View Full Version : shy about your body

Jan 25, 2007, 9:23 PM
hey guys do you feel shy about your body when being with another guy? do you find that there is competition as far as size is concern?

Jan 25, 2007, 10:07 PM
not as far as dick size is concerned as I've been told I'm 'perfect' (whatever that means).

But more in terms of not being muscular and how I'm thin. I also don't like being fetishized for my intact penis, furry thin body, my youth, and this is why I hate the cruise/grope scene that can go on in some gay bars/queer environments.

Jan 25, 2007, 11:24 PM
i think it all comes down to self-confidence. if you are able to accept yourself for who you are, and if you can be happy with yourself, then there shouldn't be a problem. i certainly don't think there is any "competition" over penis size.. we are who we are and unless we get cosmetic surgery, ..anyway, nothing to brag about when something is god give, therefore, at the same time, nothing to feel ashamed about.

i actually had my first male-to-male "Experience" today. and well, it was only the 4th person i ever got naked with, not to mention, the first guy.. and not to mention, this was practically a stranger, not a lover.. so i had every reason to be shy... but as many of you know, i have had an amazing journey of self-discovery the past few weeks, and i really felt good about myself.

sure, my body isn't great and my penis is not big, but you know, i have lost 10 pounds already this year due to a fitness routine i have started, and accepting my bisexuality and transgenderism has been a big boost of self-esteem.. i am feeling great about myself these days, and i think it showed in the confidence i felt today.. not only did i experience sexual touching with another man, i also crossdressed for him, my first time dressing girly for anyone! and you know, i loved every minute of it. sure i was nervous, but i was also confident..

i think my days of being shy are a thing of the past!!

Jan 25, 2007, 11:35 PM
Well ... I am an avid nudist and regularly visit nudist resorts. As a result, I guess you could say I'm not shy being naked around anyone. At nudist resorts, I see guys of all shapes and sizes, with large, average and small penises, some hairy and some shaved (my personal favorite :tongue: ). Maybe its just the nudist mentality, but I have not noticed any of the "smaller" guys exhibit any size anxiety. Large or small, they all feel good!!

but that's my name!!
Jan 25, 2007, 11:41 PM
I often dress "girly" but I'm not a cross dresser. I wear clothes I like regardless of who they were designed for. I have problems with 'mens' clothes anyway, they're all too big and the wrong shape cos I'm curvey.
Is this off topic?
oh yeah the body thing...erm
No I've never felt self consious, I look physicly different to most men so not really comparible. As for cock size, I've seen a fair few and I'm about average but I do like 'em larger.
Hmm maybe I should start a new thread about physical appearance coz I used to have a hell of a time passing for male.
Any suggestions?

Jan 26, 2007, 8:33 AM
I often dress "girly" but I'm not a cross dresser. I wear clothes I like regardless of who they were designed for. I have problems with 'mens' clothes anyway, they're all too big and the wrong shape cos I'm curvey.
Is this off topic?
oh yeah the body thing...erm
No I've never felt self consious, I look physicly different to most men so not really comparible. As for cock size, I've seen a fair few and I'm about average but I do like 'em larger.
Hmm maybe I should start a new thread about physical appearance coz I used to have a hell of a time passing for male.
Any suggestions?
Well-I dress "girly" too and I love it! I enjoy the feeling of feminity. I have my vhole body shaved,wear a wig and make-up. wear mini skirts and very tiny bikini panty. All this make-me feel realy good and great about my body,and my
boy friend loves to see me looking as sexy as I can be. It turns both of us on.
So, if I am to have sex with another men, I"d rather have it as a women!

but that's my name!!
Jan 26, 2007, 9:12 AM
Well-I dress "girly" too and I love it! I enjoy the feeling of feminity. I have my vhole body shaved,wear a wig and make-up. wear mini skirts and very tiny bikini panty. All this make-me feel realy good and great about my body,and my
boy friend loves to see me looking as sexy as I can be. It turns both of us on.
So, if I am to have sex with another men, I"d rather have it as a women!
I don't identify as being female at all (or male really i suppose) and don't get any form of sexual excitement from wearing girls clothes I just wear what I like.
What I meant to say (at stupid o'clock) was that I had problems because I looked (not quite so bad now) like a girl, which I hated cos I got beaten up every day until I left school, it fucked with my sex life, I got hit on by straight men which sometimes caused really serious situations, I had to use girl's toilets and changeing rooms etc cos "no girls in the men's", that's just a taster and I'm not going on about me in dresses and makeup etc I'm talking levi's and a T-shirt so it wasn't really avoidable I even shaved my head once and got called "dyke".
Anyway it realy, realy, REALY fucked me up back then, it's different now for many reasons.
I don't know what my point is, do I need one? kinda funny in a twisted way; we're kinda like complete opposites.

Why do you wear a wig??

Jan 26, 2007, 10:39 AM
hey guys do you feel shy about your body when being with another guy? do you find that there is competition as far as size is concern?

It's never been a problem for me. In fact, when Cat and I have threesomes, it's a good thing for her if the other guy is different than me. Adds variety. - Dave

Jan 26, 2007, 1:42 PM
hey guys do you feel shy about your body when being with another guy? do you find that there is competition as far as size is concern?

I never feel shy about my body, no reason too. Everyone should be happy with the way they are. I know that is easier said than done for some people. But the fact is that if that is the way you feel, then you really project a better image no matter how you look, what size you are, etc....

Jan 26, 2007, 3:57 PM
I know that you wanted a guys perspective on this, but this thread hits me close to home so I had to respond! I am VERY shy about my body I find too many flaws with myself to not be. Over time it has gotten better, but I am still very self-concious. Any advice on how to get over this would be appreciated!

Jan 26, 2007, 9:08 PM
ME? Shy about my body? HA! Nope, not me, no way!
I'm a nudist, I prefer to be nude as much as possible. I've been to nudist resorts and never had even a glimmer of shyness. In the few sexual experiences I've had where another man was present, I had not an ounce of shyness about my body.

My body isn't perfect, in fact I don't think my body is very good looking, but that doesn't cause me to be shy in the least. It's my body, if someone doesn't like it, oh well.

Jan 26, 2007, 9:51 PM
I think its easier for guys to be comfortable with their bodies than it is for girls. Girls are bombarded from every direction with images of how they should look. There is a lot of pressure, from a very young age, to have the "right" hair, the "right" make up, the "right" tan, the "right" clothes, the "right" body type, the "right" cup size, waist size, shoe size, even how bright thier teeth are has to be just right! With that kind of pressure, is it any wonder that people can be unable to see themselves as just another body? Because no body has everything just "right."
Sorry, I know that's not exactly what you were asking.

Jan 26, 2007, 10:35 PM
I used to be very shy about my body (locker room and stuff), but not so much anymore. I figure if someone has gone far enough to be naked with me, then my size isnt going to be a changing factor.

Im not huge by any means, but Im not that small either. Id say about average as I can tell.

I think when it comes to guys/girls, guys tend to feel more self consious about size when it comes to women b/c size can directly affect the quality of the sex (or so the legend goes).

With a guy size doesnt really matter as much as, the penis isnt really used as a stimulator. A smaller penis just means less pain in the behind lol.

Im not self consious about my size or any other aspects of my body, especially during any sexual activity

Jan 26, 2007, 11:27 PM
I think its easier for guys to be comfortable with their bodies than it is for girls. Girls are bombarded from every direction with images of how they should look. There is a lot of pressure, from a very young age, to have the "right" hair, the "right" make up, the "right" tan, the "right" clothes, the "right" body type, the "right" cup size, waist size, shoe size, even how bright thier teeth are has to be just right! With that kind of pressure, is it any wonder that people can be unable to see themselves as just another body? Because no body has everything just "right."
Sorry, I know that's not exactly what you were asking.

Men are like this too, even if they don't talk about it.

We get bombarded by those "perfect" muscular guys on men's health/muscle magazines, other media, and in porn. Just look at how popular men's products are and how much gym memberships have skyrocketed and how much every guy wants to have a "perfect" muscular body. Even men my dad's age worry about being fat, gaining extra weight, how to lose it, or how to keep a flat stomach.

Or in my friends my age or a few years older they too worry about this, being body conscious, and thinking about fashion/their apperance.

Some queer men are such judgemental, ego centric, man crazy perfectionists with unobtainable pipe dreams about men, and their apperances, that they'd be guaranteed to find something wrong with their 'dream man', if not his apperance/then his personality, and wouldn't even notice him if he walked right in front of them.

But I have het friends my age who are just SUCH picky perfectionists when it comes to women that they remind me of the fags I described above.

Jan 27, 2007, 5:57 AM
The older I get the more I don't seem to care what other people think.I just spent some weeks on a travelling holiday.It started with me doing the right thing,that is changing in the showers etc but as the days went on I found it ok to just strip down in the sight of others.I just didn't care.
Naked in front of other guys has never been an issue.There have been guys better endowed than me and others not,better built and others not.Let's face it,straight,bi or gay we all check each other out.

Jan 27, 2007, 9:54 AM
hey guys do you feel shy about your body when being with another guy? do you find that there is competition as far as size is concern?

I think the last time I felt shy about my body was probably about 13 or so just as I was comming into puberty. I started first grade at age 5 so most of my classmates were a year or so older and had already gone through that transitional period and I was a late bloomer in that regard. I had some serious modesty issues about nudity but between highschool and the milltary lost most of those. I've been a nudist the majority of my life so being in the company of other nude men or women has next to no effect.
I do seem to intimidate quite a few males when it comes to penis size and try to set them at ease about their shyness in that regard. Since there are a couple who are members along with their wives I'll refrain from going into detail LOL. My one occasional friend that I do see on rare occasion was impressed with the difference between some pics I had posted on another site and meeting in real life for the first time. His thoughts of anal quickly vanished and was thankful that I was more oral inclined in my desires.
We all have our short comings in one way or another. I would never be so shallow as to judge another with what Great Spirit has blessed him with.

Ambi :)

Jan 28, 2007, 2:55 AM
hey guys do you feel shy about your body when being with another guy? do you find that there is competition as far as size is concern?

i'm not that shy about my body when in the presence of another guy or two, tho i do get snickers and funny looks about my underwhelming penis size.[ i still say it's because of premature circumcision, but thats another thread we've had here more times than we can count]

physically otherwise i'm a pretty good size guy, and i need to work on that part of my personal upkeep, like in spending more time in the gym since i'm gettin a bit flabby. hell it might even help me cope with the stress levels from this job.

i think that's what a lot of my male partners look at most..how well you keep yourself toned up and maintained. and probably what most guys worry most about with themselves.

Jan 28, 2007, 1:45 PM
nope, never been shy about getting naked in front of another guy. penis size hasn't bothered me. i'm not hung like a well rope, just average size.

Jan 29, 2007, 2:05 PM
Some of the guys who I have been with have been enormous [I was barely able to fit it in my mouth :eek: ] and I have to admit that it does make you feel a bit inadequate. I mean I am hardly in good toned shape, I have a slight beer gut and my thing is pretty much average size I guess that I don't really have many "body issues" [the 'politically correct' term for worrying excessively about your weight/appearence]. I mean I don't weigh myself (ignorance is bliss lol), I do a reasonable amount of sport and I dont go on any diets. I mean, except in some gay subcultures, it is generally considered ok and still attractive for a guy to have a bit of a stomach.

Izzfan :flag3:

Jan 29, 2007, 4:22 PM
Well for me, not really shy about my body toward guys, just shy about my body in general. I feel uncomfortable with the way I look, my face, my body, my etc. Some people have told me on here that I look good but I still think I look horrible. A few people asked me for pictures of my body but I'm way too embarrassed to give them.


Jan 29, 2007, 7:19 PM
As i have gotten older (51 now) I have gotten heavier until it has reached the point I don't go lie on the beach anymore... I got tired of people trying to drag me back into the water.

So shy about my body? Yeah... I cover up the mirrors before I undress so they won't break and I prefer to keep a tee shirt on during sex... from the neck up I look OK and from the waist down I still look good... its what's inbetween that is the problem.

Jan 30, 2007, 11:19 AM
I am not shy about my body, nor shy about being naked in front of others (men or women). Of course their are things I don't like about my body image--love handles, "soft" muscles (ie. not toned), etc. but those don't stop me from being the person I am nor stop me from enjoying life and my time (naked or not) with others.

Jan 30, 2007, 2:05 PM
love handles my ass try inner tubes... large truck inner tubes :rolleyes:

but that's my name!!
Jan 30, 2007, 6:04 PM
love handles my ass try inner tubes... large truck inner tubes :rolleyes:
ROFPML WTF? :cutelaugh

Jan 31, 2007, 12:20 AM
[QUOTE=smokey]As i have gotten older (51 now) I have gotten heavier until it has reached the point I don't go lie on the beach anymore... I got tired of people trying to drag me back into the water.

LMAO.. yeah, right now if i went to a beach up here, they'd try to classify me as a new species of orca before they pushed my carcass back in...

Jan 31, 2007, 5:24 PM
Hell I've still got it too but the only time I ever see it is when I am standing naked in front of a mirror...that is before the mirror breaks. I got a big dick but (sigh) me belly is bigger. :bigrin: :eek:

Jan 31, 2007, 5:30 PM
Years ago as a gag i wrote a personal for a friend of mine that read:

"Overweight disfunctional human seeks same for clumsy sex."

How little did I know that it would eventually describe me... :rolleyes:

Apr 8, 2015, 4:46 PM
Bump it up!