View Full Version : Evidence of your bisexuality....

Jan 20, 2007, 4:38 PM
I've been thinking alot of how my bisexuality makes me different from other guys and also while I'm completely in the closet and very few people know about it, what are ways someone could deduce it...

So what are some areas of life your bisexuality influences?

In my case:

1) HOW I RELATE TO WOMEN: I am way more interested in having women friends now. I love women and enjoy their beauty. I get turned on by hearing their promiscuity. It's wild, even my ex tells me of the guys she has sex with and I love to hear it. I think most guys don't like to hear that type of stuff.

2) SHOPPING (Fashion and style). While I've been basically clueless about this, I love to shop for clothes with my girlfriend and other girls. I continue to develop more of a metrosexual style that I'm very comfortable with. Hell even when i go to the gym now, I don't want to wear something boring like most guys.

3) UNDERWEAR- I am totally turned on by hot underwear such as briefs, army shorts, etc. Stuff by 2xist and other designers. I wear it to the gym. At first I was self conscious about that stuff since some of it is pretty revealing (shows your butt off pretty well). Hell I even have a thong but rarely wear those. Now I actually don't mind showing off nice underwear. Most guys (presumably the straight ones) wear boring underwear! At least the ones at the gym. But there are the swimmers... I work out at a college gym and they have very nice swimsuits. Once I get in peak shape I might even get a hot swimsuit for the pool.

4) READING MATERIAL. What I like to read, definitely into erotica that women and men right. It's totally hot. Not too many guys read womens erotica. I also actually really like womens magazines like Cosmo, etc. I get a bit self conscious reading those but I read them from time to time. They have great recipes, etc. Of course with regards to reading online, bisexual.com and gay.com are big on my list.

5) GROOMING. I recently got back into shaving my chest and more... I'm guessing at the gym my almost lack of pubic hair may raise a few eyebrows. I've actually shaved my legs before and that's hot too but I get self conscious about showing it off and it is alot of work!

6) GOSSIP- I love it as much as any girl.

Now I am a bit of a Renaissance man. I love to play music, the arts etc too. I do have alot of very masculine interests and am masc, but I now that I've come to grips with being bi (been at least over the past two years), I'm starting to enjoy some of the differences.

What differences do you think your bisexuality has produced?

Jan 20, 2007, 5:16 PM
We are both bi and quite comfortable with it. In our case, we don't advertise it but we also don't attempt to hide the fact. Trying to keep it quiet can be worse than being out. Once you are totally comfortable with it you will go on with life and not even give being bi a second thought. The people who need to know will know and the others won't even suspect anything. Hell just look at all the people posting here wanting to know how to spot another bi or gay person. The only sure fire way is if they wear an I'm BI sign. Although there are clubs down here that have little stick on's for bi folks so you know who is and who isn't. :2cents:

Jan 20, 2007, 5:51 PM
In my case the hard evidence is in my pants. Like many transsexuals, my earliest memories include feeling more like a male than a female. As I grew older it became more apparent that I just didn't fit in the way other people expected. In adolescence my first feelings were towards women, although on some level I was interested in men. As a young adult there was no support for my kind of identity. Even today it is difficult finding any useful information about male-to-male transsexualism. I'm currently preoperative and hopeful, but have been told no surgical procedure exists yet, largely because the desired result and the initial condition, in physical terms, are identical. I don't expect anyone to understand. It's a lonely journey. My shopping habits haven't changed, but I did try shaving my armpits once. I don't like it so I stopped, but, that's how we learn these things. It's like you don't have to be Muslim to not eat pork.

Jan 20, 2007, 6:03 PM
not sure if it is bisexuality, or just the fact that i have a strong femine emotional side..

shopping - i'll spend 2 hours picking out bra and panties for my "alone fun time at home" then i will take 5 minutes to buy a pair of jeans and a business suit

underwear - exclusively wear women's undies.. want to start wearing them more often in public instead of shorts or baithing suits! hehe..

grooming - very girly grooming for me.. lots of effort on body hair removal, i use skin smoothening lotion and stuff. now i am even plucking a few hairs from my eyebrows and forehead!

gossip - yah, this gets me excited.. i know it shouldn't

sexuality also an issue - part of me feels good about having little sex experienve, but sometimes i just wanna get out there and fuck everyone! it's so tough to hold back from this side, but i know in the end, i'd regret it.

only difference is that i don't enjoy hearing about other's sex life. it makes the VIRGIN side of me feel lonely and left out..

but that's my name!!
Jan 20, 2007, 9:54 PM
As far as being different: I'm not quite as fucked in the head.

Hmm. I confuse people, sometimes they ask then assume, usually they just make assumptions then piss me off.

If they don't love bis they hate me. Lately it seems like everyone hates me.
:) :flag3:

Jan 20, 2007, 10:19 PM
Dude, I dont think you are bi. I think you are gay. Ever consider that? I like sucking a cock, but have developed no shopping or underwear turn-ons.

Jan 20, 2007, 11:29 PM
Being bisexual for me doesn't CHANGE anything, or make me do anything differently. I just AM, and it just IS, and that's just that.

Even before I'd had sex with anyone I was interested in bondage/restraint, SM, facial/body hair (on men), face shaving/beard trimming, and men in butch drag.

Jan 21, 2007, 12:54 AM
Dude, I dont think you are bi. I think you are gay. Ever consider that? I like sucking a cock, but have developed no shopping or underwear turn-ons.

There's more to being gay than shopping, underwear fetishes, gossip, being catty, DRAMA, and body shaving. :rolleyes:

One of my friends will joke about the "gay lifestyle" being consumerism madness, the gym, vanity, good drugs, and dance music.

But in reality that is a very narrow segment of male homosexuals that are into all of the above, and it's used to drag us queer men down.

This being said I wish that the offensive term "lifestyle" would dissapear from queer lexicon.

I laugh when people talk about the "bisexual lifestyle" or how much they want it, and I just wonder if they want an REM cd and a mmf 3 way, or an Ani DiFranco CD and a FFM 3 way.

I think that the majority of bisexual men are married and cheat or they're married to women but don't think of themselves as being bisexual. This is why more bisexual men should be out. :doggie: :paw:

Jan 21, 2007, 1:11 AM
I too am still in the closet, Only my 1 ex girlfriend who i trust completed knows, she's also bisexual. So it's easier to talk to her about everything. I was really supportive of her when she told me she wanted to try women, even thou now she has a live-in boyfriend that doesn't know she's bi, she still occasionally hooks up with her one girlfriend for some fun. She's really been there for me, she even hooked me up with my first male lover. We tell each other everything about our sexual encounters, sometimes it's gets us so hot we end up in bed enjoying each other. She's glad i'm finally happy with my life and she's proud of me. Being bisexual for me allows me to be true to myself. Other than my sexuality thou I am the same person that I always was.

Jan 21, 2007, 9:18 AM
I don't know, I think this is rather silly as there are as many ways to be bisexual as there are to be straight or gay, or simply human.

Be that as it may...I wear 3 earrings and 3 rings (no meaning in either to me, just do) a bracelet and a silver chain with 3 pendents on it...a moonstone, a 9 pointed star and a celtic tree.

I am fond of fabric's, scarves especially, elaborate vests and the like. I love cooking and being domestic. I have (to me) a strong feminine streak though it is often unseen in others but it shows up in things like the fabric's etc.

I don't wear underwear I like my feng to shui :bigrin:

Sexually... my bisexuality makes me a better lover to the women in my life (a greater sexual palate to work with. With men I tend to be passive and love being penetrated but I like to mount as well.

When a man I am with comes, especially in my ass, I feel so pleased with myself I might jsut start purring.

Jan 21, 2007, 10:36 AM
Well, I have to admit that I'm pretty much 'straight acting' most of the time [ even though I have only had male partners so far] but I do have various times when I do feel more 'feminine' than usual, ironically I tend to become more heterosexual than usual during these times... I am also a TV/CD [I already did a thread about a week ago on bisexuality and gender perception so I won't repeat myself lol]. BUt no, I don't really think there is much 'evidence' of my bisexuality was people either assume that I'm straight or gay (depending on the situation, group of friends that I'm with etc...) I tried painting my nails in bi pride colours but no-one really noticed because I usually tend to paint my nails these days [ever since halloween last year lol]. I suppose the hardest thing on a day to day basis is lifestyle magazines: Do I get FHM (str8 mag) , Attitude (gay mag) or Bizarre (a very interesting mag, if anyone's read it then they will kno what I mean lol -)?
However if I tell someone that I'm bisexual then they often [not always tho] make comments about it such as 'you're confused', 'you're greedy' or 'you're gay, admit it' [the last one is usually said by people who know about my previous partners/one night stands].
However, even when I am in a 'feminine' mood, I don't mind shopping.... as long as its for DVDs, books,food, gadgets etc... lol. I only care about clothes when I'm in a TV/CD moment [and even then I just wear what I think looks good rather than following 'fashion' lol]. As for erotica, well most of the erotic fiction books I have are 'male' straight S&M erotica [unfortunately I don't have any with me at university at the moment], but that seems to be the main sort of erotic fiction aimed at blokes in the UK [apart from gay erotic fiction, of which I have a large volume of ...again, not at university unfortunately].
However, I've never really been into mainstream 'gay culture' [ a huge genrealisation/stereotype I know], I will only barely tolerate Madonna and Kylie Minogue and I find the Scissor Sisters to be one of the most annoying things on the planet lol. As I said earlier, I don't really care for fashion and most of the time I just wear jeans and a (usually heavy metal or plain black) T-shirt lol. Perhaps this has something to do with the fact that I didn't actually know any gay people until I started university last september. Nevertheless, I seem to prefer certain aspects of 'straight culture' [another HUGE generalisation] despite the fact that my sexuality can fluctuate wildly but is often slightly more homosexual than heterosexual.

Izzfan :flag3: