View Full Version : a warning

Jan 22, 2007, 11:09 PM
hey all. now im not one to usualy to say anything.. but i thought that i would warn you about a company out there that sells adult products (toys, creams, books ect.) i am having a real problem with them. i bought some product from them at the taboo show here in calgary, and when i got the product home, and tried to use it, i discovered that it was broken. now i called the number that was given to me, and emailed the company. when i spoke to a representative, i was told that they were sold out of the product, and that when they got some new ones in, they would gladly send me a replacement. this was the first week of november of 2006. from then up untill now every time i call them, or email them, all they have is excuses. i am getting fed up with this company and am requesting my money back. i thought that you all should know so you can be causious when dealing with them. The company is Bliss toys, and they are based out of Toronto.

i dont want to sound like tattle tale, or a complainer, but when i spend that amount of money on something the least it could do is work- and if it doesnt, they can at least work with me in a timly mannor. i feel like i realy dont matter as a consumer. i hope you all understand
:( :2cents:


Jan 22, 2007, 11:44 PM
hey, word of mouth is the best (or worst) advertising a company can get.. thanks for the info. you may want to write Bliss and let them know that you have shared your negative consumer experiences with several online friends throughout the world!

Jan 23, 2007, 12:21 AM
We are living in a time where one of the biggest problems consumers have to face is the complete lack of accountability on the part of the companies we do business with. Back in the days.....people didn't HAVE to question the ethical behavior of a business, most companies at least made the attempt to do the right thing as a matter of honor and reputation. Today, more and more companies live without honor. They seemingly depend on sales from those who haven't yet had any bad experiences with the company and apparently their business model is not to worry about repeat sales. In this environment, we consumers necessarily HAVE to take care of each other and we owe all other consumers the benefit of our experience. Thank you very much for the word on Bliss, I will honor your dissatisfaction and never do ANY business with them until they make it right.


Jan 23, 2007, 3:50 AM
Thank you for letting us know about that. I am sorry to hear that you are having so many problems with this company. I hate people like that! Where is the love people?!

Jan 23, 2007, 8:41 PM
Thank you for letting us know about that. I am sorry to hear that you are having so many problems with this company. I hate people like that! Where is the love people?!

Hey RainBowBright...I don't know how much money you spent/lost with these people but I am sure its not as much as they will lose when word spreads about thier business practices...Think you can provide a number and e-mail just so they know (at least from me) that I have heard of thier "customer service?"... :paw: :paw:

Jan 23, 2007, 9:35 PM
Just thought I'd add gamelink.com, to the mix.

I received the wrong item and had to mail it back at MY expense, because they said it was my responsibilty to pay for return shipping.

After that they told me the replacement item had been shipped and when I told them I never got it, they said it must have been lost in the mail and they weren't responsible for items lost in the mail.

So needeless to say, I ended up losing $34.95 to these dirt bags!

Jan 23, 2007, 9:39 PM
I ordered some stuff from a well known pacific northwest leather company and the order supposedly got lost in the mail; but they did send me another order free of charge which was nice of them.

Jan 23, 2007, 9:53 PM
I ordered some stuff from a well known pacific northwest leather company and the order supposedly got lost in the mail; but they did send me another order free of charge which was nice of them.

Thanks to both of you!! I agree with all the previous posts. Diamond Dog, in the same spirit of RainbowBright's post, what is the name of the 'good' company? Might as well get the word out on them.

RainbowBright, what did you get and how were you going to use it? :tong: Just for my own prurient interests. he he

Jan 23, 2007, 10:44 PM
Thanks to both of you!! I agree with all the previous posts. Diamond Dog, in the same spirit of RainbowBright's post, what is the name of the 'good' company? Might as well get the word out on them.

RainbowBright, what did you get and how were you going to use it? :tong: Just for my own prurient interests. he he

The PNW company I ordered from was Spartacus: http://spartacusmen.com/

I've also ordered from JT's stockroom: www.stockroom.com/ and got VERY fast shipping.

Jan 23, 2007, 11:28 PM
umm as to what i got.. and how i was going to use it.. ill never tell.. as to the company.. Bliss Toys, 1-604-726-8697 - the web site is not interactive, and their email address is... info@blisstoys.ca

thanks guys for all the support.. i realy appreciate it.

bright :tong:

Jan 24, 2007, 12:57 AM
:bibounce: never feel bad or guilty about passing on any kind of information about your experiences with a companies product or customer services. I would assume (ha ha) that if you had heard that this company sucked in customer service, most likely you would have taken your money elsewhere, maybe now, someone else will have the chance to save thier time and money by passing this company by. So thank you and keep up the good work. :)

Jan 24, 2007, 1:08 AM
We are living in a time where one of the biggest problems consumers have to face is the complete lack of accountability on the part of the companies we do business with. Back in the days.....people didn't HAVE to question the ethical behavior of a business, most companies at least made the attempt to do the right thing as a matter of honor and reputation. Today, more and more companies live without honor. They seemingly depend on sales from those who haven't yet had any bad experiences with the company and apparently their business model is not to worry about repeat sales. In this environment, we consumers necessarily HAVE to take care of each other and we owe all other consumers the benefit of our experience. Thank you very much for the word on Bliss, I will honor your dissatisfaction and never do ANY business with them until they make it right.


Absolutely! Nobody else is going to look out for us - we have to look out for each other!

Jan 24, 2007, 8:31 PM
hey all. now im not one to usualy to say anything.. but i thought that i would warn you about a company out there that sells adult products (toys, creams, books ect.) i am having a real problem with them. i bought some product from them at the taboo show here in calgary, and when i got the product home, and tried to use it, i discovered that it was broken. now i called the number that was given to me, and emailed the company. when i spoke to a representative, i was told that they were sold out of the product, and that when they got some new ones in, they would gladly send me a replacement. this was the first week of november of 2006. from then up untill now every time i call them, or email them, all they have is excuses. i am getting fed up with this company and am requesting my money back. i thought that you all should know so you can be causious when dealing with them. The company is Bliss toys, and they are based out of Toronto.

i dont want to sound like tattle tale, or a complainer, but when i spend that amount of money on something the least it could do is work- and if it doesnt, they can at least work with me in a timly mannor. i feel like i realy dont matter as a consumer. i hope you all understand
:( :2cents:


I guess that brings a whole new meaning to the term "Ignorance is Bliss" :rolleyes:

Jan 24, 2007, 9:07 PM
Well as someone who is in the service business, event planning and catering, I am a living example of how word of mouth for good service pays. We specialize in jobs that most companys shy away from. Attention to detail and the satisfaction of our customers is paramount. About ten years ago I stopped giving out business cards (actually it was not intentional but rather I never got around to ordering more). I was tired of having to justify my high prices with out the benefit of the caller seeing our work. Now the only way you can hire me is my attending an event we have done or personal recommendation. Not only did my business not suffer, I got better more detailed jobs which resulted in my growing my business ( more than I really want at times).

So when it comes time to get feedback, do not stand for bad products or service, but compliment those that do a great job.


Jan 26, 2007, 2:51 PM
http://www.stagshop.com IS TERRIBLE with customer support.

Yes they are right on products... it comes to you working fine and packaging could be better but it is private... HOWEVER.... if you have to pick the package up from the postoffice, your always required to show 2 pieces of ID.
Kinda embarressing cause the items (if small) are in a padded envelope... if you felt it, you could tell what it is.

If you have a concern, complaint or a question, you email customer support... and you NEVER hear from them... your pretty much ignored.

Ok shop if you like the products..... but your gonna be very fusterated if you have a problem cause they won't reply to your emails.

Feb 5, 2007, 11:33 PM
hey all. bright again. just thought that i would post an update.. we finaly got a hold of the guy who owns bliss.. we told him that, belonging to a few sites, i was passing along my customer service experience. well.. he must not have liked that idea.. because within a few minutes i recieved a call, and wouldnt you know it.. he was here in calgary... convenient huh?.. anway.. he met my husband somewhere, and i finaly recieved new product... he also threw in product for all the trouble i went through,.. but as far as i am concerned.. i will still never deal with his company again.. thanks for all the support.. and understanding... huggies

bright :tong:

Feb 6, 2007, 12:31 AM
Back in the days.....people didn't HAVE to question the ethical behavior of a business, most companies at least made the attempt to do the right thing as a matter of honor and reputation. Today, more and more companies live without honor.

I know what you mean, back in 1982 when the "Tylenol murders" were happening, because they didn't know who was doing it, how it was being done, or what products were being poisoned Johnson & Johnson pulled ALL Tylenol from the shelves at a substantial loss and spent millions of dollars solving the problem, it only took them a year to recover from the financial loss and their name wasn't tarnished by it. Nowadays I don't think Johnson & Johnson would pull any product until the FDA told them to.

Feb 6, 2007, 4:11 AM
We are living in a time where one of the biggest problems consumers have to face is the complete lack of accountability on the part of the companies we do business with. Back in the days.....people didn't HAVE to question the ethical behavior of a business, most companies at least made the attempt to do the right thing as a matter of honor and reputation. Today, more and more companies live without honor.


I am not going to go deeply into my anti capitalist/anti globalisation agenda here, merely to say that the history of commerce and private enterprise since the publication of Adam Smith's "Wealth of Nations" shows that that history is full of companies acting without honour, not just to consumers, but to their suppliers, to retailers, to the state and arguably worst of all to their employees. The history of companies throughout the planet is crammed with examples of lies, abuse, cover ups, tax evasion, faulty products, incompetence, bad business practice, appalling treatment of workers and consumers alike and of them acting with anything but honour all in the name of profit.

There are also examples of many companies which were honourable as indeed there still are, but as the world rushes headlong into into the global economy and the rules have changed partly as a result of state protection and promotion of economies in favour of the multinational monsters which we see increasingly run our world, and governments run in fear of their power we are increasingly powerless to substantially influence events.

In fact people did question frequently the ethics of business even two centuries and more ago, though even as recently as the 1950s, our parents and grandparents were much more subservient and uncritical of so many things, partly because society was much less well informed and educated. The development of the mass media since then has given us more knowledge about so many things, including bad business practice and corruption which once was much more easily swept under the carpet since the development of in depth investigative journalism was in its infancy. Even now, firms close ranks when they have been caught out and it is often hellishly hard to unravel and track down the facts.

So no one should be surprised if companies selling our vibrators and butt plugs and creams operate with comtempt for the cunsumer. They too like any other business sector reflect the good and bad which exists in our world, and in business specifically. There are good and in the main honest and honourable companies, and there are the grab all stuff the public sleezebags (used that elsewhere recently..dont get too fond of it Fran ..boring). As we progress through the first half of this century, and the globalisation of industry and commerce continues apace, sharp business practice, contempt for the consumer, workers and state will become even more commonplace.