View Full Version : Sleep masturbation

Jan 22, 2007, 2:04 AM
Hi, this is a question for all you guys out there.
Has anyone woken up to find them self masturbating.

I have been waking up alot lately, only to find myself waking away at it in my sleep. I dont remember dreaming, and when I do, the dreams were not sexual.

I also have woken many time to find myself masturbating my wife, and once I even woke and I was eating her out.

It does worry me abit, but though I would ask if any other guys experience the same thing.

Please note Im not sex deprived, plus I have a VERY healthy man to hand relationship.


Long Duck Dong
Jan 22, 2007, 4:10 AM
lol howdy siraussie

and welcome to the world of sexsomnia

lol, first important thing, you are a normal health person, you just have a mild sleeping disorder

now most of the studies dealing with what you describe have only existed, in the last ten years...and will tell you, that you need ya head dealt to......

sleepwalking / sleep fucking / sleep wanking are all in the same class of parasomnia .... or conscious actions happening in your sleep state......

its mainly just a sleep disorder and sleep disorders are very common in people..... most people don't even know they have a sleep disorder
there are 5 levels to sleeping and all that is happening is that one level is out of sync with the rest of your brain.....and that can be caused by stress / bad sleeping patterns / alcohol and prescription meds etc

its treated using sleeping disorder tablets, and tablets such as valium etc.....

now i say treated, cos it can turn into more violent sleeping behievour..... but there are only a handful of KNOWN cases.....and thats about the most info you will see about sexsomnia.... so there is a good chance that it will never turn into that extreme....

so don't worry, you are not a sexual freak or pervert.... just a perfectly normal person with a unique way of making your wife smie

Jan 22, 2007, 6:22 AM
Cheers man for your answer.

Its nice to know it not sooo uncommon.

But still it would be great to hear about other guys experiences and stories.

Jan 22, 2007, 11:33 AM
Not a man, but a sleep masturbator here.

Hubby has caught me numerous times rubbing my pussy or his cock in my sleep. Happens on nights we have sex, and on the ones we don't. But doesn't occur because of a sex dream. Most of the dreams are benign. Hubby also does the same thing, to himself and to me. We never do it to the point of orgasm. Non of us aware of our actions until the other tells of it the morning after. He's a sort of a light sleeper, I am an insomniac. One time our hands met in the process. I was sleep masturbating and he was sleep masturbating me, and the combinations of our actions, woke us both up going WTF?? lol....

Jan 22, 2007, 12:22 PM
wow, i've never had anything like this happen to me. never even had a wet drream.. guess since i clean my system out when i am alive and awake, there is no subcauntious need to do it further while sleeping? who knows??

Jan 22, 2007, 12:53 PM
Never had that happen to me. But those must be some nice dreams! :bigrin:

Jan 22, 2007, 7:43 PM
yes,but never with my hand its always rubbing myself against the sheets and waking up to a hot orgasim.The wild dreams that go along with it are even better than the orgasim itself.They are so real.The last time I woke up dreaming I was sucking a cock.

Jan 23, 2007, 12:24 AM
yeah been told it's a mild sleep disorder too, and have caught myself either boring holes in my poor mattress, or woken up with a set of sticky sheets and fingers, too.

had the mutual wake up thing happen too when i was married.. and yeah the wife played with herself constantly n her sleep..

not gonna worry about it, since it seems to be a normal thing for healthy people in their sleep.. now, if i start waking up with broken bones and black eyes and bruises, then i'll worry

Jan 23, 2007, 6:41 AM
Hmmmmm and MMMMMM…Not sure if this falls into the same category as sleep masturbation but, during those moments of semi consciousness while either falling asleep or waking from sleep I become one with my body pillow. We sleep with no less than seven pillows but the body pillow is the most loved pillow of our pillow harem. It takes on many roles and is extremely huggable. Dress it up in satin and it can be whatever or whoever you desire.

Ambi :sleep: zzzzzzzzzzz

Jan 23, 2007, 7:15 AM
Just once, on our honeymoon, I had this wonderful dream I was screwing a girl, and when I woke up, I was!

I'm not much of a dreamer, and can only remember 2 actual sexy dreams, but I often wake up wanting a pee, with an erection and my hand on it. Its more a reaction to the full bladder than anything else. Damned diabetes.


Jan 23, 2007, 11:24 AM
Wow, glad to know im not crazy!! When I started dating my husband and pretty much lived with him, he would wake up to me holding his cock. Ive done it to couple of other guys I dated, they told me about it but i never believed them till i woke up one night with my husband and was holding his cock, lol I never played with it, just held it. I find it funny, hehe I dont do it nemore tho. I probably will now that we talked about it, lol!!