View Full Version : what you do's think

Jan 27, 2007, 7:49 AM
I've don't know anyone i want to say this to, but it's the summer! and that means having sex with men and enjoying it. I've decided that life's too short, and i don't believe in god, so why shouldn't I? i'm 19, and it's not hurting anyone, and this could either be the best year of my life, or it could be a disaster - but i dont care!!!!! It's good to know that there are like minded people out there - it's no big deal really, i predict that people will look at homophobia in the same way people look at racism now. Sorry, bit of a pointless thread, but i'm psyched! hallelujah, i love spooning!!

Jan 27, 2007, 9:23 AM
Sounds like you've reached a seasonal "fork" in the road Karma and as a bit of a gay "blade" myself, allow me to cut right to the point....To "spoon" is devine any time of the year unless as in my case, where often I find that my "plate" is full. I love your "glass" half full positive outlook on life!! Shall we all "feast" on the boutiful "table" laid before us...after all "Life is a "bowl" a cherries" pointless at times but always appreciated. Excuse me for a moment but my "dish" has run away with my "spoon". :bigrin:

Ambi :)

Jan 27, 2007, 1:39 PM
i never did anything sexual in my teens or early 20s.. kinda feel as though i missed out.. then again, i've never wanted sex without love..

it's really up to you. if you enjoy the thought of sex simply for the physical pleasure it gives, then go for it. you are 19. you are old enough to understand what sex is, what meaning it holds to you, etc.. heck, go for it, if you can find a willing partner! enjoy your summer!

Jan 27, 2007, 6:18 PM
It's great you have such an enthusiastic spirit. Have fun, but also remember to be safe.

Jan 27, 2007, 8:47 PM
Summer? Not hear! Freezing my ass off! Just makes the arms of your lover that much warmer. Oh wait I dont have one :( . Im lonely

Jan 28, 2007, 11:36 AM
my head hurts. i went to a gay bar last night and it was amazing, and i came out to one of my friends. it felt really good, although he's not going to tell anyone we agreed or i'll tell everyone about his tiny cock.

I'm of the opinion that it would be much easier for a man to go out with a girl, and it might be satisfying. has anyone in this place ever known anyone that they can't stop thinking about? A friend or anything? It's so irritating, this is what the internet's good for, being able to say things that are killing you. I'm in love with my best friend and i want to be with him so much. arrrggg my head