View Full Version : Help needed

Jan 23, 2007, 12:48 PM
Hey everyone, I'm kim and im new to this website.

Im pretty much confused of my sexuality and i hope you guys can pretty sum up the question "am i bisexual?"

I fancy this girl right, and i fancied her for about 2 years now...i see her everyday (well monday-thursday) at college
She was in my english when i was in yr 10 & 11
We used 2 talk on msn alot but we dont anymore
I really like her, all i think of is her.
I have fantasies about, i want to be with her. I fell in love with her personality and her looks. When i see her, my heartbeats.
Ive never felt this way about a girl before.
I think lasses are fit. not just pretty but FIT.
Shes gorgeous, i just wish she was mine. I want to grab her and show her off, kiss and touch her.

Ive never had sex with a girl.
Do i have to have sex with a girl to find out if im bi?
My m8 says it could be just in my head.
My heart is braking. I've cried numerous of times because i know i cant have her.

Jan 23, 2007, 1:26 PM

your feelings sound really strong if you ask me. you crave love, you crave sex, you crave romance, you crave compannionship.. you want it all from her.. and your feelings seem to have been around for a long time, so this is not just a "phase" you are in love. it's that simple!

are you bi? well, if you also crave guys then yes.. if you only crave women, then you are lesbian.. if you only crave this one girl.. then hmmm, you might be obsessed! hehe..

but yah, worrying about labelling yourself is not the #1 priority.. you said that you can't have her, so if this is the case, you need to learn to let go of your feelings for her and eventually focus on someone else.. crushing over someone you can't have can be emotionally devistating. it has hurt me so many times in the past and lead to major depression swings..

but no matter what, thanks for signing up here.. stick around and chat with us all. we are a great bunch of people here.. we all have interesting stories to tell.. and hmmm, you never know, you might meet someone here that can capture your heart, who knows??

all the best

but that's my name!!
Jan 23, 2007, 2:03 PM
No you don't have to have sex to find out. It might help or confuse you more.
The physical act of sex doesn't neccisarily have anything to do with it.
You don't have to have sex with anyone, ever, though you may want to.

I agree it's not really important to put yourself in a box but others will do this anyway as anoying as it may be or they may ask you so be prepared for that.

It may help to think of your sexuality as fluid and changeing throughout your life or month by month, varying on mood or anything else.

It may be useful to research/or start a new thread about the problems and discrimination faced by gays, lesbians and bisexuals just in case.

Aly:) :flag3:

Jan 23, 2007, 8:32 PM
Hey i think in kind of in the same situation as you, i dont know if im bi or not...because well i've never had sex with a guy..and have had sex with a girl(shes amazing,were kind of seeing each other now..:( she moved away tho) so im a bit how do i put this...confused.However i am attracted to both guys and girls i tend to think about girls more often then guys but thats probably because my college is filled with so many HOTTIES:-)

Jan 24, 2007, 3:20 PM
You probably won't like our opinion, we will state it anyway. Why ask us here or tell us? Tell her how you feel. You don't need to go all the way in telling her. Tell her you miss the chat sessions, tell her you think about her. We can't make it happen, only you can do that. Good Luck.