View Full Version : AMBI Meeting this Sunday in Los Angeles

Jan 19, 2007, 2:44 AM
Hi all!

It's been a long time since I've been active on this site but just wanted to pop in and say "HELLO." I've been keeping busy with my new job, organizing a social/activism group called AMBI, and doing other fun stuff since the new year.

So here's a word about my AMBI group and our upcoming meeting. If you're in the LA area, drop on by or drop me an e-mail and I can give you more info!

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AMBI (A Meeting of Bi Individuals) is a progressive social/activism group for bi / ambi / fluid men, women, trans people, and allies. AMBI promotes the acknowledgement and appreciation of the bi community through peer networking, community activism, and public visibility. We believe in living out and living proud in your everyday life, so AMBI meetings/events are held in public places and hip hangouts around LA. We have monthly meetings where we organize social events and plan activist projects. After the meetings we break for mix-and-mingle. AMBI has other gatherings, such as classroom panels, movie screenings, and "Guerrilla Bi Bar" where we can hang out and also promote our goal of pride and visibility.

AMBI monthly meetings
3rd Sunday of every month
*3pm-5pm is business, 5pm-6pm is social
Cow's End coffeeshop (near the Venice Pier)
34 Washington Blvd. Venice , CA 90292

If you're interested in joining or have questions about AMBI, attend one of our meetings or e-mail us at: ambi_la@yahoo. com.

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Mimi :flag3:

Jan 19, 2007, 12:03 PM
Wow, glad to finally see a bi group unfortunatley it is at least a few hundred miles away from me lol, but its still cool. I mean, it certainly makes as change from the usual LGbt [yes the capitalisation of the first 2 letters was deliberate lol] groups that you find. If only there were a few groups like this in the UK... Maybe it will happen someday. Glad to see tht ur group is for trans ppl too as most groups tend to forget about trans people/issues or only pay it lip service. Also, u have a "bi bar".....amazing. In the town where I'm currently in university there is only 1 'gay-friendly' bar let alone a "bi bar". Keep up the good work :cool:

Izzfan :flag2:

Jan 19, 2007, 1:12 PM
If only there were a few groups like this in the UK... Maybe it will happen someday.

I agree -- it would be awesome to see more groups forming internationally. But it has to start somewhere... why not try putting something together? AMBI is something I started last summer and am building from the ground up -- it's a lot of work and dedication, but I am beginning to see rewards.

Also, u have a "bi bar".....amazing. In the town where I'm currently in university there is only 1 'gay-friendly' bar let alone a "bi bar".

Well, it's not an actual "bar" per se. :tong: It's more like a bi "ambush" where we form a group of bis and go to a gay or straight bar and basically try to "de-polarize" the bar and make it more bi-friendly. It's still a work in progress, and we're modeling it after "Guerrilla Gay Bar," which is popular in San Francisco.

Thanks for your support and encouragement!!


Jan 19, 2007, 10:08 PM
Thanks for the reply and suggestions, but I'm in university in a relatively small town [about a third of the population are students lol] and it is generally seen as a 'gay capital' in Wales [more to do with the proportion of gay ppl thn the actual number of them]. However, I only know about 2 bisexual people lol, one of them is in the LGbt group that I attend and the other doesn't really have much to do with the group and I've only met him briefly about 4 times lol.
I mean if I ever started a group like this at the moment it would probably be just me sitting in a room lol. I mean I have a hard time explaining to people that bisexuality isn't necessarily 50:50 gay/str8 (the gay/str8 balance varies frequently with me) if they ask me about it in any depth. However, most people [gay and str8] just seem to make various offhand comments about it such as 'you're confused', 'you're gay really' and 'you're greedy' just to give a few examples.
As for the bar ambush, the LGbt group I'm in often go on socials that go into various 'straight' bars as well as the 'gay friendly' bar, I guess that probably counts as a 'bar ambush' but I've never heard it referred to as such before lol. Maybe if I'm ever living in a slightly bigger town or city then starting a bi group might be an idea. You seem to have put a lot of work into it and I must congratulate you on this. As I said before, keep up the good work. It would be great to see a day where people talk about the 'bi scene' in a town/city in the way people talk about a place having a 'gay scene' these days.

Izzfan :flag2: