View Full Version : Offer to act in Bisexual Porn..Should I?...hmmm

Jan 25, 2007, 10:05 PM
Well here's the story
I sent an application to a modeling agency, partially out of humor, but mostly to see if I would be considered. Yesterday, I recieved a phone call from the agency. They are an agency that holds a list of models used in adult films and magazines. The director that I spoke with is very interested in meeting with me. In the application, it asked what I would be comfortable with (straight, gay, bi, trans, single, etc). I, OF COURSE, filled out ALL. The director wants to fly me to California for a photo shoot and interview. I have done a background check on the company and director, and both are VERY well known in the industry. Should I investigate. I hear horror stories about the porn indusrty, but I am drawn to it 1. for the obvious income and 2. the fact that I could be involved in bisexual erotica, which is rarely publicized. He seemed particularly interested in that aspect of my application because he said few models are willing to be in bisexual work. What do you think? I know i will probably get 1,000 "Are you STUPID" replies, but seriously, should I consider it? I AM a struggling college student, and all flights/hotels, etc are paid for. I simply fly in, work, and fly in by monday for class. Any ideas or thoughts will be appreciated. Thanks. (I swear, this is not a joke. If you really dont believe me, private message me and I will send you the link to the company website)

Jan 25, 2007, 10:12 PM
Don't go into porn for the money.

I've heard it's a misconception that you actually make a lot of money that way.

Don't do bareback videos, get into meth, or escorting.

If you do decide to do it, do it for yourself.

good luck!

Long Duck Dong
Jan 25, 2007, 10:21 PM
what we do today...is tomorrow nightmare

lol to call you stupid, is to imply that I have never made a mistake in my life

yes there are some horror stories about the porn industry.... but you know the risks....

the biggest issue, can be having people point you out in the street and you can become the target of some rude and nasty remarks, or guys think that you are easy cos you have been in a porn related situation
or your family taking a very dim view of you

but you do rise some valid points, the porn industry can offer good money to the right people, and you can become a good opportunity for you to make enuf money to get a start in life without facing a mountain of debt.

my suggestion to you, is to cover ya ass.... don't enter into a legal agreement that forces you to remove your clothes..... only agree on the conditions that you go there, and IF you don't feel right... you don't remove your clothes and you don't get paid for it, BUT nor do you have to pay out a cent
get the agreement checked out legally.....

make bloody sure that its all clean, tasteful and you are treated as a person and not as a piece of meat....

I am happy to read its only a photo shoot....photos can be tasteful and nice, without you being asked to do thing with your body with a stranger on a movie set....and if you are happy to post them on ya profile, I am sure that many people in the site would love to view them and compliment you

I am impressed that you did a background check and it all appears to be high grade, with a person and company with a good and well known rep in the porn industry, that tells you that they are known for good quality things....but if you can get some models feedback on their experiences in working with him and his crew, that would be a bonus

Jan 25, 2007, 10:38 PM
Yea what Duck said.
Rember today in the respected porn biz everyone needs an STD test.
I say go for it just be safe... :tongue:

but that's my name!!
Jan 25, 2007, 10:57 PM
My girlfriend's sister used to be BIG in modeling (UK) I can't go in shops without seeing posters she's in mags like FHM and Nuts etc. she was advised by her retireing agent not to go into porn, money is okay but not worth it and that she should get out of the business.
p.s. don't ask her name, I won't tell. She's a bitch anyway.

Jan 25, 2007, 11:19 PM
i've always dreamed of doing that. how did you find out about the co. could you send me some info? :flag3:

Jan 25, 2007, 11:30 PM
Long Duck always seems to know what he is talking about, so i am going to defer to his comments..

i have a friend that once tried to get into modelling but she told me that in order to get the best modelling assignments, sexual favors were usually required.. so she got out of the business.. it's only an assumption, but i imagine the porn industry is full of traps and loop holes..

personally, there's not enough money in the world to get me into a porn video.. but hey, that's me.. this is about you.. and only you can truly decide what's right for you.. just don't do something you'll regret.. think about your legacy, not your short term cash flow.....

Jan 26, 2007, 12:53 AM
LDD knows often what he's talking about, not always. I refer to the smoking posts he started.

In this instance, I would have to agree with the consensus. Reputable and Porn are words that do NOT truly mix. They don't meet because they are streets that don't cross, and never shall.

I would simply not recommend it at all. If you want to do modelling, do it. I can recommend male sites that would pay a lot for your images, even privately done ones. the benefit is you never have to worry about being in someones power. When you are there, in their presence, surrounded by their people...you might make decision from their presence causing you pressure you normally woul dnot aquiesce to. Model if you want, but seriously...porn is a dead end. And it can create a past that can rear up and bite you when you think it's all dead and buried.

No one will ever need money THAT much. Grants, loans, parents in that order...try it first before even Modelling...please don't do porn.

Jan 26, 2007, 1:11 AM
Thanks for the input. I appreciate everyone's thoughts and critiques. I agree that I won't want to put myself in someone's power. Thats the first thing that I asked about. The director said that no contracts are ever signed, and that I am paid before modeling waivers are signed. It more like putting your resume on Monster.com. Directors for movies or mags look up their models portfolio's, request them, and then the agency calls me and offers me the gig. I go check it out, and walk if I don't like it. I agree that the "past will come back to bite me". That is my biggest concern. I'm giving it alot of thought. I have until Fed 12 to decide. I'm seriously considering just flying out and doing the photo shoot, see what's said, then kicking it around some more. I like the idea of doing spreads or body shots, but the amount of time that is put in is almost not worth it. Its one of those things that i'm sure almost every guy (and some girls) have "dreamed" of, but I know the reality and pressure of the buisness. The constant pressure to perform, "ejaculate NOW, NO WAIT, NOW". He mentioned some masturbation photos and videos to try out first and see how I like that and work up. I don't know if i'm allowed to do this, but the website is FCFagency.com. Let me know what you think about what they say. They have a list of publications they've done work for "playboy, playgirl, hustler", etc.

Jan 26, 2007, 3:01 AM
As attempting as it might sound.... keep in mind that.

1. You would have to do a scene anytime... even if your not in the mood to have sex.

2. You could be told to perform sex acts or postions your not comfortable or don't enjoy doing at all.

3. You COULD have to do scenes with someone you don't like or don't get along with.

4. People you date MIGHT feel uncomfortable about dating you cause you were in porn.... and also, being in a porn film won't look good on your resume if your trying to find a job that doesn't have anything to do with porn.

Just my thoughts.....


Long Duck Dong
Jan 26, 2007, 3:26 AM
mmm ian that smoking thread was a rant..... there is a difference between me ranting about my personal issues, and the advice I offer.....

I have friends in the porn industry.... i know just how TIGHTLY it is run in the top class outfits... not the low grade budget grade outfits
all the people are tested EVERY 3 months std / drugs.... its all legal and above board....and yes I am talking about a top grade porn company....

I am also aware of what goes on behind the scenes and how a lot of the people blame the porn industry for their own issues....

Jan 26, 2007, 7:46 AM
I think you have already made up your mind. I say congratulations man, for as long as i can remember i have dreamed of becoming a porn star. I say good luck have fun and lets us know how it goes.

Jan 26, 2007, 7:58 AM
The porn industry feeds off of young guys and girls like you. In the long run the cash you get will not be worth your self respect. Porn is what the people who can't be real actors and models do.

Who are you?

Jan 26, 2007, 4:03 PM
There was a time when I tried to join the porn Industry when I lived in the States. Almost got in but then was suddenly dropped. Till this day I do not know why. I was very disappointed then, but today after many years I am happy I did not enter this door, but again that's just me. :2cents: Be safe and protect yourself well. I wish you good luck my friend. Let us know what happens.


Jan 26, 2007, 6:39 PM
Sounds like it would be very fun to do. Listen to everybody, and get an agent. Hear is just something. Look up the number of the places the person contacted you. If that person gave you the numbers they might be scan to get you out there.

Jan 28, 2007, 1:05 PM
Oh wow, I have been in a few movies for factory video and I gotta tell you everyone treated me really nice. They treated me like a person and listened to what I said. Made sure I was comfortable with whatever was going on... etc etc. If you don't like what's going on, It's gonna be a crappy shot and nobody wants that. Also I'd like to hear how everything goes. Maybe get in touch and we could arrange a movie of our own?

Lemmie know!

Jan 28, 2007, 1:21 PM
I say go for it! You seem like a bright guy, I can't imagine that you'd let anyone take advantage of you in any way. As long as you're careful and smart, you should give it a go!

If it turns out to be a bad experience, you don't need to pursue it. But it may turn out to be something you enjoy. Life is all about making choices and taking risks. Try it, if you don't like it, don't do it anymore. At least you'll have had the experience!

I've always toyed with the thought of getting into porn, and someday I might. If you'd let me know the people who contacted you, I'd appreciate it.

Good Luck!

Jan 28, 2007, 5:45 PM
Well, If I was young and had my time over again, I would also be very tempted.
I married too young, and didn't have time to enjoy my younger years. I was bisexual, and wouldn't admit it to anyone.
The marriage didn't last because I was having affair after affair looking for that something I couldn't find.
I never had enough money to do what I wanted, had kids and was never very happy.
So If someone had asked me with hind sight, My answer would be yes, I would consider it ,if I was you. In fact if someone asked me now I would still be tempted, but it would need to be a joint decision with my wife (yes I married again).
I am very lucky that this lady understands my sexuality.

So my answer is Yes do it and let it help pay for your way through college, and if it comes back to haunt you, just smile and say yes that was me, think of the enjoyment you had, give them a wink and a smile and think of your bank ballance.
Good luck
Ps if they need a 40 year old guy give me a shout...lol

Jan 28, 2007, 7:25 PM
Hi, I'm new here, recently out, pleased to meet ya, yadda yadda...

I know a lovely young woman who recently appeared in Beaver Hunt in Hustler, just two tiny pictures. Perhaps she was a bit naive, but she was shocked to learn that some creepy people look at such things, will walk up to you and tell you EXACTLY what they were doing/thinking as they spank it to your picture, etc. And I mean what I say- "creepy" and "exactly." One guy went into... bizarre detail about how the picture in the magazine was too small, so he had to rig a contraption that would.... you get my point.

If you can handle that- go for it! If you don't think you can deal with random strangers explicating on their masturbatory habits (while masturbating to YOU) then think twice.

Jan 28, 2007, 10:25 PM
being in their power can also mean, though I don't think I conveyed it well, being around them and feeling pressured to do what they want. Peer pressure on a higher scale as it were.

But it seems as though you've made up your mind already, so good luck with it.

Jan 29, 2007, 4:36 PM
Thanks for the website. It's legit. Good luck to you. Let us know when you make some videos so we could check them out.

Jan 30, 2007, 1:25 AM
Well new update. The director e-mailed me and asked for a frontal nude picture. I sent it, and am waiting for reply to get the ball rolling...i've decided i'm going to accept the offer to go to California if he for sure offers it to me. I'll just go from there and see where it ends up. Thanks for all the support and comments.

Jan 30, 2007, 10:39 PM
Cool! Let us all know how it goes, and the best of luck to you.

Jan 31, 2007, 11:56 PM
I believe that this website is owned and run by Drew who I think owns and runs Threepillows the big bi porn site. He might be able to advise you with respect to getting involved in the porn making process or maybe put you in touch with someone who has worked in front of the camera who has direct experience and may be wiling to talk to you. Hell he might even get you some work! who knows. Take care. :flag1:

Feb 1, 2007, 11:51 PM
Yes! just for one time! money sex and girls? show ur :bipride: ! but be safe! please its a great oppurtunity!

Feb 2, 2007, 4:44 AM
As many have said, there are many sides to the porn industry.

Since you are male, by bisexual porn I'm assuming you mean porn where there are both MSM and MSF scenes.

Aside from amateur porn, which is a much newer and booming business, in the queer porn industry there are the production companies and directors that operate very much like the hetero pros. In these shops you will see the IDs and STD tests of all the other actors you will be working with, and condoms will be used for MSM anal. It is possible to commute to LA and work for 2 or 3 weeks at a time, constantly shooting and making a decent living. Women work more than men and make more money, so plan accordingly.

Then there are the queer producers who do bareback porn. This is a whole different world. If you don't see IDs and STD tests, be very careful.

There are also smaller regional outfits that operate for a short while or for specific niche markets. Without the capital and distribution networks, these outfits usually fold quickly but do produce some excellent work. Working conditions vary widely, and the people involved usually know each other from the local play party scenes, bathhouses, etc.

Good luck! :)

Feb 4, 2007, 3:35 PM
Cant answer for ya babe.. only u can do that.. but did hav a chat up by sum sleeze bag in Amsterdam a few years ago an he offered me a part in a pornie movie ova ther. Apart from the shock, an me m8s killin themselves laffin' (until he turned his attention on a couple of them) we milked it for all its worth in end. No we didnt take him up on it but we did hav the gr8est pisstake of a sleezebag u eva did see!

Personally me likes sex 2 much an hav 2 much self respect 2 hav me body flashed for the world 2 c, spesh wiv sum plooky arsed tosser humpin away and doin' woteva they wudda wanted me 2 do. Ne 1 who duz decide 2 take up porn movies for a career gud luck to them, but its not for me. Sex an makin luv r sumthin which should flow an take a natural course...sumhow makin a porn movie just duznt fit the bill to me wot with all the interruptions, cameras pokin around me most exposed naughty bits, an a multitude of wankers expectin' me 2 just be there for em wen we finished filmin.. no ta!. Mite not b like that but me takin no chances...

Feb 5, 2007, 8:35 PM
well, if you don´t try you will never be sure if that was right. It might be soon or in a few years that you regret not having done that and it´s probably too late then to try it then. It´s world where the less meanful things sometimes decide about a complete life.
Maybe you like the job, earn a lot of money, get contact to people and situations you never thought of. And if you don´t try you think all your life, that it was a fault. And if you notice, that your decision was wrong, well it´s not a one way road.
If you´re old in about 80 years you will say: was that my life. And so you know you have tried everything


Feb 8, 2007, 7:04 PM
I'll just say, you are the guy that a few weeks ago was really struggling with living your bisexuality, and was wondering how to be bi and not get rejected. You were struggling with whether to live it, suppress it, or hide it.

Is this a way to put yourself out there in a way that you can't take back? Is this just a way to explore bi sex away from home?

Put this interest and opportunity in context with your life and where you are right now. It won't go away if you wait a year or two to figure out where you are...

Why don't you practice first? Find a cute guy, a cute girl, and make a homemade bi flick first. Come on out to albuquerque if you can't find any willing actors...
