View Full Version : Scale from 1 - 100

Jan 25, 2007, 7:03 PM
I read an interesting stroy on the net the other day which got me thinking.
The story told of idea that a persons sexuality can be based on a scale of 1 - 100.
1 being that one per-cent of the population is truely gay, while at the other end 100 = one per-cent of the population is truely str8.

So based on the scale people in the range of 2 - 99 have at least some bisexuality in them.

Do you think its true, I thought about it for quite awhile and beleive it is may have some truth to it.

So the question is, when do you rate your bisexuality, are you a 2, or a 20, 30, 90......

I rate myself as a 80, Im married and very happy to be. But I do get excited over the site of a hard penis, and well a soft one too. But have no urge to run off with a guy and am unable to have any non sexual contact with a guy, no contact above the belt :)

Where do you rate?

Jan 25, 2007, 7:12 PM
I'll go with the number 69 on this one...what?...It's my lucky number!!

Ambi :)

Jan 25, 2007, 7:28 PM
I have a hard time with single axis scales of sexuality. From the waist down, I'd say 20; but from the heart up, I'd say 90. I find that I don't relate to other women very well, even just as friends. For that middle part, from waist to heart, I'd say, whichever side of the scale cooks better :bigrin:

Jan 25, 2007, 8:04 PM
I'd put myself at 75 overall, but think it is actually a moving number between 60 and 80. The exact number on any given day would depend on several factors with most days being in the 70 to 80 range.

Jan 25, 2007, 8:26 PM
I can’t really box my sexuality into a number, percent, or ratio; but I just know what I like and what I don’t like.

I don't really see myself in ratios/percents inthe whole gay/het dichotomy. I just go by the fact that I've been sexually and romantically attracted to both men and women. I've met people who think of their bisexuality in the whole het/gay dichotomy (i.e.-80% het, 80% gay) but I can't do this and I have absolutely no idea how people can come up with ratios like that with something so complex as human sexuality, let alone their own sexuality.

Also I don't see what personal gain it would actually do for them or what exactly it would do if they knew their EXACT attractions at that moment in time, which can be subject to change.

Jan 25, 2007, 11:34 PM
wow, that's a tough call.. i know the Kinsey rating test is somewhat of a measurement form along these lines.. sexual orientation is about so much more than sexual intercourse, at least for me. it's about love, friendship, passion, trust, intimacy, respect..

i proved to myself today that i have equal feelings for men and women, at least physically.. but at the same time, i think my ultimate goal in life is to marry a woman and have kids.. so perhaps that's enough to tip the scales towards the straight side.. so let's say a 51!

Jan 26, 2007, 6:41 AM
Well since I like both I would think I'd be a 50 (half & half) :tong:

Jan 26, 2007, 7:48 AM
I simply cannot rate it... my overall preference is for women but I can be daydreaming about one sex while visually checking out the other. Men rarely turn my head like women do... but a nice sized cock always gets my attention. There are moments and days where I feel intensely feminine, but rarely ones where I feel intensely masculine and I am certainly not macho. I have never had a long term relationship with a man but I have had sex with boat loads of them. But women... ahh women... you turn my head around and make me dizzy and very hard and are so pretty when you come.

Jan 26, 2007, 10:55 AM
Romantically and sexually, I'm equally attracted to men and women. Platonically, I'm more attracted to women, which, for a man, is usually considered more of a gay trait. So I guess I'd be near the middle, maybe leaning a little more to the gay side - Dave

Jan 26, 2007, 5:57 PM
I agree with many of you that is difficult and not really realistic to put yourself on the scale. Concerning myself personaly, I am physicaly attracted to anyone who I think is cute (girls or guys). A persons personality is what will draw me in once I get to know her/him. I just keep an open mind, see who may be interested in me, and take it from there. ^_^ :flag2: :smoke:

Jan 26, 2007, 10:45 PM
I dont have the slightest idea on how to even begin to put my sexuality into that scale. If you ask me it cant be defined so simply

Jan 29, 2007, 6:47 PM
I wouldnt even know where to begin on rating myself....I am confused about myself in the first place....

I am a female...when I look at a male....I can be attracted to their face and muscles and I act a little more girly but to think of them naked I totally lose my lunch....but when I look at a female I like the way they look and I can visualize them naked and I really enjoy it and get horny....and I am a very tomboyish person....I act more guyish and dress guyish than act like a female and act like a female....so I dont know.....

I am still a virgin but I have gotten pretty close to having sex with a man but I have lost my mood after he whipped it out!! :eek:

but to think of being with a female and her body and carressing her and tasting her body makes me feel better.....

So I dont know....

but that's my name!!
Jan 29, 2007, 6:51 PM
I wouldnt even know where to begin on rating myself....I am confused about myself in the first place....

I am a female...when I look at a male....I can be attracted to their face and muscles and I act a little more girly but to think of them naked I totally lose my lunch....but when I look at a female I like the way they look and I can visualize them naked and I really enjoy it and get horny....and I am a very tomboyish person....I act more guyish and dress guyish than act like a female and act like a female....so I dont know.....

I am still a virgin but I have gotten pretty close to having sex with a man but I have lost my mood after he whipped it out!! :eek:

but to think of being with a female and her body and carressing her and tasting her body makes me feel better.....

So I dont know....

If that's how you feel with guys, simple. Don't bother :)

Jan 29, 2007, 9:10 PM
i think i'll go with 50

but that's my name!!
Jan 29, 2007, 9:47 PM
If 1 is gay and 100 is straight er... hmmm... I don't know

...nowhere I'm bi, I also happen to prefer men; good enough :)