View Full Version : M/F civil partnership?

but that's my name!!
Jan 18, 2007, 9:00 PM
Hi, I'm new to this site so I don't know if this has been mentioned before but what I was wondering is this:

In the UK we now have "civil partnerships" for same sex couples, well to me the idea of a "civil partnership" seems more appealing than "marriage" partially because it has dropped the archaic notions which go along with marriage and partly because I disagree with haveing a seperate term for what is essentially the same thing.

So, IF I decided I wanted to marry a female (I'm male) can I have a "civil partnership" instead.

If so it might be nice if more M/F couples did this out of protest against the different term.

Jan 18, 2007, 9:41 PM
On this side of the pond, we're still working on getting basic human rights assured for everyone. (my state just ammended our constitution to include sexuality in its non-discrimination clause 2 novembers ago) MOST of our states have been avoiding gay marriage, and even civil unions like the plague. While I hope that we can get smartened up, I'm afraid it's going to be a while.

Long story short, I'm glad its working on your end. I think that the US has a lot that it could/should learn from the EU. As for co-ed civil partnerships, I'm all for it, I think that's how a lot of people are chosing to live anyway (myself included for a while)

but that's my name!!
Jan 18, 2007, 10:27 PM
On this side of the pond, we're still working on getting basic human rights assured for everyone. (my state just ammended our constitution to include sexuality in its non-discrimination clause 2 novembers ago) MOST of our states have been avoiding gay marriage, and even civil unions like the plague. While I hope that we can get smartened up, I'm afraid it's going to be a while.

Long story short, I'm glad its working on your end. I think that the US has a lot that it could/should learn from the EU. As for co-ed civil partnerships, I'm all for it, I think that's how a lot of people are chosing to live anyway (myself included for a while)

I'm sorry to hear that, I thaught that most of the US had adopted gay marriage (except for some southern state (I can't remember it's name) which appears in films about the kkk etc, but that's just my ignorance talking).

If it makes you feel better; I don't think my government wanted to bring in civil partnerships either, they were forced by the EU.

Jan 19, 2007, 5:19 AM
IF I decided I wanted to marry a female (I'm male) can I have a "civil partnership" instead.
From my understanding civil partnerships are only designed for same sex couples in the UK.

Jan 19, 2007, 11:11 AM
Here in the US the most common type of relationship is the uncivil partnership. These are not restricted by sexual orientation.

but that's my name!!
Jan 19, 2007, 1:23 PM
From my understanding civil partnerships are only designed for same sex couples in the UK.
Yeah, that's kinda what I'm guessing too. I don't really expect anyone to know, It's kind of a shot on the dark because I'm curious about this new aspect of our er.. apartheit(?).

I read your ad. :offtopic: :)
I like this: “I am proud of my gay brothers and lesbian sisters. They have made great strides for personal freedom and have done much of the ground work that has made it possible for me to stand up, affirm my bisexuality, and feel safe in doing so.’’

I don't think it's as good as, but it does remind me of, this:
Biko the Greatness by Benjamin Zephaniah

The strange use of language is not a mistake, it's kinda Rasta; altering language to show equality.

Wickedness tried to kill greatness.

In a corner of South Africa

Where they believed there were

No mothers and fathers

No sisters and brothers


Where they believed

One could not hear the cries of another,

Wickedness tried to kill greatness.

Wickedness tried to build a nation

Of white tyrants.

In a corner of the planet

They arrogantly downpressed

They did not overstand

As they suffered the illusion of the God complex,

But these words are not for wickedness.

These words are for greatness,

The greatness that inspired doctors and nurses

To become educated in the art of freedom getting,

The greatness that inspired educators to become liberators

And a nation of children to become great themselves.

South Africans in the valley of the shadow of death

Feared no wickedness

Because greatness was at their side

And greatness was in their hearts,

When the wind of change went south

Greatness was it's trustee, guided by truth.

Now we who witnessed the greatness

Sing and dance to his legacy,

We who muse his intelligence

Spread the good news in Reggae, Soul, Marabi

And the theatre of liberation,

Knowing that nobody dies until they're forgotten

We chant Biko today

Biko tomorrow

Biko forever.

Wickedness tried to kill greatness

Now wickedness is dead

And greatness lives

In Islington

As he lives in Cape Town.

sorry, that's kinda long and off topic. :flag3:

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but that's my name!!
Jan 19, 2007, 1:28 PM
Here in the US the most common type of relationship is the uncivil partnership. These are not restricted by sexual orientation.
Too true. :) :flag2:

Jan 19, 2007, 6:12 PM
Ah...another Brit!

Anyway, civil partnerships are specifically not allowed for m/f couples. This was discussed in parliament and the consensus was that we/they could/should just get married and what was the problem?
I suspect it will be allowed at some point, though.

Bisexuality and beyond (http://suegeorgewrites.blogspot.com)

but that's my name!!
Jan 19, 2007, 7:36 PM
Ah...another Brit!

Anyway, civil partnerships are specifically not allowed for m/f couples. This was discussed in parliament and the consensus was that we/they could/should just get married and what was the problem?
I suspect it will be allowed at some point, though.

Bisexuality and beyond (http://suegeorgewrites.blogspot.com)
Ahh another blow to the wedge which drives us apart. :(
Well I suppose that answers the question and thank you I think.
Bastards, grrr, I'm... oh fuck it, it could be worse. We could be in the US (polititions :rolleyes: ). :flag3:

Long Duck Dong
Jan 19, 2007, 7:39 PM
lol in nz the civil union is same sex and m/f .....you should have seen the churchies go nuts over the fact that people were not restricted to a marriage...and now had freedom of choice

but that's my name!!
Jan 19, 2007, 7:51 PM
lol in nz the civil union is same sex and m/f .....you should have seen the churchies go nuts over the fact that people were not restricted to a marriage...and now had freedom of choice
Kewl, :love1: NZ if only for that. :flag3:

Jan 19, 2007, 8:02 PM
It's true, we're not allowed to have them. Partly because, as someone pointed out, of the stupid bastards saying 'but you can get married - what's the problem?'

While the civil partnerships for gay couples thing is actually quite a big step in the right direction, it does bug me that it has a different name. And many gay couples actually want them to be called marriages! (Or call them that anyway.)

It seems a bit churlish to complain about not being allowed to have a civil partnership with my partner on account of him being a man rather than a woman, when compared to the massive struggle we've all had just getting the state to recognise same-sex couples in law at all. But I think it does matter.

Hopefully at some point they'll see sense and change it. Alternatively, there's the traditional route of going and doing it in a country where it's legal...
I hear that France has the same civil marriage/partnership/whatever deal for both same-sex and different-sex couples? (Is this true?) It's closer than New Zealand, anyway!


but that's my name!!
Jan 19, 2007, 9:25 PM
It's true, we're not allowed to have them. Partly because, as someone pointed out, of the stupid bastards saying 'but you can get married - what's the problem?'

While the civil partnerships for gay couples thing is actually quite a big step in the right direction, it does bug me that it has a different name. And many gay couples actually want them to be called marriages! (Or call them that anyway.)

It seems a bit churlish to complain about not being allowed to have a civil partnership with my partner on account of him being a man rather than a woman, when compared to the massive struggle we've all had just getting the state to recognise same-sex couples in law at all. But I think it does matter.

Hopefully at some point they'll see sense and change it. Alternatively, there's the traditional route of going and doing it in a country where it's legal...
I hear that France has the same civil marriage/partnership/whatever deal for both same-sex and different-sex couples? (Is this true?) It's closer than New Zealand, anyway!

Even if you can have it in France (or any other country) would it even be recognised in the UK? I doubt it.