View Full Version : First experience and thank you...

Jan 3, 2007, 1:07 PM
First off I want to thank everyone here. I've been reading the forum for a couple months now and seem to have found people who I can relate to. It has helped me explore and be comfortable with who I am.

I've been talking to my wife about everything for over a decade (but mostly the last year) and we recently hooked up with a male friend of ours - and it was one of the most erotic experiences in both of our lives. I loved watching her with him and she thought she was going to be okay with watching he and I together, but when it was all done, she was blown away with how hot it was watching the two of us go at it (and wants that to continue).

I feel like a very blessed man. I respect my wife so much for walking this road with me and I am blown away by her openness. I have been open with her and she understands my desires and respects them as I do hers. I had questions if I'm bi and maybe still do, but what's fun is she hopes I am because then I can bring home hot men (and I love the hetero aspect more than the homosexual of the threesome - but both were so awesome) :bigrin:

Thank you again to all here and I will probably need to be posting here in the future to keep my head on straight (or whatever ;) )

Jan 3, 2007, 3:51 PM
Thats great to hear. Im glad you have such a great relationship and get to start trying all new things! Im happy that we could help you out. :)

Jan 4, 2007, 4:14 PM
You are a lucky man! I wish you all the best.


Jan 4, 2007, 10:15 PM
Congratulations! It is great to know that you and your spouse are finding pleasure and fulfillment together. I am also very lucky in that my spouse is supportive and finds my preferences natural and a good thing. I hope that your experiences continue on the positive side!
Have fun and be safe!

Jan 6, 2007, 1:16 PM
Glad to meet another guy with the same kinda wife as I have. My wife feels the same as yours. Damn, we are lucky sons-of-a-bitches, ain't we.

Jan 6, 2007, 1:19 PM
Congratulations. My GF is willing to do a three-way but we haven't found a male or female partner yet. How did you broach the subject with your male friend?

Jan 6, 2007, 1:35 PM
Wish you lived closer. You sound like a marvelous couple to entertain with private pleasures. There is no getting around it. 3-somes has some moves that cann't be duplicated in nay other combination. There are some suggestions on this site I think under Articles.

Jan 6, 2007, 1:43 PM
Great for you! I remember coming out when I was in in high school and my mother freaked. She is alright with it now, but having support can make a big difference. I am thankful that I have a loving husband that let's me be who I am and likes that side of me. Good luck in all your future endevors!