View Full Version : Wanted:Bi Pride graphics

little clown
Jan 16, 2007, 9:41 PM
Hi Folks!

First, I'd like to wish everyone here a fantastic year!
(Yes, I know it's a bit late for that, but I haven't been able to use the computer much since mid November and as they say, better late than never ..Right??)

I've got a Website with a bunch of bi pride graphics on it.
Last year, someone sent me a few bi pride logos by e-mail, and asked me if I'd put them on my site to help promote them.
I've create a separate page for this and I'd like to put a few more graphics on that have been made by others on there.

I've you've created a pretty and/or funny bi pride graphic/logo (preferably jpeg or gif format) that isn't too big, you can contact me about it, and I might put it on:


Your graphic/logo doesn't have to look sophisticated. My own stuff most definitely doesn't look sophisticated, because I don't have fancy software with which I can create high quality pictures.

Don't forget to let me know how I should credit you (e.g your real name or a nickname)!

I'm looking forward to seeing your creations!!


Jan 16, 2007, 10:33 PM
For those of us only able to speak english, what is the text on the graphics?

Jan 17, 2007, 10:30 AM
looked at your graphics and I like 'em. Keep up the good work!

little clown
Jan 18, 2007, 10:50 AM
Hi mannsyg, the text on the pictures that are on my "Other Bi Pride Graphics Page were made made by Germans.

"Bisexuelle sind Teil der Familie" means Bisexuals are part of the family.

Most of the graphics that I've made are in English.
There are only 4 exeptions. Two German ones and Two in Dutch.


100 biseksueel = 100% bisexual
biseksualiteit = bisexuality

(You didn't realy need me to translate that for you, huh? ;-)


Ich liebe es bi zu sein. = I love being bi.
Bi und stolz 'drauf. = Bi and proud of it.

Thanks for the compliment, AngelOfTheMystic!

Take care,

Jan 19, 2007, 6:53 AM
I love the design. especially love the gif that illustrates where the idea comes from.

By the way, when it comes to slogan's I saw a great one on a T-Shirt the other day..

No I'm Bisexual YOU'RE confused!



Jan 19, 2007, 12:08 PM
Very cool site

Izzfan :flag3: