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View Full Version : two very different cultures...

Jan 9, 2007, 5:08 PM
it's amazing how ignorant we all can get at times of isolation. things do not always appear as obvious as they really are until one day you just wake up and realize it is all there and very real too. I've recently been to Sweden (I'm half greek and half swedish but currently live in Greece). I hadn't been there since I moved away from there when i was 14 ( now I'm 19). Alot of things hadn't changed. Compared to greece, sweden is pretty dull when it comes to scenery and sociable people. In greece things are more relaxed when going out, and as a teenager legal drugs like alcohol are not abused to the same level as they are in sweden, due to the unenforced age restriction the drug appears less attractive.
However, if you look closer at the swedes way of living, if you go beneath the surface and actually hang out with some young people, this view quickly changes. same sex relationships are viewed as a taboo here in greece, which has haunted me for the last 5 years and cause alot of depression. At one point I even thought that I'd never experience happiness in the form of acceptance and freedom.
I went out to some random bar in the center of Malmo (my home town in sweden) with some friends of my cousin's. A few beers and the mood got extremely relaxed. A turned around at one point and this girl asked if she could get a kiss. Sure why not, one thing led to another as we entered an extensive make-out session. about 30 min after having finnished, this emo looking guy comes in and says hi to the group and then kisses the girl i've just had fun with. Oh damn i thought. haha yea right nothing to worry bout. The guy sits down and at one point asks if he can kiss me, ha apparently wanted to know how it feels to kiss a greek guy. So i did. i expected people to turn around and have those typical faces i recognize from greece. BUT NOONE DID ( n this was not a gay bar). After i got back to greece i spoke to my cousin over the phone and we talked about the night. She laughed and said it was funny what i had done and explained lots of people do that just for the heck of it. wow i thought thats new. She also said alot of the guy, who i thought were really attractive, usually do that but do not engage in relationships with other guys.

So conclusion here :tong: It is more open midned over there. but why do they do it if they do not go further with it. If i made otu with a guy i like, id probably eventually grow to like himn alot... but id just b make out candy?
Well i prefer that compared to exile in greece.

Does anyone else have experience of culture differences in the context of bisexuality?

lots of love to you all out there :bipride:

//Amphi boy