View Full Version : Please help fight discrimination.

but that's my name!!
Jan 25, 2007, 6:25 PM
In case you didn't notice; the catholic church is atempting to blackmail the government to allow it exemptions to anti-discrimination legislation. :(

How far will it go if granted?

This pissed me off so much :mad: I've actually created a petition on the appropriate government website, at the time of writing it's awaiting aproval but please everyone who cares about equal rights and anyone who doesn't want to be dictated to by the catholic church, if you have UK citizenship or residence please sign the petition and maybe get someone else to too.

the petition simply states:

We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to not allow the catholic church exeption to anti-discrimination legislation.

and this is where to go:


Comments or sugestions very welcome. :flag3:

Jan 25, 2007, 7:05 PM
Too bad non-brits can't sign. :bounce:

Maybe you could post directions to find your petition, like what section it's in, or what search terms to use. (or maybe I'm just numb and missed something obvious :tongue: )

but that's my name!!
Jan 25, 2007, 7:27 PM
the petition isn't up yet; it has to be "aproved" first, shouldn't take long though. :) I agree it's a shame but thanks. :)
useing this:
not allow the catholic church exeption to anti-discrimination legislation.
as a search should find it once it's up.

Jan 25, 2007, 7:29 PM
No wonder I couldn't find it! :tong:

but that's my name!!
Jan 25, 2007, 7:36 PM
one of the worrying things is they're using the fate of hundreds of orphans as leverage. It's in the house of commons right now.

It's a difficult situation where if the church does go through with it's threats we'll just have to pick up the pieces, it won't cost any more to the tax payer as we're already paying the church for their services.

Jan 25, 2007, 8:57 PM
sounds nasty. What exactly is it that the church wants to do?

but that's my name!!
Jan 25, 2007, 10:28 PM
the goverment is about to enact new legislation preventing discrimination toward gays lesbiansand bisexuals regarding obtaining goods and services. this happens to inlude adoption. the catholic church handles approximatly 200 children per year for which they are paid by our government out of our taxes.
anywho the catholic church being what it is has decided it's wrong and against godyada yada yada so has told our government to give them exemption to all anti-discrimination laws or it will close their facilities, cut off their resources and throw out the children.
One of my points is; even if you dont care for gay*adoption, how far do we allow the church or anyone else to go with exemptions from anti-discrimination. this could overturn everything many people have faught for in this country.
It's just so hurtfull, in one move they could undo so much. I feel like crying.

Jan 26, 2007, 12:26 PM
I don't understand people sometimes. In my opinion two dads (or moms) are better than none.

Jan 26, 2007, 6:21 PM
I don't understand people sometimes. In my opinion two dads (or moms) are better than none.

I agree wholeheartedly! And I've known some same-gender couples who are far better parents than some het couples I've met....

If it's any consolation, but that's my name, we have much the same fight here in the states. In Washington State, the Catholic Church actively fought against adding sexual orientation to the civil rights statutes. Thank God (tee hee) the legislation finally passed last year.

It's sad, too, because I know a number of gay Catholics who have strong faith and yet are increasingly estranged from their church. And I believe it's gotten worse since the priest sex scandals hit the media in the last few years: that whole gay = pedophile crap.



Jan 26, 2007, 10:58 PM

First of all, the catholic church (more so here in the states) has enough of its own dirty laundry to come to terms with
I (as a cross dressing bisexual) think the catholic church is pushing its nose where it shouldnt, gays, lesbians, and bisexuals are by far the most understanding, loving and generous people i have ever known, and who really cares who (or as the catholic church thinks "WHAT") we sleep with in our beds, or where ever for that matter (its not all about beds)

i have never molested any children or even thought about doing anything with a child in a sexual manner (nor would i ever)

but the catholic church wants to keep it a secret that some of their preists are perverted pedifiledelic animals


for the sake of all thats good, i really hope that this pettition is approved and gets its message heard and the catholic church (in the UK)is defeated in their quest for exemption to discrimination laws

Because, i do fear that this issue is gonna jump across the pond and have the same request for the goverment here

i beg any member in the UK to sign this pettition (and not limited to members either)

just to let you all know, i was raised catholic, and i am rather proud to say i am a non practising catholic

thank you for your time
and i truly wish you all the best luck in your pettition over there


P.S. makes me want to go to church this sunday and i'll be sure to wear purple, magenta and pink, and my best sunday heels and hose!!!!

Jan 26, 2007, 11:15 PM
WHAT!!???? The church trying to take over the legal system?? They would NEVER do that. (That's sarcasm, folks, for those that may have not noticed)

The church has tried to take over every government from day one. I certainly hope that the offending legislation gets shut down quickly over there, because we are fighting the church enough over here with the abortion issue and I don't think that we could muster enough active support to shut it down here if it passed over there.

but that's my name!!
Jan 29, 2007, 12:53 PM
Wow, it's amazing what happens on the forums if you go away for a couple of days,
Thanks for the support.
For anyone who can and will; the petition has now been approved and is online.
Interestingly there are 2 almost identical petitions up in support of the catholic church which were started after mine but approved without delay and mine is only active until the 5th of February, Hmm.

Direct link: http://petitions.pm.gov.uk/catholic/

Jan 29, 2007, 1:27 PM
..well Aly, rest assured that you are not alone in your concerns

here is the link to the latest update via the bbc website ;)


it takes time, much patience and exhaustive re-educating to confront deeply held belief systems in order to address and overcome discrimination...

this government stance has cross party support and leaves me feeling hopeful that soon such discrimination will be illegal, as it is in the case of racial discrimination.

Sadly, as this latest UK series of 'Celebrity Big Brother' has exposed so effectively, those deeply held belief systems( whether racial, sexual orientation of whatever) often continue behind closed doors.... but lose their power when brought to justice.. in the CBB case by the British public voting out and publicly disowning and shaming the racist bullies... and honouring their(the bullies) victims dignity and integrity by voting her the overwhelming winner.

so changes will continue to evolve.. i do feel confident of this.

Julie :bipride: :female:

but that's my name!!
Jan 29, 2007, 4:16 PM
..well Aly, rest assured that you are not alone in your concerns

here is the link to the latest update via the bbc website ;)


it takes time, much patience and exhaustive re-educating to confront deeply held belief systems in order to address and overcome discrimination...

this government stance has cross party support and leaves me feeling hopeful that soon such discrimination will be illegal, as it is in the case of racial discrimination.

Sadly, as this latest UK series of 'Celebrity Big Brother' has exposed so effectively, those deeply held belief systems( whether racial, sexual orientation of whatever) often continue behind closed doors.... but lose their power when brought to justice.. in the CBB case by the British public voting out and publicly disowning and shaming the racist bullies... and honouring their(the bullies) victims dignity and integrity by voting her the overwhelming winner.

so changes will continue to evolve.. i do feel confident of this.

Julie :bipride: :female:
Thanks for the link. Seems to me that the government feel as if they're stuck between a rock and a hard place which is a good sign (cos they're takeing us seriously AND looking out for the children) but we'll have to see what comes after the delaying tactics. I think Tony Blair is a catholic; the rest of his family are. so must be dificult.

Jan 29, 2007, 6:32 PM
Wow, it's amazing what happens on the forums if you go away for a couple of days,
Thanks for the support.
For anyone who can and will; the petition has now been approved and is online.
Interestingly there are 2 almost identical petitions up in support of the catholic church which were started after mine but approved without delay and mine is only active until the 5th of February, Hmm.

Direct link: http://petitions.pm.gov.uk/catholic/

Can you sign all three? :flag4:

but that's my name!!
Jan 29, 2007, 6:42 PM
you can but why would you? the other 2 are FOR catholic exemption.

Jan 29, 2007, 9:45 PM
oh, i misunderstood, sorry

but that's my name!!
Jan 29, 2007, 9:53 PM
oh, i misunderstood, sorry
'Sokay, 'tis about careful wording, though I did make a typo on the petition, doesn't matter cos it's unmistakably against the "exeption" :)

Jan 30, 2007, 4:06 AM
The way I understand it and correct me if I'm wrong. The Catholic church in England is saying it will closedown it's child adoption operations if the new law comes into place banning discrimination against same sex (gay/lesbian) couples adopting children. So what! If they are gone and any other religious groups, good eh? It must be said there are other agencies that do accept same sex couples. The problem comes with the prime minister, who is a catholic, bowing to the church. As he is leaving office soon he could give way to them, therefore leaving a mess. Direct the anger at that slippery snake don't let him give way and get way.

but that's my name!!
Jan 30, 2007, 5:28 AM
The way I understand it and correct me if I'm wrong. The Catholic church in England is saying it will closedown it's child adoption operations if the new law comes into place banning discrimination against same sex (gay/lesbian) couples adopting children. So what! If they are gone and any other religious groups, good eh? It must be said there are other agencies that do accept same sex couples. The problem comes with the prime minister, who is a catholic, bowing to the church. As he is leaving office soon he could give way to them, therefore leaving a mess. Direct the anger at that slippery snake don't let him give way and get way.
For the most part you've pretty much summed it up but there are other important points like presidense which affects every organisation and indivdual, in law once presidense is set it's a lot of work to change which means other organisations have a basis to make similar applications, it can also be used to alter other laws and we can also then be used as an example to other nations.
AND the law doesn't only cover adoption that's just one of a thousand things covered, It doesn't really have much to do with gay adoption, okay that's part of the churches arguement but it's like a back door into the legal system and the church is demanding a crow bar and a blind eye.

Jan 30, 2007, 8:59 PM
The way I understand it and correct me if I'm wrong. The Catholic church in England is saying it will closedown it's child adoption operations if the new law comes into place banning discrimination against same sex (gay/lesbian) couples adopting children. So what!
Unfortunately, that is a lot of leverage. If your area is anything like mine, the curch provides a LOT of the adoption services. It sickens me to think that they would knowingly deny services to that many lonely children for the sole sake of making a point. :mad:

but that's my name!!
Jan 30, 2007, 9:20 PM
Unfortunately, that is a lot of leverage. If your area is anything like mine, the curch provides a LOT of the adoption services. It sickens me to think that they would knowingly deny services to that many lonely children for the sole sake of making a point. :mad:
Agreed, the church deals with about 200 adoptions pa nation wide which with the money we pay them for it we could replace their services but they do have vast resources and I don't think people will see it as replaceable.