View Full Version : parenting and sexuality

Long Duck Dong
Jan 10, 2007, 9:41 PM
lol without a doubt, this is the single greatest issue that people face, that have had me in fits of laughter and fits of rage as I try to counsel people

i know its rough on child and parents..sexuality is a differcult situation.... but its so hard to keep a neutral face when dealing with this issue

so i will address the parents first......

ok your child/ren may not have a heterosexual orientation.....its ok....it doesn't mean the end of the world.... please take the time to calm down and breath a lil

now... a different sexuality can impact in some areas of the family environment ... but you need to look at the situation and decide if its that bad that you need to rip the family apart.....and remember something.... sexuality doesn't change who the person is... your reaction does

beleive it or not some parents have refused to be proud of their kids...of what they have accomplished... cos of their sexuality....

imagine alexander the great's parents if they were born in the present time...
( he is regarded as gay / bi )......

they are sitting around the table....and he says.... mum, dad, I just conquered most of the world... with my armies...and i am not even 35......and the parents said, * so what... you are gay / bi, you will never amount to anything...

way to go parents.... lol .... what ????? alexander couldn't be a icon to millions cos of his sexuality ????.......a gay/ bi man can conquer the world....without needing to get it on with his armies.....sorry to tell you that... and alex proved it

Alan Mathison Turing, OBE... now thats a man that needs to be mentioned as a shining example of how sexuality can impact the world
In 1952, Turing was convicted of "acts of gross indecency" after admitting to a sexual relationship with a man in Manchester.

what is alan turings claim to fame??????
Turing is often considered to be the father of modern computer science.

imagine his parents in the present day...... mum, dad, I have just helped give birth to the modern computer science and it will change the world..... and his parents say.... so what... you don't have a wife that is giving birth..... you have accomplished nothing

sighs .... people use the net and computers to bash the hell outta alternative sexuality.... but its the alternative sexualities, that give them the unified world.. and the science of computers lol

try this one
Florence Nightingale Graham...lol...... doesn't ring a bell ???? try Elizabeth arden...... they are the same person and bisexual.....

this lady brought beauty in makeup form to the ladies.....and so much more......

imagine her parents...

elizabeth says, mum, dad, i am bringing beauty to the faces and smiles of women around the world....and her parents say, you are not bringing beautiful grand children to the dinner table.... thats not good enuf

roflmao... see why i can just love parents and sexuality..... a bisexual lady gives ladies the chance to look gorgeous.... even drag queens benefit..from the skill of elizabeth....

ok... back to the serious stuff.... lol

the hardest thing for your kids, in coming out to you, is gonna be your reaction to them.... and its either gonna hit them like a ton of bricks, or you are gonna accept them as ya children, regardless, and prove to them that you are some of the best parents in the world.... not perfect parents, cos we all screw up... but you have shown the love and accepting that you want your kids to have for others

alternative sexuality doesn't mean your children are broken.... or faulty....taking them to a psychologist or therapist, is not gonna improve the love and respect they have for you....and in some cases I firmly suggest that the parents are the ones that go get help

i remember one father, standing in my office swearing at me and abusing me.... telling me how dare his son be gay and that he was gonna go home and beat the gayness out of his son.....
I picked up the phone and handed him the phone.....and told him on no uncertain terms to ring a few numbers....for alcoholic counselling, drug abuse, spousal abuse, and a few other things....then I told the father that he had issues he needed to face before he could talk about others having issues
and just cos his father abused the hell outta him, didn't mean that it was right for him to abuse his son....and if he was truly the man i thought he was... he would not sit down in my office, but fuck off....and the next time I saw him....I didn't wanna see a changed man.... but a father and son together... 5 years later, I saw them again.... a family unit together... out at dinner....and the father shouted me a beer at the bar... and thanked me for changing his life.....i simply told him, no thanks needed.... but thank you for changing himself and becoming a father, partner and true gentleman......

on the other hand i have had a person in my office that screamed at me to make their parents accept their sexuality......i simply said to the person... do you accept that you parents still hold on tightly to their generation and how good it was back then... they said yes.....I then said, right, accept that, in their generation they were not faced with issues like yours.....they still have the door open for your in their house, and they are still your parents and loving you...... push them to change and you may lose the parents you love, and change them into something you may not be able to respect any more

did you know that parents are more likely to accept their children murdering somebody than accepting that their children are alternative sexualities......sad isn't it

parents, i can only voice my opinion that a parent is only as good as the love and support they give to their children....all the advice and talking and experience of a parent means nothing if you close the door when your children need you to be a loving mother and father.... you don't have to understand or accept the sexual choices.... just accept your child as your child when they need you the most

too many times i have dealt with parents that turn their back on their children cos of the small issue of sexuality..... a bisexual/gay/ lesbian didn't become your children, your children made a sexuality decision and did what any child wants to do... be open about it with the single greatest influence a person can have... their parents

now to the children..... finding out ya parents have gay/ les/ bi/ swinging tendencies... well... its a horrifying thought... ya parents are 40-50-60 years old, doing the funky chicken... the gum dance.... the sexual hokey tokey...

wanna hear a worst thought ???? ya parents were most likely gay/les/bi/ swingers when you were growing up at home...... scary isn't it......so you need to decide when you stop having sex, or sexual encounters cos it may traumatise your own children......so that means no sex after 30...... huh... what do I mean no sex after 30 ??? .....exactly what i said.... you are so traumatised by your parents actions that you better not do it to your own kids when you get older

now, forget your collage / uni degrees that ya parents helped pay for..... and all the years that they dealt with your teenager rebellion, your mischief etc.... and consider this..... ITS NOT HURTING YOU.....the bank is not gonna repossess your house..... or crash ya car..... or kidnap the cat and hold it to ransom.....cos of ya parents sex life and unless you are actively involved in their sex life... I am pretty damm sure that you didn't know about it until you either walked in on them or they told you

the only way its gonna affect you, is if ya parents separate and divorce thru the sexuality issue..... and its the separation and divorce that affects everybody, not just you....
but i wanna tell you something about your parents..... up until the 60's sexuality was so quiet that in most cases sexual passion didn't happen...there was passion.... but the idea of actual sexual expression was a scandal.... and your parents lived thru that......now they have a freedom to express themselves in a way, that you take for granted.....and you wanna take that away from them ????

imagine a world where the wife stayed at home, hand washing the clothes, cooking the dinner, doing the dishs, etc WITHOUT POWER.....without tv.... without a stereo...horrifying isn't it...... but that was their world..... something you take for granted..... and now you have all the mod cons of life, and near unlimited forms of expression....let your parents have theirs

its common to react in horror at the idea of ya parents doing the funky chicken at 60.... lol but try this.... imagine yaself doing the funk chicken at 60....it would be awesome to be doing it.....being in such good health that they can still share their feelings for each other

i know that people react in disgust at the idea of their parents having a sex life.... but a lot of them same people are the ones that are doing the same thing......and if you think that ya parents are disgusting for having les/gay/bi swinger sex... think about the fact that they also had you... and you turned out pretty damm good........ so wanna tell me again how much ya parents sex life have affected you.... cos all i am gonna say is if they didn't have a sexual life, you wouldn't be here

like the list of famous gay/les/bi people i posted up top earlier in the article..... many people say they are proud to be connected to them by birth and family connections.....and thats the way life works...... if you were related to alexander teh great thru generations... you would say... * holy shit I'm related to alex *.... and you wouldn't say * holy shit... i'm related to a bisexual/gay guy that lead a army and beat most of the world into submission *
why ??? cos the sexuality is not important.... and the same applies to ya parents lol

one of your parents shining achievements is you.... one of the other ones, is a multiple orgasm with the couple next door........what one had the greatest impact on your life..... you being born or a sexual encounter you didn't know about ???? lol

now for my dr phil impression lol

being a family is differcult... and we find that even as a family we are not always seeing eye to eye on issues..... thats where communication is good.... but understanding how our reaction will affect other, is very important.....
taking time is the key to dealing with most issues in the family home...... making snap decisions and judgements is a recipe for regret and apologies..... turn misgivings into a giving of thanks for the uniqueness of each family member.... remember the most diverse environment can be in our own homes... and that can prepare us for the outside world.......

( is the camera off ?? ... GOOD )... i could kill for a cold one..... and damm my crotch is itchy... my underpants are crawling up my ass crack...and i swear that last person cut the cheese.....damm... its too bloody hard to be mr nice on tv.... I think i am gonna go ring oprah and talk dirty for a while... just don't let my life know.....huh...what ... the microphones still on ?????

Jan 11, 2007, 4:42 PM
A wonderfully humerous look at what is an intensely sensitive problem.
Thanks for raising it.

This will impact on my family soon.
I have 2 daughters 13 and 16 (going on 30 that one)
I am bi. I am a "practising" bi. (I do not "practise" with friends or anywhere near home)
I am out to my husband, 1 sibling and a few friends. I never deny my situation, if asked.
I am not out to my daughters. The older one has suspicions.
And of course children predicate their whole sexual understandings on the fact their parents DON'T have sex lives. :eek: :eek:

Maybe I am like the ostrich with its head in the sand. But there will have to come a time when Mummy's occasional behaviours will have to be explained.

A time I dread.

Jan 11, 2007, 11:29 PM
Funny it was easies to come out to my mom/sister since she is bi. She helped me come out to my best friend(and others) and if she hadn't i wouldn't be married to a wonderful woman and have three kids. i hope it's just as easy for my kids to talk to me about their sexuality and things of that manner with me someday. But I had had a hard time coming out to my grandparents/parents b/c they have very weird views of sexuality so I can see where yall are coming from. i did feel better once i told them. :female: :three: :female: :three: :female:

Jan 12, 2007, 11:14 AM
Funny it was easies to come out to my mom/sister since she is bi. She helped me come out to my best friend(and others) and if she hadn't i wouldn't be married to a wonderful woman and have three kids. i hope it's just as easy for my kids to talk to me about their sexuality and things of that manner with me someday. But I had had a hard time coming out to my grandparents/parents b/c they have very weird views of sexuality so I can see where yall are coming from. i did feel better once i told them. :female: :three: :female: :three: :female:

What do you mean by mom/sister? No judgement from me mind.

Jan 13, 2007, 7:00 PM
Kids dont even know or care about there parents sexual orientation,at least till they are at best teenagers,as i bi male father of a 2 year old son i have to say my sexuality will have no bearing on his upbringing
Are you a parent longduckdong?

Long Duck Dong
Jan 13, 2007, 8:49 PM
mmm i will disagree there punk.... simply cos i counsel teens and pre teens that are aware of their parents sexuality,,, so i am working in a field in which I am seeing the stuff that I am writing about

a number of cases of school bullying have been confirmed as a result of the parents sexuality....lesbian / gay parents.... and the children have been pre teens...and that is one area that sexuality in the family home, can impact on the children... however in 95% of those cases, the media is mainly to blame for the sexuality becoming a known issue

however, I am curious as to how your sexuality would impact on a 2 year old...when a 2 year old is generally not aware of the ennuedos of sexual behievour

the article is about the areas of sexuality in the family home, and how its easy for it to become a complicated and differcult situation... which happens..... but it takes into account that not all families are the same... each family is unique.....

Jan 13, 2007, 9:10 PM
Hey long duck, my sexuality will not affect my son,he is just a little boy
and i hope he has his own mind.But he is only 2

Long Duck Dong
Jan 13, 2007, 9:54 PM
punk i do apologise, i reread my post and realised how it came across...

what i WAS referring to with your son and yourself, was a positive thing.... like as a bi male father role model.....you are in a prime position to teach your son about alternative sexualities... and being more accepting and understanding.....if you so wish...

the remarks about the school bullying etc, was in regards to your remark about most children not knowing or caring about their parents sexuality until they are teens.....when in fact there is proof to the contrary... most school bullying about *out* or * outed * parents starts about the age of 6-8