View Full Version : What being bisexual means to me

Jan 22, 2007, 6:11 AM
Alright this is something that kind of bothers me. When I talk to a lot of people about being bisexual they think of it as me just sleeping with a girls and guys but being bisexual to me is way more than that. To me being fully bisexual is when you can see yourself not only intimate with people of both sexes, but also in a relationship with members of both sexes and all around emotionally and spirtually connected with people of both sexes. I don't know about anyone else but that's what it means to me. What is the meaning of being bisexual to you all?

Jan 22, 2007, 7:29 AM
To me being fully bisexual is when you can see yourself not only intimate with people of both sexes, but also in a relationship with members of both sexes and all around emotionally and spirtually connected with people of both sexes.

I agree with youre understanding of what it means to be bisexual. But i would proberly also add bisexual people sometimes have fantasies and/or experiences with both men and women.

what i don't understand is how do people get these stereotypical views on bisexuality, that were all sex mad.

yeah okay some bisexual people do have multiple partners but many only have one partner and many are partnerless.

I only have a couple of bisexual friends and there not sex mad. For many of my friends i am the only bisexual person they know so why do they think all bisexual people are sex mad when they only know very few or if any bisexual people.

Jan 22, 2007, 1:17 PM
YES! I agree 100%! I find it soooo hard to find people that get what it means to be bisexual. Even on this site alot of people dont understand this. Bisexuality is not just about sex because it has the word sex in it. And the 'sex' in Bisexual is referring to gender rather then the act of sex (like in when you fill out a form SEX: M or F). For me its about love. Its the ability to fall in romantic love with both men and women.

Jan 22, 2007, 2:08 PM
I don't think I have the capacity to fall in love with men and women in the same way. I don't even think I can fall in love with a man, even though I can be very intimate with men.

With women I have a drive to be with them emotionally and sexually on a romantic level. I love my wife and want to live my whole life with her. I want to wake up with her, spend my day with her, make love and sex each other. I have a hunger and desire to be with her and give my everything to her and receive her everything. There is just this drive. I always love the feel of a woman's energy.

With guys, I want a buddy, companionship - that can be without boundries. If our hanging out leads to scratching itches, then great. I don't want to wake up day after day with a man - only on occasion. Sometimes I just like the feel of a man's energy.

My drive for both is different, but that makes me no more or less bisexual than anyone else.

Jan 22, 2007, 2:18 PM
...being fully bisexual is when you can see yourself not only intimate with people of both sexes, but also in a relationship with members of both sexes and all around emotionally and spirtually connected with people of both sexes.

...For me its about love. Its the ability to fall in romantic love with both men and women.

I completely agree with you AngelOfTheMystic and Lovelion. It's disappointing but it's true, many people do think that being bisexual is just about having sex with both men and women. Then again you can also say the same thing about any sexual orientation. When you look at the way that relationships are portrayed, regardless of orientation, there is the constant focus on sex. The high point in most romance stories is when the couple finally "does the deed". It's easier to grasp onto what's physical, whether it pleases us or disturbs us, than to try to understand the emotional and spiritual side of ourselves. For me being bisexual is about having the capacity to develop an emotional, spiritual and lastly, physical bond with another individual despite the fact that they may be male or female.

Jan 22, 2007, 2:23 PM
Being Bi (for me) is first about being at ease and accepting with myself and my feelings on an emotional and a physical level - not feeling ashamed or guilty about how I feel. Only when I felt at ease could I then begin to have relationships, as a bisexual man, with others.

Its not all plain sailing, though. Sometimes its very difficult and occassionally I feel truly wretched because of my bisexual emotions, but I'll go wherever it takes me, however hard the path.

Jan 22, 2007, 3:47 PM
hi angel,

i agree totally.. i live ina dream world where we are all equal and we don't have to conform to gender norms.. i can look at a friend, male or female, and think to myself "wow, what a beautiful person.. i love this person" and even if society won't allow me to come right out and say it, at least i can appreciate in my mind and enjoy the feeling of attraction to both sexes...


but that's my name!!
Jan 23, 2007, 8:20 AM
To me being bi means many things which in themselves have nothing to do with being bi like being discriminated against.

I saw this quote somewhere around here "gender is like eye colour, sometimes I notice it, sometimes it's a feature" it's very apropriate for me.

gays and straights seem completely gender obsessed and it baffles me how they can always have it at the back of their minds that they can only fancy people of a certain gender. To me it's like only fancying white people. I just don't understand monosexuals and I think they're all a little fucked up and socially repressed.

:) :flag3:

Isaac Steel
Jan 23, 2007, 9:04 AM
Being bisexual is being honest about the potential for love and intimacy. I think that if most people were honest about their attraction to others they would be bisexual. Living in a world where people are expected to be either straight or gay, we say sexuality does not have to defined to one group or the other.

We should be proud!

Jan 23, 2007, 7:07 PM
Being bisexual to me is about alot more than sex. When I met my bisexual partner, we both new rigth away that it was ment to be. I've never been so connected. Not even with my wife. It's deffinatly more than just sex.