniel! Your mom will definately come around. Hearing how well your dad took it made me happy :) Great job hun. I know it wasn't easy.

Jan 28, 2007, 10:36 AM
Good for you Daniel. I know that it was not an easy thing to do. Congratulations. The journey ahead will be filled with joy for you.


Jan 28, 2007, 11:28 AM
Well done to you, Daniel! Your mum will come around, she loves you and it won't matter to her.

I'm not sure I'm even going to bother telling my parents because 1/it's possible I might just be going through a paise and 2/ it wouldn't really matter to them anyway as I see myself only bringing girlfriends home.

Jan 28, 2007, 11:53 AM
Thats awesome Daniel

Its great to hear that your dad was so understanding and casual about you "outing" yourself with him

I wish my dad would be so understanding about it

and your mum will come around soon enough

Now you can rest easy knowing that you wont have to live in fear of having your "secret" revealed

m.in.heels&hose :cool:

Jan 28, 2007, 4:41 PM
Bravo, Daniel...Sure does feel good not having that weight on your shoulders, huh? :) :paw: :paw:

Jan 28, 2007, 6:05 PM
congrads on telling your family. I am glad that it went well for you and I wish you luck in all your future endovours. Take care!

Jan 28, 2007, 8:37 PM
Congrats. Coming out is a weird and wonderful journey. You're very lucky to have family who are understanding. Mom will come around, just give her time. Parents want to protect their children. They don't want to see them get hurt.

Jan 28, 2007, 10:19 PM
cool I wish my parents were more understanding of me being bi....

Jan 29, 2007, 5:15 AM
Hey everybody thanks for the replies, I still can't believe that I’ve finally told them lol :bigrin: