View Full Version : Just got to do it once

Jan 19, 2007, 10:51 AM
:tongue: How do you know you like girls when you have never been with one? well i have been with men which i enjoy very much but then i catch myself quite often checking out women and daydreaming about doing mmm things with them. Just looking for the right one to try it out on. Where is miss ready and willing will i ever find her? :tongue:

Jan 19, 2007, 11:06 AM
Three guys and two girls would be a great combination. Think of all the things you could do

Jan 19, 2007, 11:09 AM
You have to sign up for a girl. There is a waiting list. Sometimes it takes weeks, so I suggest signing up as soon as you can. Your public lending library will be able to help you. As for what you do with one once you get one, do the same things as with a man, only turn her around first.

Jan 19, 2007, 1:08 PM
LOL sweetie! That IS how you know you like girls! When you catch yourself admiring random body parts on pretty ladies and fantasizing about said body parts, that's prettymuch a dead giveaway!

Your lady is out there somewhere. Just be patient.

Jan 20, 2007, 12:46 AM
that was how i knew i liked guys too. i would fanaticize about them and doing certain things with them and certain parts. i think it's wonderful, exciting, and sometimes scary when you realize when you're bi. but you're ok and beautiful and enjoy who you are!

Jan 20, 2007, 8:35 AM
MEET women, meet women, meet women. Take the time to meet women and get to know them. Learn about their preferences and your own. It may take a while and many women. I did not say have sex with all these women. I said meet them and converse and learn. A good way is to read these forums or go to chat and talk. Join a local group. There is one on our area sponsored by BiNet. I have learned so much about what feels comfortable to me and what works for others. When I find a person I can trust and that I share preferences and interests with and that is in my area, I will take the leap to real experience. Many caring women AND men have been extremely supportive here. I have validated my sexuality even more so and no longer feel alone or "different" and definitely not uncomfortable with my desires.
As Herb Woman said - take your time and I say learn about yourself.
Your experiences will be very rewarding!

Jan 20, 2007, 10:13 AM
if you can't find a girl, turn yourself into one! that almost worked for me.. (but then i had a nervous breakdown), but still, it was fun!