View Full Version : Have U Ever Truly Loved a Bi or Gay M

Jan 4, 2007, 5:57 PM
Having been in love with women and married in my past I also have come to realize that I have been Deeply in love with a few men in my life as well.

In many respects....it has been more intense than even my love for my wife when i was married. Oddly enough....my most intense love is for a coulple of straight male friends i know for whom my heart yearns to be with :)...and i don't mean in just a sexual way :)

I guess the total 100% honestly I have shared with my gay or bi lovers has allowed me to connect on a deep level that exceeds anything i have felt...even when married :)

I am not asking about men you have an intense attraction for....but true passionate romantic love :)

I have loved men....and someday....who knows..maybe i will be with one forever :)

Just wanted to know who of you out there has loved men.....not just for their sexual attributes, but for who they are and how they make you feel :)

Jan 4, 2007, 8:01 PM
I love my husband that way. Even though he doesn't share any of the physical attributes that my "dream" man would have, I think he's perfect. I can't imagine being seriously involved with anyone else.

When we met, I was just getting out of a bad relationship, I actually told him "I wouldn't care if you were the son of God himself, I would not be interested in a relationship right now." And he said "okay, I'll wait. Until you're ready, can we be friends? I want you in my life" Needless to say, I couldn't hold out for long against that. We were engaged within 2 months.

We've been together for 4 years, married for 1 1/2, and I've never regretted a second of it. Even when he's getting on my nerves somehow, I still love him so much. He is mellow and supportive and warm and caring and he knows when to laugh at me and when to keep quiet. In 4 years, we've only had one true argument.

In fact, he's the only thing that makes it hard for me to be bi. Even though he wants me to be me, and he's okay with me wanting to have sex with other women (I daresay, he's even pleased ), I can't help but feel like that's not fair to him (or to the woman who can't have my heart because it's all his). :confused:

Jan 4, 2007, 10:52 PM
Yes I have loved men.
I'd say even more than how I've loved women in the past.

Jan 4, 2007, 11:25 PM
:smirlove2 The first guy I went with when I was just beginning to realize my bisexuality -- I loved alot. We used to go out on the beach at night and make out.He was a truly gentle and kind black man and he taught me many things. Sex with him would have been more if I hadn't had such a hard time accepting my attraction to men as well as women in those days...

Jan 5, 2007, 3:23 AM
Hmmmmm... Well being a bi male...and truly loving myself in all ways possible I'd have to say yes...but it took a long time to understand and realize both.

Ambi :)

Jan 5, 2007, 3:58 AM
I know the feeling of loving someone that you know there can be no physical relationship with. I live with a gay man and we are closer than most people in a "normal" relationship. We have a connection on a much deeper level than one that is physical. There was even a time when we thought we could have a physical relationship but, despite all the desire to have him, I decided it would change the dynamic of what we have. Some days I wish I didn't love him because I know that in the end one of us is going to get hurt when the other person finds someone.

Jan 5, 2007, 12:55 PM
I am in love with a bi male and this is a first for me.
The great thing is that I am also bi and we understand the attraction we feel to the same sex.
I can be myself around him and visa versa. We have some in depth conversations regarding how the "normal" society view us.
We do look for friends that are bi to share friendship and other experiences with.
Contrary to people's beliefs in our sexual preferences, we are not predators or promiscuious.
We consult eachother we feel the need to be someone else and always stay honest with eachother.
Do I make any sense?
lol :bipride:

Jan 5, 2007, 11:44 PM
When I decided I was ready to remarry last year, I specifically went looking for a bi man as my final life's partner.

I've been part of a circle of bi men for the past 10+ years and found this is where I connect the best.

My Ken came into my life in March of last year, and we married in July. Loving him, being loved by him .....it's the best.

Jan 6, 2007, 1:12 AM
No i have never been in love with a man, at least not in a sexual way.
Men that i have loved are varied,some being mentors while others are friends that i cannot help but love from there kindness and honest help they give me.
Im not sure what love is.
Ok i do but i just find it hard to just give it away,it makes me feel naked in some way.
Love is to weird a topic to post.

Jan 6, 2007, 1:54 AM
During my adult life, I have been "in love" with two men. The only problem was, neither was Bi or Gay. I sure know how to pick them! :banghead: - Dave

Jan 6, 2007, 2:38 PM
During my adult life, I have been "in love" with two men. The only problem was, neither was Bi or Gay. I sure know how to pick them! :banghead: - Dave

I know how you feel. It seems that EVERYONE men or women I'm attracted to, have a crush on, are entirely unatainable. They are either married, have a boyfriends, girlfriends, or supposedly straight. I have been deeply in love with man and was with him for quite a few years. It was great and I wouldn't trade it for anything. :2cents:

Jan 7, 2007, 3:02 AM
yes, two men; my first was in college, god did i love him! never a moment went by that i did not think of him, want him, wasnt consumed by him. the time came to go our different paths; i never felt such pain, not in the physical or mental sense, but something that hurt so much, i wanted nothing to do with anyone else.

the other was my last; i had always thought that you never had a second chance at that type of passionate love, but some how i lucked out. for 14 years we shared our passion, then he went with his wife to live out in montana; he died one night, alone, in the icy cold waters of a river, and the only person that could have helped abandoned him. when i found out, that same pain came back, only deeper, longer, and still has never left me.