View Full Version : Questions for guys....

Jan 28, 2007, 7:18 AM
Hi, new member here :tongue: Just want to know what other bi guys here like so if you would answer a couple of questions then I will be very grateful!

1 - Who do you prefer to be with sexually, M/F?

2 - Who do you prefer to be in a relationship with, M/F?

3 - Who was your first sexual experience with/Who do you want to be your first sexual experience with, M/f?

4 - Which sex do you see end up getting married too, M/F? (If you are already married then who are you with?)

5 - When you are out, who you tend to look at more, M/F?

6 - Do you think it's possible for a guy to only have flings with other guys but only be in relationships with girls? (This is your opinion of course)

Thanks for taking the time to look at this thread ;)

Jan 28, 2007, 7:46 AM
Hi, new member here :tongue: Just want to know what other bi guys here like so if you would answer a couple of questions then I will be very grateful!

1 - Who do you prefer to be with sexually, M/F?
2 - Who do you prefer to be in a relationship with, M/F?
3 - Who was your first sexual experience with/Who do you want to be your first sexual experience with, M/f?
4 - Which sex do you see end up getting married too, M/F? (If you are already married then who are you with?)
5 - When you are out, who you tend to look at more, M/F?
6 - Do you think it's possible for a guy to only have flings with other guys but only be in relationships with girls? (This is your opinion of course)

Thanks for taking the time to look at this thread ;)

(1) Both
(2) Female
(3) Male
(4) Married to a female
(5) Females, unless at nudist resorts in which case I'm an equal opportunity
(6) I think anythings possible when it comes to relationships, desire, and
attractions and most definitely flings.
......You're Welcome.... :)

Ambi :)

Jan 28, 2007, 9:21 AM
1 to 4 - F
5 It's about equal
6 Yes

Jan 28, 2007, 9:43 AM
in a long term relationship - women
depends on my mood as to sex - right now i want a guy lol
really is dependent on my mood and situation - i have more opportunities for sex with women so end up having more desire for sex with guys at times - in general i love women
sexually - all things being equal if both genders were available in equal proportions - i would explode
i usually check out women when out and about - online fairly equal
absolutely able to be in relationship with a woman and have sex with guys and am always safe about it by the way

Jan 28, 2007, 11:32 AM
Thanks for the replies, just wanted to know what other people were like and what they are "into" around here. :bigrin:

Also another question, abit personal but what are you more aroused by? The male or female "privates"? Just saw the Cut/Uncut thread, liked that very much :cool:

Jan 28, 2007, 1:36 PM
1 - Prefer both male and female
2 - Relationship with female. males is mostly sexual
3 - First sexual experience with a female. took me 3 years after having first hetro experience before first bi exp.
4 - Married a female
5 - I tend to look at more at females. i'll always be a boobologist at heart!!
6 - Do you think it's possible for a guy to only have flings with other guys but only be in relationships with girls? (This is your opinion of course) Of course, this is how I am.

Jan 28, 2007, 2:27 PM
1 - Who do you prefer to be with sexually, M/F?
a) most sex with Females - only 3 different women (3rd i married), and only 1 man

2 - Who do you prefer to be in a relationship with, M/F?
a) Definately Female, but being friends with a man is does not mean we cant be "friends".

3 - Who was your first sexual experience with/Who do you want to be your first sexual experience with, M/f?
a) Female - but the sex with a man was wow!

4 - Which sex do you see end up getting married too, M/F? (If you are already married then who are you with?)
a) married to a female - and very happy and want to stay that way

5 - When you are out, who you tend to look at more, M/F?
a) equal - depends who is good looking - men can be as dog rough as women. Sorry vain I know looks do count

6 - Do you think it's possible for a guy to only have flings with other guys but only be in relationships with girls? (This is your opinion of course)
a) definately yes

Jan 28, 2007, 3:00 PM
1 - Who do you prefer to be with sexually, M/F?
I prefer both.

But I may prefer men over women since sometimes, to me a woman's body can be kind of "alien" or like I don't know it as well as a man's body and I'll sometimes get turned off by the idea of vaginal sex or seeing women naked.

Plus women don't really know what they're doing to please a man or how things feel for a man.

2 - Who do you prefer to be in a relationship with, M/F?
Men. In general I get WAY more infatuated and fall in love more with men than women.

It's not that I don't like women but I relate better, I bond better, I feel more emotionally open with men, and with men I feel more complete.

I like how when I have sex with a man how we both know how to please each other to the best of our ability since we both know how everything feels. I find it weird that lots of men who are married to women say that their wife is their "best friend' as I can't really relate to the idea of that at all.

3 - Who was your first sexual experience with/Who do you want to be your first sexual experience with, M/f?
I was with guys for the first time.

4 - Which sex do you see end up getting married too, M/F? (If you are already married then who are you with?)

I'd like to be married to both. I don't like the idea of marriage though as I see it as being an archaic institution and I don't like the idea of a traditional marriage, and I see it as being ownership.

I do know that if I were to ever get deeply involved with a woman that I'd want an open relationship so I could have male partners as well, as the idea of just having sex with one person/one gender for the rest of my life is one that would be like chopping off my right arm. I wouldn't cheat on anyone I was involved in a closed/exclusive relationship with but I wouldn't be happy either. Of course before getting into that sort of relationship with anyone I'd tell them about myself beforehand.

5 - When you are out, who you tend to look at more, M/F?
I look at both but I notice I look at men more.

6 - Do you think it's possible for a guy to only have flings with other guys but only be in relationships with girls? (This is your opinion of course)

Yeah, tons of guys do it all the time. It's called being discreet and in most cases unless it's an open relationship it's cheating. I don't see this as being fair to the woman or the man.

Jan 29, 2007, 1:21 AM
6. YES


Jan 29, 2007, 1:25 AM
i just recently discovered my bisexuality recently, so to be honest, whenever i think of sex and love, females tend to come to mind.. but i do "check out" guys just as often..

as far as #6, well, anything is possible. if you'd prefer to have flings with guys instead of serious relationships, yet relationships with women instead of flings, then go for it..

i'm not really a fling kinda person. i want something serious..

Jan 29, 2007, 11:59 AM
1 - Who do you prefer to be with sexually, M/F?

2 - Who do you prefer to be in a relationship with, M/F?

3 - Who was your first sexual experience with/Who do you want to be your first sexual experience with, M/f?

4 - Which sex do you see end up getting married too, M/F? (If you are already married then who are you with?)

5 - When you are out, who you tend to look at more, M/F?

6 - Do you think it's possible for a guy to only have flings with other guys but only be in relationships with girls? (This is your opinion of course)

Actually I prefer groups. I'm greedy. As a sensualist I think my ideal coupling would be a couple of males, a couple of females, a bookend set of transexuals (MtF & FtM), and a functioning intersexed person. But if pushed and only allowed one other partner, I suppose I would pick a female.

For a relationship I think I would prefer a female because of the difference.

My first actual sexual contact was w/ another male, a guy who I grew up w/ & who was like a brother.

I married and divorced a woman. If I were to marry again (the odds are 99 to 1 against remarriage), it would again be w/ a woman or a transexual or an intersexed person. I really can't imagine marrying a man--that's just years of conditioning.

When looking at someone from a sexual point of view it's almost exclusively females.

And yes, I do believe that you could wish to have relationships w/ women but flings w/ men.

But don't take any of these answers too seriously. We all have our different reactions to these scenarios, just as we each occupy a different spot on the sliding scale of sexuality. We come to our sexually because of many variables not the least of which are our hormone levels, our backgrounds, and our honesty w/ ourselves.

Jan 29, 2007, 2:18 PM
1) I would have to answer Male cos I haven't been with any women yet, even so I feel a lot more of a connection with men. However, saying that, I find a good looking woman very slightly more of a turn-on than a good looking man but I would be more likely to chat the bloke up lol.

2) Relationship? I'm only 18, way too young to get sucked into one of THOSE... lol But probably with a man if I had to or perhaps a tomboy/intellectual woman.... Ah, well I like being single anyway, it gives you a lot more freedom, you don't have arguments/ moody girlfriends etc... and its good for the bank balance too lol. [seen too many of my str8 friends waste years of their life in relationships that have ended with tearful break-ups].

3) My first sexual experience was with a man. One of the best nights of my life [althouh he later said that it didn't count as sex]

4) See point numer 2 but with more emphasis on it.... I really don't like the idea of getting married to anyone Male or Female

5) The simple answer is that it depends but usually slightly more female than male [see end of point 1]

6) Yeah, its possible. I mean all the times I;ve been with guys have been 1/2 night stands. Yeah, on the whole, girls seem to be more interested in relationships than 'flings' [or at least thts the impression I get] and as I prefer flings [so much less complicated/emotional than the ball and chain of a relationship] I tend to go with guys a lot more.

Izzfan :flag3:

[ps; To answer the later question about the male and female organs.... it all depends heavily on how they are shown. A nice hard cock can be very sexy if it is shown but the female organ is often sexy if not explicitly shown or if the woman is very good looking or doing interesting things... I once saw a very nice pic of a woman putting a (unlit) candle in....well u get the idea lol]

but that's my name!!
Jan 29, 2007, 5:00 PM
1 - Who do you prefer to be with sexually, M/F?
2 - Who do you prefer to be in a relationship with, M/F?
M but not at all important when in one
3 - Who was your first sexual experience with/Who do you want to be your first sexual experience with, M/f?
4 - Which sex do you see end up getting married too, M/F? (If you are already married then who are you with?)
5 - When you are out, who you tend to look at more, M/F?
both equally but usualy only comment on M cos my girlfriend is straight
6 - Do you think it's possible for a guy to only have flings with other guys but only be in relationships with girls? (This is your opinion of course)
anything is possible

Jan 30, 2007, 4:34 PM
1 - Who do you prefer to be with sexually, M/F? Female, but there is obvious differences being with one or the other. Men intrigue me, and is pure sexual where with women it is both sexual and can be emotional.

2 - Who do you prefer to be in a relationship with, M/F? 100% Female, but freindships with a guy is not out of the question....emotional relationship is definetly female though

3 - Who was your first sexual experience with/Who do you want to be your first sexual experience with, M/f? Male when I was in early teens.

4 - Which sex do you see end up getting married too, M/F? (If you are already married then who are you with?) Been married to female, and would always be female for the fact that I couldn't have an emotional relationship with a guy.

5 - When you are out, who you tend to look at more, M/F? Females

6 - Do you think it's possible for a guy to only have flings with other guys but only be in relationships with girls? (This is your opinion of course) This is how I am so yes

Jan 30, 2007, 4:50 PM
I am your real stereotype married bi guy in the closet. I love pussy and a female wife for emotional attachment and commitment. I love side pussy just for the fun of it. And I love male sex just for the fun of it.

As to who I eyeball when I'm out in public, historically I was attracted evenly to guys and gals-----show me a couple and I'd check out his crotch and her boobs.

But as I've aged, most of the women I can fuck on the side have also aged and they aren't the turn on they used to be. So nowadays I spend a lot more time concentrating on men----so much easier to get, so much less hassle and so much more in common.

I jacked off with other little boys when I was kid. Got my first piece of pussy when I was 16. Got my first blow job when I was 19........and I knew from that first cum shot that it would be guys and gals alike for me for the rest of my life.

Feb 1, 2007, 12:59 AM
Hi, new member here :tongue: Just want to know what other bi guys here like so if you would answer a couple of questions then I will be very grateful!

1 - Who do you prefer to be with sexually, M/F?

2 - Who do you prefer to be in a relationship with, M/F?

3 - Who was your first sexual experience with/Who do you want to be your first sexual experience with, M/f?

4 - Which sex do you see end up getting married too, M/F? (If you are already married then who are you with?)

5 - When you are out, who you tend to look at more, M/F?

6 - Do you think it's possible for a guy to only have flings with other guys but only be in relationships with girls? (This is your opinion of course)

Thanks for taking the time to look at this thread ;)

1. Both equally is the standard responce. It changes from day to day though. Some days You feel like a nut, some days You don't. :eek:

2. Romantic relationship, either. Platonic relationship, women.

3. Female

4. I'm married to a beautiful woman.

5. See answer #1.

6. Sure that's possible. I've also seen it work the other way with a guy having an emotional relationship with another guy, but having flings with women.

Bonus Question - As far as genitals, both equally. But to be completely honest, there is nothing more beautiful than womens breasts! :bigrin: - Dave

Feb 1, 2007, 5:06 PM
1 - Who do you prefer to be with sexually, M/F?

Female, though both at the same time is preferable

2 - Who do you prefer to be in a relationship with, M/F?

Female, married one, so I hope so!

3 - Who was your first sexual experience with/Who do you want to be your first sexual experience with, M/f?

Male, experiementing

4 - Which sex do you see end up getting married too, M/F? (If you are already married then who are you with?)


5 - When you are out, who you tend to look at more, M/F?

Females, but by a somewhat narrow margin. Now porn, I prefer males over females, by a fair margin.

6 - Do you think it's possible for a guy to only have flings with other guys but only be in relationships with girls? (This is your opinion of course)

Yes... I guess it totally depends on your view of 'relationship.' I can get physical with guys, but there isnt a huge amount of emotional content there.

Feb 13, 2007, 7:17 AM
1 - Who do you prefer to be with sexually, M/F? Female for the most part

2 - Who do you prefer to be in a relationship with, M/F? Female, emotional

3 - Who was your first sexual experience with/Who do you want to be your first sexual experience with, M/f? Female

4 - Which sex do you see end up getting married too, M/F? (If you are already married then who are you with?) FEMALE, emotional reasons

5 - When you are out, who you tend to look at more, M/F? MIXTURE OF BOTH

6 - Do you think it's possible for a guy to only have flings with other guys but only be in relationships with girls? (This is your opinion of course) yes

Feb 13, 2007, 9:39 AM
1 - Who do you prefer to be with sexually, M/F?

2 - Who do you prefer to be in a relationship with, M/F? Not looking for a relationship right now, I would like a larger circle of Bi friends.

3 - Who was your first sexual experience with/Who do you want to be your first sexual experience with, M/f?

4 - Which sex do you see end up getting married too, M/F? (If you are already married then who are you with?)
Was married to Female, right now I can't see getting married again (but who knows)

5 - When you are out, who you tend to look at more, M/F?

6 - Do you think it's possible for a guy to only have flings with other guys but only be in relationships with girls? (This is your opinion of course)
It is possible (anything is). In a perfect world I would want both (open, honest, and upfront) at the same time, same relationship. :three:

Feb 13, 2007, 11:18 AM
1) I prefer female

2) I prefer female

3) male

4) female and married

5) female more but the gents get looked at

6) yes its possible but that all depends on ones own values and what a person thinks is ok. I think its better to be in an open relationship with the one you love, emotional and physical.

Feb 14, 2007, 4:14 PM
1 - Who do you prefer to be with sexually, M/F?

Don't have a preference in this case, meaning I like both equally for the most part.

2 - Who do you prefer to be in a relationship with, M/F?

Female, I've tried to "want" to be with guys in the same way but I never seem to have that urge. Still trying to figure that one out...

3 - Who was your first sexual experience with/Who do you want to be your first sexual experience with, M/f?

My first experience that was in some way sexual was with a male, after that nothing happened for years until I had an experience with a female.

4 - Which sex do you see end up getting married too, M/F? (If you are already married then who are you with?)

I'd see myself married with a woman, maybe I was just raised that way but I wont rule out a man.

5 - When you are out, who you tend to look at more, M/F?

Females, I find more females attractive than males, but when I'm attracted to females compared to males, it's usually equal in intensity.

6 - Do you think it's possible for a guy to only have flings with other guys but only be in relationships with girls? (This is your opinion of course)


Feb 14, 2007, 9:52 PM
1 - Who do you prefer to be with sexually, M/F?
I like both but females more.

2 - Who do you prefer to be in a relationship with, M/F?
Female only

3 - Who was your first sexual experience with/Who do you want to be your first sexual experience with, M/f?
First sexual experience with female.

4 - Which sex do you see end up getting married too, M/F? (If you are already married then who are you with?)

5 - When you are out, who you tend to look at more, M/F?
Both, but look at females more.

6 - Do you think it's possible for a guy to only have flings with other guys but only be in relationships with girls? (This is your opinion of course)

Feb 14, 2007, 10:15 PM
Hi, new member here :tongue: Just want to know what other bi guys here like so if you would answer a couple of questions then I will be very grateful!

1 - Who do you prefer to be with sexually, M/F?

2 - Who do you prefer to be in a relationship with, M/F?

3 - Who was your first sexual experience with/Who do you want to be your first sexual experience with, M/f?

4 - Which sex do you see end up getting married too, M/F? (If you are already married then who are you with?)

5 - When you are out, who you tend to look at more, M/F?

6 - Do you think it's possible for a guy to only have flings with other guys but only be in relationships with girls? (This is your opinion of course)

Thanks for taking the time to look at this thread ;)

1.Depends on my mood
2.I've never had a serious relationship with a man so I couldn't say though I imagine it wouldn't matter to me.
4.Married to a woman for almost six years
5.Men. I already have a hot woman so it's a little lopsided
6.That will depend on the woman you are with. Many here are experimenting with that and say it works. It didn't for my wife so I don't do that anymore.

Feb 14, 2007, 11:50 PM
Hi, new member here :tongue: Just want to know what other bi guys here like so if you would answer a couple of questions then I will be very grateful!

1 - Who do you prefer to be with sexually, M/F?

2 - Who do you prefer to be in a relationship with, M/F?

3 - Who was your first sexual experience with/Who do you want to be your first sexual experience with, M/f?

4 - Which sex do you see end up getting married too, M/F? (If you are already married then who are you with?)

5 - When you are out, who you tend to look at more, M/F?

6 - Do you think it's possible for a guy to only have flings with other guys but only be in relationships with girls? (This is your opinion of course)

Thanks for taking the time to look at this thread ;)

1) Have only ever been with a guy so I cant anwser that one for sure yet
2) Again, have never really had a serious relationship so I cant awnser. But if I had to guess I would say a Male, because I understand them more :P
3) First sexual experience was with a Male
4) I can picture either, we'll just have to see what the future holds....
5) Either
6) Anything is possible

Feb 15, 2007, 3:36 PM
I'm gonna change my answer to question #1 to Men.

I go out of my way to seek out sex and relationships with men (a lot more than with women), and I get more infatuated with men in general. Plus I instinctively know a man's body a lot better than a woman's and they know mine better than any woman ever will.

Feb 15, 2007, 3:50 PM
1 - Who do you prefer to be with sexually, M/F?
2 - Who do you prefer to be in a relationship with, M/F?
3 - Who was your first sexual experience with/Who do you want to be your first sexual experience with, M/f?
4 - Which sex do you see end up getting married too, M/F? (If you are already married then who are you with?)
5 - When you are out, who you tend to look at more, M/F?
6 - Do you think it's possible for a guy to only have flings with other guys but only be in relationships with girls? (This is your opinion of course)

1 - I prefer both, but my mood determines my preference at any particular instance.
2 - Female. With guys I prefer it to be more fun than sensual, which is what I think of when I think of a relationship.
3 - My first sexual experience was with a guy, 4 years before my first with a girl.
4 - Married to a woman. Man sex to me is more of a bonding type relationship, not a marriage type relationship.
5 - I tend to look more at the women. Honestly, they're so much prettier than us guys!
6 - I think it's possible.