View Full Version : red carpet out of the closet

Jan 17, 2007, 1:24 AM
Hey everyone, I've been doing a lot of coming out lately (the downfall of doing it systematically, person by person, as I feel comfortable) and in talking to a gay friend, we both agreed that no matter how the person you come out to reacts, it's just never quite right. It may just be that coming out is such an adjustment for people to make (but really, is it?) but there's always just something a little wrong with people's reaction.

Does anyone else feel that way? What's the best reaction or best bad reaction you've ever gotten?



Long Duck Dong
Jan 17, 2007, 1:35 AM

best reaction.....that would have to be the person that stood there with a stupid look on their face, when i told them that i was bisexual......and asked me what bisexual meant.... did it mean that i had like, 2 dicks or something.....lol

worst reaction....mmm .... my mother freaking out and going all Christian on my ass, about god and gays...etc... then she invited my gay flatmate around for some drinks and a BBQ.... talk about hypocritical and double standards.......

Jan 17, 2007, 9:52 AM
I would have to say that the best reaction I got when I came out was by one of my friends I told her and she was like " I already knew that!...". The worst reaction I got would have had to have been from my mom. She freaked out saying "Oh my god I can't believe this wait until I tell your sister...".

Jan 17, 2007, 12:38 PM
The best would proberly have to be when i came out to two of my friends at the same time, one guy and one girl.

The guy just said he already thought i was and gave me a high five and the girl said oh my god and gave me a hug lol.

I can't really say i have had any bad reactions when coming out to anybody yet but i did get one interesting reaction which was

Oh youre bisexual that means you can have threesomes right..... I wish i was bisexual.

And that was from a straight friend.

Jan 17, 2007, 1:31 PM
My best was my friend who said "Is THAT all? I thought you were dying the way you were talking!". Course that's because I seriously botched it and didn't qualify that I was healthy first.

My worse was my former best friend who didn't talk to me for three months and suggested that we get a hotel room the next time we came up to visit.

We're talking now, but it's not quite the same.

Jan 17, 2007, 4:06 PM
Iv also been doing alot of coming out lately. So far I havent had any terrable reactions. My worst was probably my parents b/c they didnt beleive me. Other then that its all been pretty good.

Iv gotten: "Well, no shit, I think you were the last one to figure that out" lol

Iv gotten: "Thats awsome"

Iv gotten: "I wish you had told me sooner"

Iv noticed that alot of my friends appologise right away for any gay jokes they have made that may have offended me. I always tell them that they havent, and I dont want them to act any different around me, after all you have to be able to laugh at yourself. Heck, I still make gay jokes.

meteast chick
Jan 17, 2007, 4:16 PM

my best friend and I are also first cousins, we discussed the possibility when we were in high school, so now that I'm nearly divorced with kids, I told her and she said 'God damn about time girl!'


well, my sister had the look of disappointment, which I hate. I'd rather have screaming than disappointment. Then after I told her I had a girlfriend, she told me 'You better not bring her around here!' I attribute this reaction to just that, a reaction, and I don't put much credence in it, but still, yeah, it sucked.

luv and kisses,

Jan 17, 2007, 4:23 PM
it all depends on the person you are coming out to, what their values are etc..

most of my coming out as bi and as trans has been via e-mail (most of my friends live too far to visit or even phone. some friends haven't replied to me yet.. they are probably taking their time to digest what i told them.

phone call with best friend (also ex girlfriend) went well last night. i knew she would understand as i know she also has some "alternative" sexual lifestyles..

mom postponed til tomorrow, but this will be one heck of an interesting face to face meeting..

should be scary but also facinating


Jan 17, 2007, 5:05 PM
I came out to only a few people - those who are actually likely to be directly affected by my bi-ness.
I don't wear it like a badge, but neither have I ever denied it.
The few women I told more or less said, "Ok, so what?" No big deal. (Tho I'm sure I was the subject of gossip - naturally! We're women!)
The worst initial reaction was from my hubby - silence and withdrawal till he dealt with it in his own way. It took a few days of me being in absolute limbo. That was bad.
Fortunately I've had no one tell me I'm evil or anything like that!

Jan 17, 2007, 7:38 PM
Thanks for all the responses guys, and the absolute best wishes, torontoguy!!

Jan 18, 2007, 12:57 PM
Iv also been doing alot of coming out lately. So far I havent had any terrable reactions. My worst was probably my parents b/c they didnt beleive me. Other then that its all been pretty good.

Iv gotten: "Well, no shit, I think you were the last one to figure that out" lol

Iv gotten: "Thats awsome"

Iv gotten: "I wish you had told me sooner"

Iv noticed that alot of my friends appologise right away for any gay jokes they have made that may have offended me. I always tell them that they havent, and I dont want them to act any different around me, after all you have to be able to laugh at yourself. Heck, I still make gay jokes.

I know what you mean. There's a few songs about Cashley Cole I sing with venom!