View Full Version : Can You Please Help Me?

Jan 18, 2007, 2:31 PM
I'm truely hoping that someone out there can possibly help me with my situation or give me some much needed advice..............I'm so sorry my story may be a long one.................

I'd been working in my job for just over 15 months when I decided it was time to leave. I decided to give up my job as i had feelings for someone i worked with.
This person was my manager & she too was also female.

Throughout my time working with her we got on really great together. Although there was quite and age gap between us, we just seemed to connect.

She was pretty open minded and often told me about bisexual experiences she'd had in the past.
Although this never gave me the right to presume she would be attracted to me, the more time i spent with her she certainly began to give this impression.

I hope people can try to understand me when i say 'i just knew'. At first I thought it was all just in my mind, but the things she would say and do could have only meant one thing.

Before deciding to leave my job and eventually tell her how i felt, because of what had taken place the only possible thing i thought she could say is 'nothing could happen between us' even though she may have wanted it to. (I hope i am making some sense here)

Anyway, when i did finally tell her (stupidly not to her face) she wouldn't even speak with me. I tried to call her, but when i did it came up with call not allowed.

As you can possibly imagine I was absoloutely devestated. I'd had feelings for this person for well over a year and she would no longer even speak with me.

After meeting up with a mutual friend i learned that she had told everyone about 'my feelings' without even a speaking a word to me.

The only way I could communicate with her was to write her a letter, so that's what i did. I wrote apologising if i'd scared her but said she had totally confused me with her actions & behaviour, which very much gave me the impression she was attracted to me too. I said i was sorry that i'd be loosing a friendship but went on to say if i ever saw her again i would smile & say hi so i hoped she would do the same.

She never did contact me
.................................................. ..............................................

Six months later and i see her for the very first time. She was out with a few of my ex work collegues when i saw her but she still smiles at me and says hi.

For the way she overreacted all them months before, i was really pleased that she acknowledged me.

Anyway two months before Christmas a 'mutual friend' told me that something may have been said to a prospective employer behind my back so I had to go & speak with her.

I decided to go and see her at work, as i thought this was the safest way after the first time i tried to conatct her.

When i arrived she came across a little nervous/sheepish but seemed pretty happy to see me. She invited me upstairs so we could talk alone.

I couldn't beleive this was the same person that wouldn't even speak to me all that time ago. She was just like how she'd always been with me (if not better/nicer)

She promised me she hadn't mentioned anything about me to anyone & that she never would.

I didn't intend on speaking about what had happened 8 months previous (& my feelings for her) but she did.

When she did, I said to her that i truely wished i could beleive she 'didn't know' as she would never know how genuinely sorry i would be.

At that she asked me to look at her whilst she said 'i didn't know how you felt about me'

I said that if that was the truth I could understand how i might have scared/frightened her and that i was truely sorry if that is what i did.

She said she was scared and didn't know what to do at the time as nothing like that had ever happened to her before.
This being her reason for never contacting me and calling 'a mutual friend' first.

When I asked 'so the thought of me and you never once crossed you mind' she quietly answered no

Whilst I was there one of the first things she said was 'i hope we can still be friends'

You maybe be wondering where the hell am i going with all this, but i promise i will try to get there.......eventually........................

What I'm about to say may sound silly but whilst i was talking with her, her eyes were all over me. I know it's mad, but she was looking me up & down as though i was fully naked.

Has anyone experienced this? Not being naked that is, but that up & down kind of look that says something else??

It's very hard for me to understand. She was saying one thing, but her body language was saying the exact opposite.

Some people may think i am reading into things a little too much, but there is no way this was a look a person would give to someone they want to make CLEAR they're just not interested.
Does this make sense?

Just before I left she said '& remember to say hi if you see me in the street' something i'd said in my letter to her.

.................................................. ............................

So, here's where i am confused....................

To this day i still can't help beleive that it wasn't all in my own mind.

As time has gone on I have been telling myself 'she obviously doesn't care about me' even as a friend or surely she would have contacted me?

I try to pass it off as though it must have been some kind of game to her, even though i really didn't think she was that tye of person.

Although she has sad 'I hope we can still be friends' I don't quite know what she means by this.

Does she purely mean friends that just say 'hi' when passing eachother in the street, or the friends we used to be where we would meet up for a drink.

Many people tell me that if she wanted to be a friend then she would have made some attempt to contact me by now.

Although I agree, i can't help but think that if she is confused about her sexuality OR i did get it wrong then contacting me would look as though she had been lying or hiding something all along. Does this make sense?

I know this is someone who will probably just drift out my life and i guess i would just like to know if there's aything i should/could do to try and prevent this from happening? Or have i done enough?

Although my feelings for her are nowhere to what they were I still think about her almost everyday.
I miss her friendship so much and i just wish it was something we could have laughed over.

When I knew her she told me how it took her a very long time to be intimate with someone.
She also used to say how the sight of a naked man made her feel sick.

The only mutual friend i see recently told me how she is now sleeping with three guys. Apparently she only wants 'open relationships'

I honestly can't beleive this is the same person i once thought i knew, yet i still miss her so much.

I always wonder if she will ever contact me in the future.

Before leaving my job we all stilled planned to meet up for the girls nights out we used to have. I miss that so very very much.

I would dearly love to hear from anyone, who can possibly give me something to work on.

A HUGE Thank You for reading

Jan 18, 2007, 2:44 PM
Forget her!!

Jan 18, 2007, 3:02 PM

Jan 18, 2007, 3:12 PM
It sounds like you need to step back from your situation and observe (remember) it like you're not involved. I like to take a person at their word. I suggest you not put much weight on what vibes you were getting from her. She obviously is not interested. Losing a friend is the chance you take when coming out to them, even if you're not attracted sexually to them. I'm sorry this hurt you so much but it's time to get on with your life and put this far behind you. Remember the good parts and forget the pain as soon as you can.

Make yourself be happy.


Jan 18, 2007, 3:14 PM
There is nothing for it but to swing that other leg over the Internet fence and live entirely in the realm of illusion, using as many names as it takes to give each echo its own destiny.

Long Duck Dong
Jan 18, 2007, 6:48 PM
hugs ya confused

the situation is very complex.....

sadly the outcome is not favourable....

but putting that aside, i will see if i can help you understand things a lil better

you were a great friend, a listening ear and awesome smile......you listened to her when she needed to find herself....and as you have posted, she was *sickened by the idea of a naked male * but you helped her thru that stage ....

sadly for her, image is everything ( she is judged rather heavily on her image )....and she has redefined herself sexually and she is not ready or willing to join in a relationship

no she didn't lie to you..... and yes you both had a awesome friendship... sadly a relationship was not a possibility....tho she was curious about sleeping with you...as a one off.....

whats happened, is * the trying to take it further *... has created a awkward situation...and sadly you both have drifted apart......

you didn't do anything wrong... you acted on what you understood to be the right move.... and she reacted, just not in the way that you hoped

don't be sad or angry with yourself..... smile, and hug yourself.....and understand that it was not in your head.... a lot of what you understood...was correct.... sadly the situation you were both in, was not the right time or place.....

Jan 18, 2007, 11:22 PM
There are so many variables that enter into relationships that are are unknown to one or the other party. Barriers, baggage, personal goals, on and on... I would not take it too personal. Although you mentioned an age difference, neither age is known at this end, but, as an older man, let me say that I grew up in a far different world when it comes to accepting same sex relationships (not that it's all that great now). I have seen many who are so self-represssive to the obvious.

Jan 18, 2007, 11:49 PM
Hey Confused - Like LDD said, don't beat Yourself up over this. You responded to the situation the best You knew how, and nobody can ask anymore of You. This next statement is just my :2cents: worth, so feel free to take it with a grain of salt. There was just way too much drama there. For me, relationships that take that much work just aren't worth it. You seem to be comfortable with who You are, try finding someone that is comfortable with themselves also. - Dave

but that's my name!!
Jan 18, 2007, 11:51 PM
who knows what goes through the minds of others?

we all have issues regardless of sexuality.

I personally think you should be thankful for haveing known someone you felt so strongly for and let her go, then the ball is in her court so to speek, if she comes back to you (be careful here) make sure it's clear what you both want, and IF she does you'd probably regret not trying.

Not that I'm an expert or anything like one.

at the end of the day it's your choice.

Have a hug.

Jan 19, 2007, 5:19 AM
I honestly don't know what to say. I don't think she meant to hurt you I just think that she is confused herself and doesn't know what to do. I do agree that she shouldn't have done you the way she did though. That was not right. I think that it would be best if you just stepped back and give her and yourself the time that you both need to sort things out. I'm sure that things will work out. I wish you the best of luck!

Jan 19, 2007, 3:50 PM

Thank you so very much for all your replies.........

Each & every one means so much, as the replies you all give let me know that you not only took the time to read this longer than war and peace novel but you understood it too....

I guess it is time to leave the ball in her court & just hope that one day things will sort themselves out.

I suppose that if a friendship is meant to be, then fate will have a way of helping me/us.

I just get sad at the thought of goodbye for good, but no doubt everyone does.

Once again a very big THANK YOU & Best Wishes to you all


Jan 19, 2007, 4:27 PM
This thread has been viewed 129 times and 10 people replied. Like us, probably most people will wait for the movie to cum out rather than reading a fantasy novel online. Had you been short and to the point people would have asked for more detail and you would have gotten more input. No offense intended just our :2cents:

Jan 19, 2007, 4:44 PM
If you're into headgames, and that great feeling where you scratch your head and say "Is it me? Am I the one that's crazy?" then this lady sounds just great for you. There are many, many clones of this lady out there, either intentionally or unintentionally screwing with people's minds, lives and relationships.

Learn a lesson from this one, and watch out for the next headcase.