View Full Version : Feeling Discouraged

Jan 11, 2007, 5:14 PM
I know that I have not been here for that long (7 months to be exact), and I know that finding someone that you are looking for takes time and patience, but lately I have been feeling like giving up and not bothering to try at all. See when I found out that I was bi my best friend also confessed that she was bi as well...and I think you know were it went from there! :drool: Well, a while back she came to me and told me that she is not going to acting on her bisexuality anymore (meaning she wasn't gonna be sleeping with girls anymore) and I was crushed. We are still good friends and I am greatful for that so that's why I came here 7 months ago...hopeing to find that special girl that I could share my love, and feelings, and life with. I have met some really great girls here, but all them are so far away from me or are not looking for what I am in a relationship. So needless to say I am discouraged that I destined to find that special someone. You guys have been so great to me sense I been here and I love you all so that's why I am coming to you guys now...what do you think I should do?? I am all out of ideas :(

Jan 11, 2007, 5:38 PM
Don't feel discouraged dear. At least you were able to enjoy her sexually for as long as you did and it sounds like you are still friends. As for finding someone else, just be patient. I have been bi-curious for many years. If it wasn't for Bisexual.com, I wouldn't have made the contacts I have now. Good Luck dear and be patient!

Jan 11, 2007, 6:36 PM
Hi Angel..

i think you are overreacting.. you are 24, happily married to a man, and seem quite capable of attracting women.. it's unfortunate that you haven't met the right woman in a long time, but the potential is still there.. you're young, healthy, attractive..

try to stay positive and keep putting yourself in places and positions where you may meet girls.. meanwhile, you still have your husband to love and enjoy sex with! that's better than nothing! plus, as Crown has mentioned, you've had some wonderful experiences already, so keep thinking about the good memories, and use them to fuel your fire and ambition to get another women..

i am 33, only had a few short relationships.. still a virgin.. i stuggle to even get a date with most people i like.. single and lonely for 99% of my life so far.. i often feel discouraged and depressed, but i haven't given up hope yet, ..and if i haven't given up yet, then you certainly shouldn't either!