View Full Version : first time after years of bicuriosity...

Jan 21, 2007, 7:36 AM
I realised after being on here a while that there are as many people here who are bicurious as there are active bi people. Like many, I am still looking to revisit my teenage mm experiences. So maybe those who have struck out and expored their bisexuality after ages of fretting about it could share their early experiences, their reactions and how it has changed them- to encourage those of us who are still fretting!

Jan 21, 2007, 9:17 AM
My first experiences were at age 10-ish. I had a steady boyfriend and we would hang out with our group and play all the games that kids play to practice kissing and begin to become sexual beings. The most we ever did was cuddle and kiss alot. I would go home and masturbate alot after feeling so sexual with all the kissing. At the same time, I had a female playmate. we lived two doors away from each other and would hold hands and do each others hair and play dress up and all those things girls do to learn about being girls together EXCEPT we would lock her door and proceed to take it further and kiss and cuddle and masturbate together on a daily basis.
Only being ten, bisexual was not a term I knew - but I believe I understood it.
As we grew up and apart,I was attracted to females but I was not active with any other female until in my 30's and sharing mff experiences with my husband. I SO enjoyed it and he was very pleased. HE is the one that suggested that I was bisexual and so many things fell into place for me at that moment. Damn if he wasn't right. We experienced more play together but it was less than fulfilling since the females were not really bi or were lesbian.
Then, life got in the way. Kids, sick elderly relatives, job changes, moving, funerals, weddings...kids growing up...
Now approaching age 45 in March, I have decided it is time explore and truly understand my preferences and desires before it is too late and I have regrets.
It has been the best decision I have EVER made. I truly feel balanced and whole as I experience friendship and fun on this website and through a group in my hometown. My spouse and I have been married 25 years and we are still very strong together. He completely supports me and knows that it will just make our lives fuller and more complete.
My experiences with females is still in the virginal stages but chatting here and cybering with some very special people has been most rewarding and fulfilling.
Thanks for the opportunity to say these things. I don't think I've ever put it all into words before. It feels good! Hope this helps you in some way.

Jan 21, 2007, 5:58 PM

How lucky you are that now the time has come for you. Finding yourself and having the desire to explore your inner self is great. So many people will hide all their lives and deny what they really want. YOU are stepping out down the journey of a lifetime. You are SO lucky because you have someone to share that journey. I am the wife of a bi man, and I can tell you with certantiy, our marriage, relationship and love has grown deeper and stronger since we, yes WE, wanted a man in our lives. One other comment, if you do not put yourself out there, with the full knowledge that perhaps you could be hurt, then perhaps you might miss the best thing to come into your life.
