View Full Version : beyond tacos and sausages

Jan 21, 2007, 11:32 AM
I've been reading things here for a few weeks now, on and off, mostly off, and I wonder if bisexuality is a subject large enough to sustain a forum. Let me see if I can demonstrate.

-I am wondering if I am bisexual or not.

-I am afraid to tell my wife, husband, girlfriend, parents, dog, etc.

-How do I find someone to have sex with, I mean besides posting this blatant advertisement thinly disguised as a question?

-Who else likes to write explicit stories comparing notes on sex acts and encounters including references to cum and fucking and trembling thighs moist with dewy excitement?

-What's your favorite lube, dildo, butt plug or condom?

Now, I don't mean to put any of this down at all, but the idea of redundancy comes to mind, making me think some of this is redundant. I'm comparing the information here with the vast excess of information about human sexuality online including plenty about bisexuality in particular. For me the draw of the forums is to socialize, such as it is, with others whose views don’t automatically disagree with mine when it comes to sexuality. It's nice to be among people who treat bisexuality as a good thing. But at the end of the day, what all can be said about bisexuality that hasn’t already been, many times over?

Jan 21, 2007, 1:52 PM
Maybe the same topics do keep coming up but I mean every time they do, you always seem to get new and interesting perpectives on it.Also, you've got to have somewhere to discuss stuff like this as quite a few people are in the closet/ not comfortable talking about this sort of stuff with their friends - this site is somewhere you can discuss your sex life, give advice and ask questions that are both relavent to yourself and others in relative anonymity.
Even if the questions do get repetitive it doesn't matter because this is one of the few large bisexual communities out there and with so much biphobia in the world its good to have a sense of community/solidarity etc... Also, it allows you to talk with other bisexuals which is great if you don't actually know anyone bisexual or only know a very small number of bisexuals and it lets people know that they aren't alone.

Sorry if this all sounds a bit heavy but I think this site is amazing and anything but redundant

just my :2cents:

Izzfan :flag3:

Jan 21, 2007, 2:14 PM
but the idea of redundancy comes to mind, making me think some of this is redundant.

Funny how even when one tries to not be so, it indeed happens. Life is so full of little redundancies.

In the famous words of Charlotte A. Cavatica "We are born, we live a little while and then we die."

Born, live, die, born, live, die.. so redundant, But very much needed. A common thread of us all. Common threads are used to reach out, share and bring others close to our "world"

Hardly anything is original anymore, The only thing that will ever be truly unique, is the journey taken to the completion of said qoute by Charlotte.

As for the forums, who cares if it appears redundant at times? Each post has its own personalized touch from people who have been on their own unique journey. People are connecting/sharing on numerous and different levels. I say keep on keepin on. :2cents:

Jan 21, 2007, 2:59 PM
I know that some people complain that "we have had threads on that before" but just like life itself---this site keeps on changing and evolving.

People come here for a time, then they go away and no longer us the site at all or to a much reduced degree--I myself am like that---

I have not been as active the past month or so and now that I am coming back a bit more--I have found that there is a whole new crowd visiting the place.

I have no problem that the same topics keep coming up---with new people coming in and taking part--they bring their perspective and knowledge to the game----and as my knowledge and experience grows--I can look at a particular subject in a new way than I did say 8 or 9 months ago.....

I say--please keep posting your questions and such-----

Long Duck Dong
Jan 21, 2007, 4:42 PM

how does the role of shaman incorporate bisexuality.....is it possible to have a sexual relationship with a ghost / spirit??? ....astral sex and bisexuality, can it be done ???.... can bisexuality result in a fractured personality disorder ??????
..... does bisexuality affect getting a psychic reading ??????.........what are the terms of sexuality and sexual types......STD/STI...are the risks truly what they say........falling in love with a bisexual, how do we build and substain a healthy relationship........tantric sex and bisexuality.....sexual body modifications.....

have we covered bisexuality in its wholeness in this site... and has it been covered at all ??????

Jan 21, 2007, 5:08 PM
Well being a caterer and event planner I looked upon this thread with anticipation. Food. Well alas, it was not a thread about food, yet with food, variety is indeed the spice of life. Add a little spice and the bland becomes flavorful. All who have posted have most wonderful insight. Actually all are some of my most cherished friends on the site. Like the seasons, we change as people and we grow. The cycle and circle of life ebbs and flows. So does this site.

Stagnation is worse than redundency don't you think? At least with repetition you may get a new spin on the same old question. Some people, myself, chief amoung them, need to hear the same thing over and over to sort of get it. I know, it is the blonde in me.


Jan 22, 2007, 10:04 AM
Using George Carlin's trichotomy of Big World, little world, and peculiarities of language, bisexuality is how the subject is treated in society, what we experience privately, and the ironies and confusion surrounding the terms used. Our private experience crosses a threshold when it goes public, being offensive to some not for the bisexual part but for violating public boundaries with private information. It's that despite what TV shows focusing on personal drama would lead one to believe, nobody you know really wants to deal with your sex life soap opera and journey of personal discovery. (Sex was moved into the bedroom not to make it secretive, but to spare everyone else in the house having to watch.) This carries over into public life and policies. The public health concerns are pregnancy and disease, abuse and incest. These concerns are about harm. The religious morality of sex relates to health as well, or tries to. For those who wish to watch we have, for men, pornography, and for women, lousy pornography called erotica. Men look down and see their stuff right out in the open. They like porn to show everything. Women look down and see nothing, their feelings well from some mysterious internal place. They like erotica because it is as vague, not quite showing sex. Bisexuality is also vastly different for men and women.

How men and women experience their own sex lives and how they are treated is very different. The word bisexual means different things when applied to men and women. A bisexual man is considered to be a gay man in denial. A man with any gay sex experience at all is said to be gay, with bisexuality a lie he tells hoping he can still get laid by women, who generally won't have anything to do with men who have gay sex. A bisexual woman is considered extra sexy and hot. When a woman says she is bisexual, men assumed she was all along, because we hope all women are. Other women understand and accept this feminine affection, and unless a woman swears off men completely, she is never a lesbian, only bisexual. In fact, women who have sex with other women can still be considered straight. The word bisexual is gender and situation dependent. A woman who announces her bisexuality risks being invited to bed. A man who discloses his secret risks a beating and divorce and the loss of his dog and vacation property.

Why don't you ever see ads for bisexual women looking for bisexual men? You see ads from men of all kinds looking for anyone else, all the time. Women place ads rarely, and usually it's to find other women. To be clear when using the term bisexual we should specify whether we speak of bisexual men, the pariahs, or bisexual women, the sex goddesses.

Sex is obviously a binary proposition, whereby two different sexes mate and create by virtue of combining their sexual halves into one whole. When gay sex happens it usurps the natural plan, quite innocently, and to good effect. It is a different sort of sex, though. It is quite different for two men or two women to be together than for a man and woman. And much different still is for a man and woman and woman and man all together at the same time without regard for who goes where and what exactly happens. These variations on the theme of sex are variably accepted at large. They require different personal experiences as well. To say broadly that bisexuality is the same all around or the same as gay or straight is very misleading, I think, hence the endlessness of definition and the struggle to identify somehow, when no useful archetypes exist.

I propose that bisexuality is not at all about attraction or even sex, but the chronic need to define oneself as a misfit or a rebel in defiance of social conventions. If gay sex was ever to reach complete acceptance and become commonplace throughout society, bisexuals would migrate to another venue where confusion still mattered, such as having no preference for either of Coke or Pepsi, and their tales of woe would be about openly declaring to the server at the restaurant they didn't care which, or that they wanted both in the same glass, to the shock and dismay of all, and then their personal triumph having finally asserted their lack of preference.

Jan 22, 2007, 1:08 PM
Its true that we get similar threads over and over again, but its not all bad.
There are alot of bis out there that come here with a problem looking for support. Sure there problem has come up with someone else a few weeks ago, but this person is not them. There looking for support, advice and guidence and some times just for someplace to share. Im going to continue to help out in any why I can, and it doesnt really matter that the issue is the same as others. Its just great to have a place to come and share.

Then theres the topics like "I love cum" that pop up every now and again. Im cool with those and they seem to get the most posts so people must really like talking about how much they like cum, although its not my cup of tea. If people are discussing it, then its not really a problem in my eyes. One suggestion is maybe breaking the Main Forum up into 2 different Forums, one for purely sex related topics and one for support and one for other. My main complaint is that people need to remember that bisexuality is about emotional relationships and social life on top of just shagging.

I also enjoy when an totally unexpected topic pops up. Although it might not have anything to do with bisexuality at all, its still fun to read and contribute to. I think alot of people are afraid to post topics like there because of the Nazi mentality of most online forums about not going off topic.

Jan 22, 2007, 6:06 PM
The beauty of forums is that each thread is labled. If I'm getting bored with people talking about how much they love anal, I can skip that thread and read the next one that does interest me.

Out of all the people on this site, the only thing we all have in common is that we are all bisexual, or love and suport someone who is. Therefore, it makes perfect sense to me that we would spend a lot of time talking about sex and coming out. :flag4:

Jan 22, 2007, 8:28 PM
But at the end of the day, what all can be said about bisexuality that hasn’t already been, many times over?

Great question and one that I pose to myself often as do others who's contributions often bring a new or interesting perspective.

LDD poses the question:

"have we covered bisexuality in its wholeness in this site... and has it been covered at all ??????"
The answer, an obvious No.

The vast subject of Sexuality in its many manifestations has go to be the most” talked around subject” ever and has been for many years. It’s easier to talk about the genocide of a group of people than it is about their sexuality. This site has evolved and will continue to evolve because of those who continue to contribute. It’s easy to point out the flaws of any learning tool, but more productive and beneficial to challenge ourselves when we ask:

What all can be said about bisexuality that hasn’t already been, many times over? :2cents:

Ambi :)

Jan 23, 2007, 4:03 AM
I admit that a lot of the same subjects so come up on this site, but I think that having different opinons on these subjects is good. I also know that is new threads are started about any thing else people will be sure to respond we are all open to new ideas and convo here!!

Jan 23, 2007, 8:42 AM
Rather than raising the subject of redundancy and then watching as each next reply says the same thing in favor of it, my aim, and I missed, was to suggest widening the discussion beyond the usual suspects, however, yesterday I watched the movie "Idiocracy", and now realize I have been suggesting we try water instead of Brawndo on the crops.

Cum is hot.
It was hard cumming out to my parents (pun intended LOL)
I like cock.

To me, being a bisexual is more than what the dictionary says, it is something gays and straights can never understand, because being misunderstood is a place I loved to learn as a teenager and never want to leave. But what I really mean is that as a bisexual I divide my time between craving gay sex and craving social acceptance despite of my craving gay sex. It's hard work heaping derision on everyone else even other so-called bisexuals whose definition of the term bisexual is wrong because it doesn't agree with mine, mostly in that mine allows all definitions and not just my own. Now you may think me a study in contradictions or what some call blather, but that is only because anyone sounds this way when they take themselves seriously. Straights don't like me, gays don't like me, the fence is a lonely place and sooner or later my small circle of tail-chasing will carve a rut beneath my wildly flapping clown shoes. One day I stopped to wonder what there might be aside from this interface friction between social identities, but since that was out-of-focus way beyond the end on my nose, I stopped trying to peer at it, then it disappeared again, and I wonder, did I ever see it?

I like money and I like sex. :tong: